Did Pope Make U.S. Congressional Leader John Boehner Resign?

Apparently many are asking the SAME QUESTION!
Is the U.S. a sovereign nation or a captured state?
John Boehner resigned, but only after meeting the Pope and crying heavily.
Very Strange behaviour, even if Boehner was forced out behind closed doors…

I finally reviewed the staged acting of the Pope’s meeting the U.S. corporation, (yeah it was difficult to watch) and the staged events leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

“We know that Pope Francis made House Majority Leader John Boehner cry with his address to Congress yesterday, but now the question is, did it cause him to resign as well?” –religiondispatches.org


I was told that Jorge Bergoglio did not speak English.
Which has me asking was that true, and could there be a Jorge Bergoglio pope impersonator speaking in a fake heavy accented English?
Has anyone seen Jonathan Pryce recently, or noticed any odd behaviour from either Pryce or Bergoglio?
The staged acting events continues onward toward the United Nations and beyond…

{Yes, I am being both humorous and serious because I have (no evidence of impersonator and) no trust in Popes, politicians, scientists, actors, corporate execs, bankers, and monarchs. My, oh my, how the list keeps growing.}

USA: A Captured State

How To Herd People into New World Order: Institutional Governance By Crisis Management

The Bankers’ Wars, Political Puppets and Assassinations

Government’s sleight of hand trick: LOST Truth, Trust, Honor, and Responsibility



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10 comments on “Did Pope Make U.S. Congressional Leader John Boehner Resign?
  1. RonMamita says:

    Tell ‘Em Exactly What They Want To Hear

    POPE Addresses Joint Congressional Session:
    “God Bless Amerika, Land of the free and Home of the brave”.
    Oh my, how shallow and how obvious…

    *Hero’s Death (Papacy 13 March 2013 ~ 2017)
    I am concerned that Mr. Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis, will stage his fake heroic death and the media will promote the dying wishes of a deceiver to implement his policies of world religion, world court, and world governance.
    Pope Francis will be remembered for ‘Holy Year of Mercy’; Debt Jubilee; etc.
    He has already told the news-media he predicts his death as a untimely end to his papacy…

    Read: The Script is Now Playing Live: Debt Jubilee and Reset Coming?

    in an interview on Mexico’s Televisa television, the first Latin American pope made a surprising statement in acknowledging that “I have a feeling my pontificate will be brief. Four or five years, I don’t know.”

    He Pocketed The Money and Ran

    There was a revolt within the Republican House of Representatives…


    • RonMamita says:


      A Must READ!


      And that is its primary purpose: control you and your thoughts and behaviors, regardless of which candidate you vote for, what your stance is on certain policies and issues. Today’s political landscape is tightly controlled by the Jesuits and the hundreds of top-tier corporations whose CEOs do their bidding and ensure their business runs according to the playbook designed and implemented by the Jesuits.

      The average voter thinks he has a say in political issues because he takes the time to vote, donates to his favorite political candidate, and supports his party any way he can. That notion could not be further from the truth. Policies are decided not by popular vote but by predetermined actions and outcomes behind the scenes. And they have absolutely nothing to do with the average American, except that they steer him in the direction they wish for him at that time.

      Since its inception, America and her politics have been designed and controlled and manipulated by the most prolific society in modern history. They are the finest ghostwriters of both secret and public works of law that work behind the scenes, of public policies that affect everyone, of popular books that influence millions of various ages. These men are the most persuasive recruits of world-class talent they use to create works of art that manipulate the minds and souls of the population: stories, paintings, etc.

      “Sadly, more than 150 years later, even with all the warnings from keen observers and insiders and egregious Jesuit behaviors, Americans still have not gotten the message, much less understood and acted on it. This unfortunate phenomenon is a grand testament to how brilliantly the Jesuits’ PR machine functions.

      The Jesuits’ political reign of terror continues to this day, to ensure they maintain complete control over, and manipulation of, the entire political spectrum, not to mention every sector of American society.”



    • RonMamita says:

      Pope As U.S. President?

      We need to followup on this to determine if this is a hoax or not.
      I have not jumped to any rash conclusions, and yes this is unusual and is circulated from the fringes and alternative social media.
      However, it is very important as the documents and text refers to both U.S. Presidency and Holy See Vatican.

