Rob Kirby Financial Research & Analysis

Rob Kirby

Rob Kirby [October 16th, 2014] said there isn’t one market left that’s performing its basic price discovery functions without constant interference from the Central Bank Cabal.

Libor Crisis Chronology

• In the spring of 2007, Bear Stearns went bankrupt due to catastrophic losses in their mortgage backed securities portfolio when AAA rated mortgage paper “failed”.
• Up until that time, AAA rated commercial paper had NEVER failed.
• As a result of AAA rated paper “failing” – by Aug. 2007 credit markets seized up because banks refused to extend credit – even to one another.

[more….open pdf]

The pressures are building and eventually it’s all going to blow apart. Until that day arrives we’re going to see increasing instability and ever more manipulation.

[TBTF institutions] Not subject to accounting

Accounting is for countries that won’t behave right, for the Greece’s of the world, for the Iceland’s of the world, but when it comes to the Too Big To Fail American Banks that do the administration’s bidding, in terms of implementing U.S. imperialism: monetary policy, accounting is nonexistent. They have a public facade of announcing – did they meet or beat the street expectations – but the real meat and potatoes of it is with the derivatives edifices attached to these institutions they simply are not subject to accounting and they get a [members’] pass.

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The Relevant Past

Posted on September 11, 2009Max Keiser

Find the show also at Archive dot org


Happy New Year!

USA: A Captured State

Smart Questions about Unexpected Dead Bankers



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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
6 comments on “Rob Kirby Financial Research & Analysis
  1. RonMamita says:

    Kesier Report: Lucky Chinese Number (E666)

    Ancient economies

    14 Oct 2014
    In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert host episode 666! The mark of the beast? Or the mark of the financial regulator Nero’s fiddling while markets burn? They discuss the IMF warnings on the speculative bubbles caused by zero percent interest rates but the chaos that could ensue if rates return to ‘normal.’ Whatever that is. In the second half, they discuss 666 being a lucky number in China, where the economy is now bigger than the US, according to World Bank data.

    WATCH all Keiser Report shows here: (E1-E200) (E201-E400) (E401-600) (E601-current)


  2. RonMamita says:

    Disturbing Truth and Lost Trust

    Institutional investors in the spotlight…
    Danielle Park is President and Portfolio Manager of Venable Park Investment Counsel Inc., author of the best-selling book, “Juggling Dynamite: An insider’s wisdom on money management, markets and wealth that lasts” and the popular financial blog
    Portfolio Manager at Venable Park Investment Counsel Inc.
    Primary Tel: 705.792.3991
    Industry: Financial Services—Asset Management
    Barrie, Ontario


  3. RonMamita says:

    Quantitative Easing is Hyper-inflating The Currency Supply

    Neither the USFed nor their Wall Street partners ever refer to QE’s capital destruction effect, because it contradicts their stimulus argument and false message.
    Theirs is pure propaganda in keeping with the urgent directive to save the banks that are too big to fail.
    These are the financial crime centers of America. -PhD. Jim Willie

    The pattern of central bank covering the debt is clear. The lesson is that central banks can apply paper patches to the failed banks, and buy more time, then repeat the process on the next failed bank event. No limit to their bank patches seems to be in force. The banker cabal can continue endlessly since their patches are based on paper solutions, fiat paper money spew, and they control the paper output. They are the masters of the House of Paper.
    The paper mache solutions can continue in a seemingly endless manner, but not in the Gold market.
    The intervention and suppression in the Gold market is finite. It requires Gold bullion, the physical ingot bars, in order to execute the perpetuated interference and alteration to this financial niche market.
    The manipulation is finite, and it is coming to an end.
    When the Shanghai shock comes, all the Paper Gold structures will fall, all the FOREX derivatives will collapse, all the control rooms will go into panic mode.
    Hidden was the biggest and most important to date, done in September 2008. The bailout was of Goldman Sachs, but made to look like a Lehman failure and AIG nationalization.

    Under the USGovt aegis, the venerable GSax was given 100 cents per dollar on derivative payouts, was redeemed in full on mortgage assets, and generally was placed first in line for all window functions. It was the most clever bank bailout in history. The source of the derivative payouts was the usual funny money, where all trails lead to the USFed in its money creation. The good people of the United States talk about the favored 1% Elite, but they really have no idea who the bankers are, what they do, devices they use, controls they exert, or influence they peddle. If only they knew how Goldman and Citibank write Congressional legislation and tap markets for illicit tolls and skims. Their huge penalties and fines for criminal behavior are incorporated into their business models. Crime has a relatively small but growing part in its cost of doing business.

