Repeated betrayals of TRUST.

2 Betrayal of trust

“The glue that holds all relationships together – including the relationship between the leader and the led – is trust, and trust is based on integrity.” – Brian Tracy

The system, the meme, and institutions can not exist without trust and belief from the people.
The currencies of nations have no value without the trust and belief of the people.
The banks, governments and all social contrivances would cease to exist without the belief from the people.
Perhaps this fundamental truth is why monuments, temples, and colossal edifices are constructed not by the people but by officials within the establishment or with the funding from them.
Instilling fear, tradition, long lasting authoritative power as solid as granite, marble, and stone.
A grand symbol of stability and knowledge.
But it merely covers an illusion and is a facade.

Can you imagine a flag flown overhead each national farm, orderly, well kept and managed for maximum profits?

Can you imagine a flag flown overhead each national farm, orderly, well kept and managed for maximum profits?


Repeated betrayals of TRUST.
1 Betrayal of trust
1 Rothschild
President Nixon gives farewell speech to White House staff, 9 August 1974
Repeated betrayals of TRUST.


1 Ford Money revolution
Repeated betrayals of TRUST.

Repeated betrayals of TRUST.
wtc-7 PULL IT!

In a conversation in the Pentagon with governor Jesse Ventura, she was questioned as to why there was such a time crunch, why the Commission was under-funded, and why they received little cooperation from the White House.  As part of this line of questioning, she made the following statements:

Janice Kephart:
“We only had to do subpoenas in a couple of different areas.”

Jesse Ventura:
“Subpoenas would be required in this investigation.  Why would someone in government not want to come and tell you what they know when 3,000 people were murdered that day?”

Janice Kephart:
“Because it’s always about protection of the institution in the end.”

Unequivocally, and without denial, we have a counsel from the 9/11 Truth Commission openly admitting that the reason why certain enormously important questions were not asked, and why certain leads were not followed, was to protect the institution, i.e. the government.  This then raises a whole new question:  What was it exactly that needed to be protected?  If in fact all of the events of that day truly played out in the way that we have been led to believe, then the institution itself should have nothing to hide.

Repeated betrayals of TRUST.

JFK and RFK-AssassinationsRepeated betrayals of TRUST.
Repeated betrayals of TRUST.
01 Jul Rot spreads
Repeated betrayals of TRUST.
Repeated betrayals of TRUST.
rob a bank is to own one
Repeated betrayals of TRUST.
war is a racket bookcover
Repeated betrayals of TRUST...

They (officials in institutions) do not deserve your TRUST and obedience, they continue to dishonor their oaths, slogans, and your trust.

Isn’t it time to govern yourself?

Be your own bank and your own governor.

You have a personal responsibility before using arms to injure or kill; why would you blindly obey a proven untrustworthy institution to take arms and harm people in a war?
Is a paycheck, patriotism and false belief all it takes to convince you to follow orders?

You are valuable and creative.
Empower yourself and the healing remedies will manifest.


Ready To Change The Script?

Global Dialogue: PUBLIC RECORD

Global Dialogue: “The Re-Purposing”

Sadness: The Illusionists Casting Spells

GlaxoSmithKline Admits Bribery!

SPY vs SPY and LIE vs LIE

Kim Hagstrom: Accessing Your Value

Kiri from New Zealand Deposited $15M of Her Value Into Her Local Bank

American Businessman has a Message To Share





Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
22 comments on “UNWORTHY of TRUST
  1. […] violations are no Accidents: Political Assassinations, Contract Hits, Wars, Paid Mercenaries, Military Contractors, Drone Killings, and […]


  2. […] People protested and resisted. These are terrible corporate-government policies and symptoms of governmental monetary criminality, economic instability and sickness. However there are unknowns hidden from this discussion, such […]


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