May 1st, a Global Day Of Resistance

Sword of TRUTH

Sword of TRUTH

Does not matter if you are discovering this after May 1st 2014.


The objective has been amplified each first day of May for several years now.
“The Truth shall make you Free.” -John 8:32
The objective still exists: STOP FEEDING The BEAST.
Stop Supporting the Global System of Debt Slavery.
Remove Your Trust in their institutions of authority and policy makers.


Realize the mandatory taxation, rape, murder, segregation, violence, and cruelty heaped upon communities in the past is continuing today.
Many past luminaries have spoken of this to the populous and to the “The Powers That Be” (TPTB).
Masses of people have fled in hopes of finding safe haven.
We know of this in the past as many fled to the Americas in hope.
Revolutionary wars were waged for Liberty.
Yet, again we find the problems persist today.
Most visible today in the Middle-East, but symptoms exist in all nations on Earth.
It happened to the “savages”…
It happened to the “primitives”…
It happened to the “natives”…
It happened to the “slaves”…
It happened to the “foreigners”…
It happened to the “poor”…
It happened to the “strangers”…
It happened to the “enemy”…

If it is allowed to continue, it will happen to you.

I see me in them.
I see them in me.
I see the connection.
I see our family of life.
~Ron: Why Do You care?


MAYDAY! May 1, 2012

L O V E as an acronym?

A Bouquet of Diversity

This Is The Era, You Are The Solution, The Time Is Now

World Trend: Sharp Dose of “Smelling Salts”

Here is The Developing Story

To cut off your chains you must first see them

REMEMBER, Remember, remember…



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
6 comments on “May 1st, a Global Day Of Resistance
  1. RonMamita says:

    The Geneva Business Insider

    Interview 871 – Geneva Business Insider with David Smith
    Posted 30 April 2014 [local: 1 May 2014]by Corbett
    David L. Smith of the Geneva Business Insider joins us once again to discuss the latest in economics, finance, geopolitics and society. This month we tackle the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and how it will inevitably backfire on the EU and the US, the so-called European recovery, and the European immigration issue.


    Russia’s South Stream pipeline splits EU energy policy
    EU companies warn policymakers against Russian sanctions
    ECB Gets Mixed Inflation Signals as Draghi Considers QE
    The Great Decoupling: How the West is Engineering its Own Downfall
    Rating agencies buy into euro zone recovery story
    S&P Downgrades Russia to BBB-Minus, One Notch Above Junk
    EU edges closer to free movement solution with Switzerland

    Anonymous: MayDay 2014: WORLDWIDE RESISTANCE

    Posted 26 April 2014

    Citizens from around the world, we are Anonymous.

    We hereby call forth this May 1st, a Global Day Of Resistance.

    We call upon every person, in every nation, every state, city, county, and street, to Unite, and to rise up.
    And to take back the public commons from the oppressors.

    March the streets, occupy the public space; be free and reclaim your rights as human beings.
    Become part of a world-wide Global Spring;
    Many events are currently moving, and this May 1st is the perfect moment to make those movements go even farther.
    In fact, the list of movements and events circling around the world are endless, and each corner the concerned citizen faces, needs much needed attention.

    May 1st, is a declaration of priorities, and our priority, in current society, should not be to keep a broken system running.

    On May 1st, let us shake the world and the very foundations of all power and authority.

    Anonymous will use all the tools at our disposal to facilitate and encourage this, Global Day of Awakening.

    The internet is a vital tool of open means of communications towards connecting the 99%.

    Furthermore, physical actions need to take its rise. The mental awakening has passed.

    Hence, we are tired of having activists, journalists, and concerned citizens around the world get hunted, jailed, and abused.

    We are tired of watching our own fall.

    We are tired of banks, corporations, and it’s figureheads, deciding the outcome of a country, when it should be the people who decide their countries history.

    We stand alongside the occupy movement, we stand with them in this fight. This is a call of general strike; against the 1%
    We ask the citizens of all nations to refrain from banks, to refrain from shopping, to boycott films, music, video games and others of category.

    The 1% need to realize the essential, and that essential, is that without the 99%, without us; they are nothing.

    We encourage the citizens of all nations to both organize and plan this week, and to execute their movements on May 1st.

    This is a shout of may day

    Spread this message. Distribute through social media. Post it to your blog. And mirror it on YouTube, Vimeo, and other video platforming sites.

    1 week from today, we will show the world that unity is not dead.

    Anonymous will stand with our freedom fighters from all over the world, and in unity, raise our fist to the sky and shout:

    We Are Not Afraid!

    We are Anonymous.
    We are Legion.
    We do not Forgive.
    We do not Forget.

    United as One, divided by zero.
    Expect us.


    Borgere fra hele verden, vi er Anonymous.

    Vi vil herved gjøre denne 1. mai til en global motstandsdag.