    Royal Bank of Scotland was another giant bailout following a failure, or near failure. The UKGovt took a 81% stake in the failed financial institution, not quite buying lock stock and barrel in its many wrecked business segments. The bailout was worth 46 billion British Pounds, completed in 2008 and 2009. It is all gone, all squandered, good (phony) money after bad. The good people of Britain have complained about horrendous treatment by the bank ever since. The RBS bank remains predatory, but protected by the government.


  4. RonMamita says:

    China Launches New World Bank Rival

    This sounds like the BRICS Development Bank, but BRICS isn’t even mentioned… Regardless, here is yet another sign that the world of banks and banking are rapidly changing. Based on what you know about the banking cartel that seems to run the entire world, why would US Secretary of State John Kerry ask Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to “steer clear” of this new bank? -LW

    China and India are backing a 21 country $100 billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to challenge to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

    Memorandum of understanding were signed with 21 Asian countries in Beijing Friday. Australia, Indonesia and South Korea were absent following hidden pressure from Washington.

    The development bank was proposed a year ago by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and is to offer financing for infrastructure projects in underdeveloped Asian countries.

    Headquartered in Beijing, former chairman of the China International Capital Corp investment bank Jim Liqun, is expected to take a leading role.

    The bank will initially be capitalized with $50 billion, most of it contributed by China. The country is planning to increase authorized capital to $100 billion. With that amount the AIIB would be two-thirds the size of the $175 billion Asian Development Bank.

    India will be the second largest bank shareholder though Kuwait, Qatar, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Nepal, Oman, and all the countries of the Association of Southeast Asia, except Indonesia are involved.

    Australia, Indonesia and South Korea did not participate following US claims of ‘concerns’ about a rival to Western-dominated multilateral lenders.

    Japan, China’s main rival in Asia, which dominates the Asian Development Bank along with the United States, did not attend but had not been expected to do so.

    Indonesia refused to participate claiming it needs time to discuss China’s proposal.

    The Australian Financial Review said US Secretary of State John Kerry had personally asked Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to “steer clear” from joining AIIB.

    “Australia has been under pressure from the US for some time to not become a founding member of the bank and it is understood Mr. Kerry put the case directly to the prime minister when the pair met in Jakarta on Monday following the inauguration of Indonesian President Joko Widodo,” the paper said.

    South Korea, one of America’s closest allies in Asia, is alse prevaricating. Its finance ministry said it spoke with China to request more time to consider details such as the AIIB’s governance and operational principles.

    US officials have said they do not want to support an initiative Washington thinks is unlikely to promote good environmental, procurement and human rights standards in the way the World Bank and ADB are required to do.

    But Chinese officials are convinced the American opposition is an attempt to contain the global rise of China and its ambition to remain the dominant power in Asia.

    “You could think of this as a basketball game in which the US wants to set the duration of the game, the size of the court, the height of the basket and everything else to suit itself,” Wei Jianguo, a former Chinese commerce minister, told the Financial Times.

    Matthew Goodman, scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC believes the initiatives of a BRICS Bank and AIIB “represent the first serious institutional challenge to the global economic order.”

    Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said the AIIB will set high standards, safeguard policies and improve on bureaucratic, unrealistic and irrelevant policies, according to the Xinhua news agency.




  5. RonMamita says:

    U.S. Government SECRETLY Preventing a Stock Market Collapse!

    Posted 23 Oct 2014
    U.S. Stocks Surge; Nasdaq Up 2.4%
    All the Markets Need Is $200 Billion a Quarter From the Central Bankers
    the Plunge Protection Team. Or call it the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, the official name given to the group when it was formed by President Ronald Reagan after the market turbulence of 1989.
    Executive Order 12631–Working Group on Financial Markets
    Doomsday Book
    McDonald’s Profit Down 30% On Sales Slump
    Coca-Cola Profit Declines 14%, Future Growth Plan Fails To Impress



  6. Warren Stanley says:

    So bottom line where does Rob Kirby recommend investing one’s saving’s?


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