      Below is a starting trail for investigating this:



      David Robinson 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011
      Phone: 207-798-4695 Email: drobbin88@comcast.net
      Letterhead issued CIVIL ORDERS JULY 4, 2014
      Signed with red thumb-print seal and signature for Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck, Private Attorney in service to His Holiness, Pope Francis



      General Carter F. Ham
      “to lead and command The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) and its successors under the guidance of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and with their full support.” -Private Attorney to Pope Francis
      Note: U.S. AFRICOM; https://dc.linktank.com/events
      Wednesday, Oct 28, 2015 at 8:00 am

      Pope acting as U.S. Military Commander in Chief (Court of Ages acts to counter)
      Video posted 26 Sep 2015
      Court of Ages has Warrants for the Arrest of Jorge Mario Bergoglio


      Latin Review Commercial Law (Holy See):

      Occult Origins of the UNITED STATES INC. Banking, Law & Monetary Systems
      Video Posted 07 Sep 2015

      Pope Francis Called Jesus Christ A Failure

      Amazing speech for any follower of Jesus, let alone a “JESUIT: The Society of Jesus”!

      Pope Francis States Jesus Life Ended In Failure – New York 9/25/15
      Video posted 25 Sep 2015


      • RonMamita says:

        When I searched for the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) I found a U.S. fraternal order:
        and I found references from Star Wars as the Clone Wars…

        Now that does appear to be a mockery by the private attorney for the Pope, however I think more research and investigation (of the Pope’s private attorney) is warranted…


        20:20 hours –
        Okay, here is what I found on the private Attorney.

        Below is a long read.

        classic disinformation – Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia: Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck – Got it Right!
        Posted on September 24, 2014 by arnierosner

        Arnie– please post my reply to this post from “ozmirage” becaue their post really, truly IS classic disinformation, straight out of Saul Alinsky.

        Ozmirage—- were we able to “consent” when we were babies two or three days old? Were our Mothers able to “consent” without ever being told what they were “consenting” to? Were we told that we would be handing our babies over to the ownership of a private, for-profit, mostly foreign corporation? No. Were we told that these same corporations were not public organizations, not accountable for their misdeeds, not staffed by people actually occupying the public offices they were elected to fill, but willfully functioning as private corporate officers instead? No. Were we told that we would be mischaracterized and misrepresented by these same imposters pretending to be our “representatives” and that they would lay claim to our bodies, intellectual property (our names are our intellectual property, by the way), our land, our homes, our labor, our businesses, our currency, our ideas, and yes, our children as chattel backing their irresponsible profit-seeking spending “in our behalf”? No. Were we told that we would be considered unpaid volunteers, working for free in a wide array of “jobs” from “withholding agents” to “postal workers” to “warrant officers” to “merchant marine sailors” to “federal contracting officers” and so on? No. Were we told that these scumbags would “presume” us to be slaves? Literally? No. Were we told that every “registration” and “application” offered or seemingly “required” by these vermin results in the transfer of our private property to their ownership? No. Were we told that we were the source of all funding for all “loans”—- that we literally paid for any and every “loan” ever made in this country and PRE-PAID, it too, and that in the end, we would never receive the benefit for our labor? That it would all belong to and benefit a fake “trust” established in our NAMES as a result of probate fraud? No. Were we told that our natural God-given rights would be taken from us and disrespected and trampled in the dirt by our EMPLOYEES??? No. Were we told that by putting up with this crap, we would be enslaved by those same EMPLOYEES who have conspired against us to misappropriate our credit, steal our identities, and defraud us? No.

        Consent, “ozmirage” is only attained when people engage honestly and under condition of FULL DISCLOSURE. No contract is valid without FULL DISCLOSURE under the Common Law, which is why the remedy to claim Common Law preserved at Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 and the recourse preserved at 1-103.6 is so very precious. It allows us all to say, “Bull Crap!” to these criminals in suits, void ALL their claims and contracts that have been created under conditions of stealth, inequity, semantic deceit, and non-disclosure, and send them and people like you packing.

        Don’t try to excuse what they have done, for there is no excuse. It is systematic, purposeful, blatant identity theft and misappropriation of credit under conditions of self-interested deceit and fiduciary trust fraud of the first order. It makes no difference whatsoever that it is being practiced by foreign commercial “governmental services corporations” pretending to “represent” our lawful government. That only makes it worse than being ripped off by a nameless hacker. These reprobates have done it while pretending to “represent” us, to be “our” elected “public servants”. The fact is that the “federal” government has always been private, foreign, and merely under contract to provide services and they all KNOW what the only contract in existence is and what it says and they have all chosen to commit fraud against the American people and the States of America, instead.

