Regulations: HFT, CISPA, and Internet Controls are ‘REALLY’ For Public Safety…

Reported two years ago, 09/01/2011
“Reuters reports that U.S. securities regulators have “taken the unprecedented step of asking high-frequency trading firms to hand over the details of their trading strategies, and in some cases, their secret computer codes.” As everyone knows, the only thing of value within the sub-penny scalping HFT universe are the odd nuances in computer code. Which is why its supreme and undisputed secrecy is sacrosanct. As soon as anyone, especially a regulator, has a whiff of understanding how any given algorithm works, it becomes the equivalent of collapsing the wave function: observing the HFT theft-scalping duality in action eliminates the Schrodinger equation associated with any simplistic algo and collapses its “wave function” to a worthless series of ones and zeros.” – ZeroHedge

High Frequency Trading – Regulators Seek Secret HFT Codes

ZeroHedge was correct to be alarmed, but may have failed to guess correctly the true need for these codes for hidden agendas. Since that time in 2011 we have witnessed many electronic glitches and continue to see evidence of manipulative HFTs in the markets…
WHO, today, can trust the government?
What institution is worthy of blind trust and loyalty?
Do you still BELIEVE regulatory organizations are protecting the public?

Do You Remember this?

CISPA is expected to be re-introduced, again.

Just waiting for the right crisis and emergency to assure its passage…

Institutions are so GREAT, so very SMART, aren’t they?!

EMERGENCY UPDATE Alert; It’s Not A Coincidence, It’s Not A Glitch

By V, Steve

For many months I have been warning that there will be a banking/financial cyber attack that will put the economy on it’s back. This was one of the scenarios that the banksters have been wargaming/simulating for years.
Over the last few weeks we have seen massive interruptions from online banking to exchanges shutting down for hours at time. This is not just a mere coincidence, when one takes into account the large scale of these disruptions. It becomes clear that something is fundamentally wrong.

I became privy to it once it was revealed to me that not only are the banks open to it, but that they are doing nothing to prevent it. No real investments nothing in protecting vital banking infrastructure. I have in past alerts notified many as to the hacks that have siphoned billions from investors/depositors.

From payroll problems in the private sector to now the very same issues affecting the public/federal sector. This problem seems to be mounting and I believe the culprits are two fold.

One, there is an anomaly that is moving through the system. This is causing an incredible amount of “glitches” and fail safes to trigger. This is true and it is happening. Time will tell what this anomaly is though followers of this site and of mine know what it really is.

Two, the sudden issues in exchanges as well as payroll are symptomatic of the massive liquidity crisis that we are facing. I have illustrated to many over the months the absolute insolvency of the US financial system. I have documented many of the biggest banks in this country are borrowing as little as $10,000 from the FED window as they simply are short and do not have the funds to pay their expenses.

Add all this and the continued bellicose musings/rants from the politicians in this country of now wanting to attack Iran and we can see where this is all going. Whatever manifests in the next few weeks is something that is the progeny of NOT one event but multiple. A flock of Black Swans are looking to nest where an Eagle once flew.
This is your last warning–V-


The governments and bankers really want us to believe them?
They really want us to trust them?
They really said Terrorist Cyber Attack on the Exchanges caused a global financial crisis?

Creativity, Copyleft and Freedom


Institutional Reports

Pension Funds: Someone, or everyone IS LYING



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
5 comments on “Regulations: HFT, CISPA, and Internet Controls are ‘REALLY’ For Public Safety…
  1. RonMamita says:

    Built-in backdoor: German govt warns of significant Windows 8 security danger

    Leaked documents from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) indicate that the organization has become suspicious of Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology built into an increasing number of Windows 8 PCs and tablets.

    Documents uncovered and leaked by German news outlet Zeit Online found that the German Ministry of Economic Affairs was displaying significant unease with the combined technologies, suggesting the possibility that a backdoor could be created for further covert NSA surveillance operations.

    The backdoor in question would allow Microsoft to control the computer remotely. “Trusted Computing,” a method developed and promoted by the Trusted Computing Group, is nothing new – fears were being aired over its capabilities and potential as early its founding in 1999.

    TPM appeared in 2006 as security technology. However, version 2.0 would implant a chip on every single PC, allowing it to control which programs could and couldn’t be executed because under Windows 8, there is no override. The users thus basically surrender control over their computers.

    One of the documents retrieved by Zeit Online found that BSI stated that “unconditional, complete confidence” in Trusted Computing by stipulations of TPM 2.0 was not possible. Trusted Computing cultivated specifications for how the chip would work with operating systems.

    Another document from early 2012 mourned the fact that “due to the loss of full sovereignty over the information technology, the security objectives of ‘confidentiality’ and ‘integrity’ can no longer be guaranteed.”

    While not fully clear on the specifics, the documents appear to indicate that the NSA had some form of representation at the TCG meetings – during which German officials were also present – saying that they were in favor of leaving the technology in its existing state, without any changes being necessary. This suggests that the NSA does not see TPM 2.0 as hindering its operations.

    A Snowden leak from July this year showed how Microsoft worked hand-in-hand with the United States government in order to allow federal investigators to bypass encryption mechanisms meant to protect the privacy of millions.

    Penton’s Windows IT Pro trade publication pointed out that Zeit Online “seem[ed] to be using a bit of imagination to connect the dots and maybe the German government has other ideas.”

    In a press statement released late Wednesday, the BSI insisted that “From the perspective of the BSI, the use of Windows 8 in combination with a TPM 2.0 is accompanied by a loss of control over the operating system and the hardware used.”


  2. Reblogged this on Spartan of Truth and commented:
    Thanks Ron, I believe the Internet is our most valuable tool right now and must be protected at all costs. When you wrap it all up with the financial market theft, this smells like a set up! “We’ll save you from those corrupt bankers, but it will cost you your internet freedoms and liberty”


    • RonMamita says:

      Without a doubt this is a very global setup that will fail.
      But they are afraid and they will attempt the most terrifying acts to maintain their system of control. Ready, Set, False-flag FAIL!
      The Global financial system – Military – Corporate governance – Commerce – Public opinion/Mind control & Media outlets were their tools and in their desperation they need mass terror to implement their institutional plans.
      I have felt constraining, dark energy this week and sense a BIG catastrophic event is imminent.
      Our LOVING focused intentions are called upon with the knowing that energy abundance is universal.
      ♥ We are Creative and Eternal …


      • I feel it also. My hours at work got cut, no real security with any career. In the background, you can feel it. Something needs to give, it’s been said that the equinox on the 22nd is when the event will happen…

        I’m not focused on catastrophe though, only relief for everybody so the healing can begin.


        • RonMamita says:

          I also strive to focus on solutions and personal creativity., However the beast is a predator & Parasite collection of dark forces and my awareness increases in the sharing of information. Speaking of sharing I’ll be posting a report on the upcoming planned “downed power grid” drills/simulation for possible both physical and cyber attacks. Yet another potential false-flag event Nov. 13-14


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