    Vi oppfordrer hver person, i enhver nasjon, hver stat, by, fylke, og gate ,om å samle dere, og reise dere.
    Og ta tilbake det offentlige rom fra undertrykkerne.

    Marsjer i gatene, okkuper det offentlige rom; vær fri og gjenvinn dine rettigheter som menneske.

    Bli en del av den verdensomspennende Globale våren;

    Mange hendelser er for tiden i bevegelse, og den 1. mai er det perfekte øyeblikket til å få disse hendelsene til å gå enda lenger.

    Faktisk er listen over bevegelser og hendelser rundt om i verden uendelige, og hvert for hvert hjørne bekymrede borgere står overfor, trenges det sårt tiltrengt oppmerksomhet.

    1. mai er en erklæring om prioriteringer, og vår egen prioritet, i dagens samfunn, og ikke for å holde et ødelagt system i drift.

    På 1. mai, la oss ryste verden og selve grunnlaget for all makt og myndighet.

    Anonymous vil bruke alle verktøyene til rådighet for å legge til rette for og oppmuntre til dette, en Global dag for oppvåkning.

    Internett er et viktig verktøy for opprettholde kommunikasjon mot oss, 99 %.
    (Red anm: 99% = vi som ikke er “Eliten”)

    Videre må nå fysiske tiltak til.
    Den mentale oppvåkning er forbi.

    Derfor er vi lei av å ha aktivister, journalister og bekymrede borgere rundt om i verden som blir jaget, fengslet og mishandlet.

    Vi er lei av å se på vårt egen undergang.

    Vi er lei av at banker, bedrifter, og deres frontmenn, bestemmer utfallet for et land, når det skal være folket som bestemmer sitt lands historie.

    Vi står sammen med Occupy-bevegelsen, vi står med dem i denne kampen.
    Dette er en oppfordring til generalstreik; mot de som utgjør 1%

    (Red anm: 1% = “Eliten”)

    Vi ber innbyggere i alle land til å avstå fra å bruke banker, avstå fra shopping, boikott filmer, musikkindustrien, dataspill og annet som hører inn under dette.

    Det er viktig at de som er de 1 % forstår hva som er avgjørende, nemlig at uten oss, de 99 %, er de er ingenting.

    Vi oppfordrer innbyggerne i alle nasjoner til både organisere og planlegge denne uken, og til å utføre sine handlinger (avstå fra shopping, boikott filmer, musikkindustrien, dataspill) den 1. mai.

    Dette er et rop på denne mai dagen.

    Spre denne meldingen.Distribuer den gjennom sosiale medier.Post det på bloggen din. Og speil den på YouTube, Vimeo, og andre videonettsteder.

    En uke fra i dag, vil vi vise verden at samholdet ikke er dødt.

    Anonymous vil stå med våre frihetskjempere fra hele verden, og samlet heve vår knyttneve mot himmelen og rope:

    Vi er ikke redde!

    Vi er Anonymous.

    Vi er Legionen

    Vi tilgir ikke.

    Vi glemmer ikke.

    Samlet som én, delt av ingen.

    Forvent oss!


  2. Leslie Kay says:

    ronmamita: Do you have any live stream links for any May Day protests in the US today? I am not able to find them. Thank you for your work. Leslie


    • RonMamita says:

      Here are a few reports being posted on the internet:
      1. Demonstrators Call Out for Justice Against Building Developers Engaged in Wage Theft and Other Abuses:

      Who: Iron Workers New York District Council; New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Alliance for a Greater New York; Northern Manhattan Coalition For Immigrant Rights; Make the Road New York; AFSCME; United Federation of Teachers; Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater NY and others

      What: Rally and information session to protest wage theft and unfair working conditions at New York Hoist, New York Plank, U.S. Crane and Rigging and related companies.

      When: Thursday May 1st, at 12 Noon.

      Where: 33 Beekman Street, New York, NY

      2. Kingston May Day Collective:
      When: Thursday, May 1, 2014
      Hours: 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
      Where: McBurney Park, Kingston, K7K1J6

      3. Seattle News:–257452261.html
      Reports from Washington State about concerns today’s schedule of protests
      “Threats to Seattle police discovered ahead of May Day”
      “Traffic disruptions expected
      The official May Day march will gather at Judkins Park in the Central District of downtown Seattle at 3pm on Thursday.
      Marchers will continue north on 20th Avenue South, then turn west on S. Jackson Street, north on Boren Avenue, and west onto Madison Street.
      It will then finish north on Fourth Avenue toward Pine Street until it ends at Westlake Park where a rally is planned for 5pm. It may last an hour or more depending on how crowds respond to the sunny and warm weather predicted all day Thursday.”

      My personal observations are that since the president Ronald Reagan’s Administration, Labor unions and workers protests have fallen drastically in the United States.
      The Mayday is still early in the USA, perhaps more reports will follow in the hours ahead. PS: you may wish to visit this website from time to time for marathon broadcasts of future events


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