        So now, “ozmirage”, we can clearly state that there is no lawful American government apart from the few constitutional offices which still function and exist and the actual civil government vested in each and every living American on the land. Those operating the maritime and admiralty jurisdictions are in GROSS Breach of Trust and deserve NOTHING but the strongest kind of repudiation and commercial action to deprive them of any further benefit from their false claims and criminality. The entire rest of the world is aware of what you are attempting to ignore and discredit. 177 nations have joined together in protest to put an end to this “System” that the lawyers and bankers among us have colluded together to establish and impose upon the States of America, Canada, Mexico, most of Europe, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

        The Pope has given the rats three years to come into compliance with their corporate charters or face liquidation. One entire year has passed and so far they have interpreted this circumstance as, “Gee, we have two more years to rape and pillage!”

        Nobody at the Vatican is laughing. Neither am I. There are three international trustees obligated to protect the US Trust and to prevent this kind of thing from happening. They are the Secretary of the Treasury, Jacob Joseph Lew, who became Trustee of the Land Jurisdicton of the States of America when he acquired control of the Office of The United States Postmaster, Pope Francis in his temporal role as “FRANCISCUS”, and HRM Elizabeth II, who, together with the Lords of the Admiralty and the Privy Council, is most especially, particularly, and damnably responsible for the existence of this “System” of legalized enslavement and press ganging of innocent people who never in their lives agreed to— or to use your word, “consented”—to ANY OF THIS FRAUD.

        It’s a good thing I don’t have you here before me, and that there is no real audience present to hear the debate, nor the deep and burning outrage in my voice. The Masters of this Continent may be faulted for being trusting and simple and good, but they cannot and will not be faulted for ever knowingly consenting to any of this misrepresentation, collusion, theft, fraud, and malfeasance on the part of those who have impersonated American public officials, practiced gross and purposeful semantic deceit and identity theft aimed at helpless babies, practiced gross probate fraud against babies and school children, and then had the gall to claim that these children “consented” to be enslaved by the likes of you and these criminals in robes and suits.

        Before this is done everyone will know The Truth, and yes, The Truth will set them free. They will know what to think of people like you, the scum of the bilge of the earth, who could ever condone such behavior on the part of “judges” and “bankers” and “politicians” and contrive to blame the victims on the basis of “laws” passed by these same pretenders and criminals for the promotion of their fraud. For shame on your soul! Don’t speak to me of “Law”, for it is plain on the face of it that the only “Law” you know is the “Law of Tooth and Claw” and the only admiration you have is for the Father of All Lies.

        On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Arnie ‪ wrote:

        Thank you for expressing your view.

        While I see much within your comments with which to agree…I see nothing credible to classify the information provided, to be as you stated, “disinformation.”

        Your tactics belie your true mission to discredit the author. Well not only have you failed to accomplish your mission, you have added credibility to the strength of the author’s message.

        Thank you for your valuable service.


        Keeping American Patriots informed of the “truth” has become a full-time job!

        Available 24/7 –
        714-964-4056 714-501-8247 – mobile

        2300 hours, P.S.S.:
        I found a blogsite with both David Robinson and (judge Anna?) Anna Maria Riezinger:

        Tonight is late, morning approaches and I wish to get some sleep.
        I wish I had found their blog a long time ago.
        I expect to comment on their blog and hopefully get more facts to clear up the confusion about the Civil Order from the private attorney to Pope Francis and the Grand Army of the Republic.

        Good night,


  2. Boehner clearly isn’t responding to the speech when he starts crying. The stimulus is internal. Colorado Congresswoman Pat Schoeder also cried when the military-intelligence complex forced her to withdraw from the Democratic presidential race in 1987. Blackmail does that to you.


    • RonMamita says:

      Yeah, Blackmail and other dastardly deeds.
      Boehner also cried in the Congressional Chambers during the Pope’s speech:
      “God Bless Amerika, Land of the free and Home of the brave”.
      Oh my, how shallow and how obvious a platitude…

      Recently I was listening to Catherine A Fitts talk about entrainment and other manipulative technology being deployed on masses of unsuspecting public…


  3. RonMamita says:

    The Pope Did What In The NY 911 memorial Basement?!

    To participate in a multi-religious ceremony…

    (NEW YORK) — Pope Francis arrived Friday morning at the site of the Sept. 11 terror attacks for what is slated as a “multi-religious gathering.”

    He was far from the only religious leader present, as Cardinal Timothy Dolan introduced the pontiff, but there were also Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and other leaders involved in the ceremony.

