“Why do you care about those people?”

“Why do you care about THOSE people”?

What are your thoughts when you face that question?

WHAT Do YOU Care About?

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Cycles are common to all things…

It happened to the “savages”…
It happened to the “primitives”…
It happened to the “natives”…
It happened to the “slaves”…
It happened to the “foreigners”…
It happened to the “poor”…
It happened to the “strangers”…
It happened to the “enemy”…

If it is allowed to continue, it will happen to you.

Realize the rape, murder, segregation, violence, and cruelty heaped upon communities in the past is continuing today.
Many past luminaries have spoken of this to the populous and to the “The Powers That Be” (TPTB).
Masses of people have fled in hopes of finding safe haven.
We know of this in the past as many fled to the Americas in hope.
Revolutionary wars were waged for Liberty.
Yet, again we find the problems persist today.
Most visible today in the Middle-East, but symptoms exist in all nations on Earth.

I see me in them.
I see them in me.
I see the connection.
I see our family of life.

This lower cycle will yield to the next higher cycle of maturity and awareness emerging from our global heart and consciousness.
The Global Dialogue will Amplify the call.
There is no where on Earth to run or hide.
Continuing the wars in hope for liberty and peace is futile.
This is the time for global awareness with a shift in global consciousness.
We collectively face the shadow we cast and embrace each other within peaceful hearts.

It is futile to attempt to change external conditions without first changing inner thoughts.
Any apparent change would be but a fleeting wispy mirage and certainly not a fundamental shift.
One have no further to look than to the protests of the 1960’s and into the 1970’s.
Apartheid, segregation, poverty, wars and the chains of obedience continues today. Most notably in Palestine, but with greater awareness one sees it in all nations in year 2012.

Writing it on paper is but a reminder,
writing it as law leads to prisons and hiding,
yet writing in your heart and consciousness will manifest the profound.
I sense we are the HEART of TRANSITION.
WE, the people, are the change we have been looking for.

Recall, “There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle.”

“Whatsoever you do to the least of these my brothers and sisters, that you do unto me.”

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”


Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
10 comments on ““Why do you care about those people?”
  1. […] I Have experienced several connections to people who have transitioned this temporal realm we are ex… […]


  2. […] I see me in them. I see them in me. I see the connection. I see our family of life. ~Ron: Why Do You care? […]


  3. […] trials to remedy the harm and hold the people responsible for their actions. I have heard the speaking spirits. […]


  4. […] Control, Fraud, and Threats. Many thanks to Ken from RedefiningGod.com and others who share in the global dialogue. ~Ron […]


  5. RonMamita says:

    Reblogged this on Ronmamita's Blog and commented:

    The wars have been escalating, at least since September 11, 2001 no abatement to the war on terror.
    No, instead we witness market volatility, currency wars, Trade wars, and greater instability as institutional governance continues on its destructive path. That path leads to mass arrests and a repeat of past atrocities…


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