    Pope Francis said a prayer and laid a white rose at the slabs of names of victims by one of the two reflecting pools. He then met with several relatives of first responders who died in the attack, as well as former New York City Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg and Governor Andrew Cuomo.

    The group then went into the museum’s great hall, located at the bedrock of the building, where a prayer service was held and Pope Francis gave a short speech. He started his remarks by saying, in English, apologizing that he would be saying the rest of the speech in Spanish.

    “I feel many different emotions standing here at Ground Zero, where thousands of lives were taken in a senseless act of destruction. Here grief is palpable,” he said.

    Ahead of his visit, museum curator Jan Ramirez gave ABC News an overview of the tour that the pontiff would receive during his visit.

    The backdrop for the interfaith service of peace was the surviving retaining wall of the original World Trade Center.
    The pope skipped the rooms that recount the day and al-Qaeda and entered the historical exhibition space in the room that houses artifacts from the aftermath.

    The dominant object is the World Trade Center Cross, steel wreckage in the shape of a cross excavated from World Trade Center 6 that became a focal point for recovery workers, and where a Franciscan priest offered Mass every Sunday on West Street in front of the cross during recovery work on the pile. A piece of aluminum duct work sits atop the cross like a shroud.

    Now that is very suspicious.

    Video posted 26 Sep 2015


  4. I’ve been security public striker of Pope John Paul II ,in Amsterdam since 1985 during parade they throw a lot tomato in his glass excellency, they broke tradition became bold, then i fight them and deported, going back Philippines. Bcoz, at that time, there is no Police in surrounding. That i wanted to be a policeman to beat them back, not to Kruzify us again as Nazareth. Ze zijn anti-christ, smeerak kurak slordig geen traditie alleen nokan. Your Truly: Atty. Elmer V. Puruganan. then they shoot me many times and scape. Granted alive.


  5. RonMamita says:

    More About Civil Orders & The Pope’s Help

    Here is wake up call in PDF format:
    You Know Something is Wrong When… An American Affidavit of Probable Cause.
    Written by Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher.

    Where the Bear Went, and Where We Are – by Anna von Reitz
    Posted on July 19, 2014 by David Robinson http://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2014/07/19/where-the-bear-went-and-where-we-are-by-anna-von-reitz/

    On Jul 18, 2014, at 1:51 PM, Archbishop Archbishop wrote:

    I stand with the universal Catholic Church, founded by Christ. All the people whom you accuse of defrauding American citizens were elected by American citizens. That doesn’t mean that what they do is morally right, but the responsibility, finally, rests with the electorate.

    God bless you.

    Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
    Archbishop of Chicago


    My Dear Archbishop George,

    I, too, stand with the universal Catholic Church, founded by Christ. My blood seal stands upon the record of the Vatican Chancery Court in Witness of what I am going to show you tonight. I am from a family that has served the Catholic Church since the First Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Grand Marshals of the Holy Roman Empire, Knights of the Holy Sepulcher. I have myself served as an International Services Agent and as a private attorney in service to his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and now, Pope Francis.

    You must believe that I am in deadly earnest both about the seriousness of the criminality engulfing America and the danger this poses to the Church and to the Rule of Law.

    The Canon Law of the Church stands above every other form of law, and the Roman Curia above all other courts.

    Even the Uniform Commercial Code which was developed by the Curia as a just means to resolve the many international disputes and claims arising from the 1930 bankruptcies of the G-5 nations is copyrighted by Unidroit, a subsidiary of the Vatican.

    The organization which failed and which plunged America into this desperate criminality was originally chartered by the Church as a religious non-profit corporation.

    We, Sir, are up to our ears in culpability for the circumstance herein discussed, and both the Pope Emeritus and Pope Francis have duly considered all the issues and acting in their temporal capacities, have rendered judgment as international Trustees of The United States Trust (1789) recognizing the Breach of Trust and the criminality which has been practiced against the American States and the American State Citizens.

    They have both taken strong action to begin addressing the circumstance.

    Pope Benedict XVI acted to create a new office in the Postal Service, establishing a regional Postmaster for North America.

    Pope Francis has issued his First Apostolic Letter, the Motu Proprio of July 11, 2013, rewriting the international criminal code as part of his continuing effort to address this situation, and has more recently addressed the United Nations and collapsed the worldwide derivatives market.

    This is not about any “responsibility” of the electorate.

    It is about the Church’s responsibility to support the Pope in his role as the Ultimate Trustee of the Global Estate, to uphold the Rule of Law, and to make correction for a grave Breach of Trust that continued for 165 years and which has cost millions of innocent lives.

    We can only confess our sins, dear Cardinal, admitting as mere mortals our desperate need for grace and rising up each day to do what we can and must.

    I direct your attention to the Treaty of Paris which ended the American Revolution and the corollary Treaty of Versailles.

    There are three international Trustees named as caretakers of The United States Trust (1789).

    They are the Pope, in His Temporal Office, the British Monarch, and The United States Postmaster (Civil).

    Now I direct your attention to the Treaty of Westminster (1794) in which the City State of Westminster and the Crown Temple pledge “amity” in “perpetuity” with the newly formed United States.

    Next, I direct your attention to the Treaty of Verona (1845) in which the then-Pope and the British Monarch, both Trustees of the American national trust, agreed that the representative form of government was incompatible with Divine Right of Kings and with Papal Supremacy, and so both acted in secretive Breach of Trust.

    The British Monarch issued Letters of Marque and Reprisal to the members of the Bar Association (British Crown Commercial Company) which issued licenses to privateers to attack American “vessels” in international jurisdictions of the law. That, Sir, is the genesis of Bar Association Licenses.

    A “license” as you must know, is permission to engage in an act which would otherwise be illegal.

    The Americans responded by quickly passing an Amendment to their Constitution effectively barring attorneys from holding public office. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln, a Bar attorney, was elected President of the United States (Commercial Company) but could not lawfully act as the President of The United States of America (Major).

    This is why representatives of eleven Southern States refused to be seated and left the Congress adjourned sine die.

    In 1863, Lincoln was forced to bankrupt the original Trust Management Company doing business as The United States.

    After years of bankruptcy reorganization known euphemistically as “reconstruction” a new Trust Management Organization was incorporated by the Church, doing business as the United States of America, Inc.

    This entity operated under Church auspices from the end of the Reconstruction to 1912, when the Trust Management Organization was purchased by a consortium of banks doing business as the Federal Reserve.

    By 1913 they had pushed through the “Federal Reserve Act” and via legal tender laws began a purposeful agenda to devalue the American Dollar and bankrupt the original corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc.

    In May of 1930, the G-5 nations declared international bankruptcy via joint treaty entered into at the Geneva Conventions.

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the representative of the Federal Reserve dba United States of America, Inc.

    Three years later, having been elected President, he declared domestic bankruptcy as well.

    One of his first acts was to illegally confiscate privately held American gold, which was never repaid.

    As the United States of America, Inc. was being prepared for bankruptcy, agents throughout the Congress and the individual states of the Union rushed through a process of “registering franchises”.

    They created “states of states” merely named after the actual geographically defined American states. They also created foreign situs trusts named after each and every living American.

    At the March 6, 1933, Conference of Governors meeting, the Governors — merely corporate officers of franchises of the bankrupt United States of America, Inc. — pledged the “good faith and credit” of “their States and the citizenry thereof” to stand as sureties for the debts of the United States of America, Inc. during its bankruptcy reorganization.

    Imagine that Burger King International went bankrupt in the UK and it called all the local franchise owners together and they all agreed to name their customers as sureties for their corporate debts.

    That is what happened in America in 1933. The victims weren’t told a word about this.

    The perpetrators were rewarded by the bankers with access to virtually unlimited credit “hypothecated” against the assets of the American States and the private property of the American State Citizens.

    All this credit cost the bankers nothing material, as they had inculcated a fiat money system. Issuing credit — “money of account” — cost them nothing but the time to enter digits in an account ledger.

    In exchange for this favor to the politicians, they were rewarded with legal tender laws allowing this “system” to exist in America, and given surreptitious title to all real property assets in America, and provided with protection for their activities by the members of the Bar Associations.

    In 1944, FDR quit claimed all the juicy service contracts and the assets used to service these governmental service contracts to the IMF.

    The IMF took over from the Federal Reserve, gaining control of every logo, name, title, department, and agency of the “United States of America, Inc.” — what Americans believe to be their government — right down to the flag.

    They charted a new Trust Management Organization in France doing business as the UNITED STATES, Inc. and moved in. They also took over the “State” franchises and opened their own “STATE OF______” franchises.

    For the past 70 years they have enslaved the people of America and plundered the assets of The United States Trust (1789).

    The creditors who forced the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. included the World Bank, the International Bank of Development and Reconstruction, and the Federal Reserve — but the priority creditors named in the 1934 Bankruptcy Act were the American States and the American State Citizens.

    The banks, being aware of their own schemes, named the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico to act as their chosen Bankruptcy Trustee. (See Federal Title 5 for details.)

    The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico seized all the bogus “States on Paper” and “Americans on Paper” created by the Roosevelt Administration and rolled all the assets presumed to be part of these trusts into Roman Inferior Trusts (Cestui Que Vie Trusts) operated “in the NAME of” the foreign situs trusts Roosevelt created.

    Thus, a living man denoted properly as “john quincy adams” was misrepresented as a foreign situs trust doing business as “John Quincy Adams” and then this entity was declared “dead, presumed missing at sea” by the perpetrators of this massive identity theft scheme, and all the assets of “John Quincy Adams” were rolled over into a Roman Inferior Trust doing business as “JOHN QUINCY ADAMS”.

    The Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico also “removed” all these Roman Inferior Trusts to Puerto Rico for “safe keeping” where they came under the foreign jurisdiction of the Puerto Rican Commonwealth and the UK. There they were enslaved and taxed for the privilege of importing revenue to Puerto Rico — otherwise known as the “income tax”.

    All this was done in the name of winning World War II.

    The claims against the American assets supplied the credit to boot up the war industry effort and seizing the ESTATES of the Americans and “redefining” individual Americans as chattel belonging to their own ESTATES allowed a means of conscripting millions of men into the Armed Services.

    After the War, nothing changed. The perpetrators never retooled American industry.

    They just went on pumping out armaments and selling arms and borrowing money against assets they never owned and enslaving the American people to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.

    Over the years the criminality of the arms dealers has become a terrible worldwide problem.

    They branched out from simply selling weapons and promoting war, to selling drugs and running gambling and prostitution rings, booze and cigarettes, and every form of vice, violence, and viciousness.

    They also used their position of trust as “the government” to manipulate commodity and stock markets, and control natural resources belonging to the American people for private gain.

    And the Church is culpable, because at the broader base, the Church knew and did nothing.

    It continued to mindlessly operate on the directives established by the Treaty of Verona and never re-examined the disastrous consequences of all this for humanity, much less the hideous theft and abuse practiced upon the Americans — incalculable amounts of labor siphoned off, incalculable material losses, and millions of lives lost or maimed in wars for profit.

    To that, you and your peers have turned a blind eye and shrugged, and said, it’s the responsibility of the voters.

    The same voters who have been purposefully misled and self-interestedly abused, kept in the dark, manipulated, defrauded, and robbed?

    By their EMPLOYEES and those they trusted to act in their behalf? By the Supreme Pontiff, who was obligated by solemn treaty to act as their Trustee?

    It’s with good reason that the higher administrators of the Church have been reluctant to expose the criminality or deal with it, for fear that the Church would be blamed.

    However, by 2009, the Church was being blamed, effectively and determinedly, until it was all finally brought before Pope Benedict XVI, who accepted responsibility, who exercised his temporal powers, and began dealing with the corruption.

    Pope Francis has brought the vitality and vigor and insight needed to the Office and is continuing to bring remedy.

    Meanwhile the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. has finally been ended.

    The old “Federal Reserve System” is no more, but a new version of “FEDERAL RESERVE” has been organized under UNITED NATIONS auspices and has tried to mount a new round of the same old game in collusion with the IMF.

    It’s a funny thing about a “debt-credit” monetary system. When you create a debt for one party, you unavoidably create a debt for another.

    So when people talk about the “National Debt” being “$13 or $21 or however many trillion “dollars” that means that somewhere, someone or something, is being CREDITED with that amount of money.

    Exactly who and what came to the surface in July of 2011. We have the UCC Filings on file.

    The perpetrators rolled the credit side of the “National Debt” over into the “United States Department of the Treasury” and used it to back a new specie of fiat debt note called “US TREASURY NOTES”.

    They have attempted, in other words, to initiate another round of the same old scam.

    There is little doubt that it was the intention of the two colluding banking cartels — the FEDERAL RESERVE and the IMF — to simply reverse positions: bankrupt the UNITED STATES, INC.

    leaving the Roman Inferior Trusts named after the Americans to stand as sureties for the debts of the insolvent UNITED STATES, INC. during another nice, long bankruptcy reorganization.

    Intervention by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis both, together with ever-increasing public awareness of the situation and the fraud, has served to make what is euphemistically called “re-venue” impossible.

    In addition to the American State Citizens waking up, the Russians and Chinese and other nations of the BRICS Alliance woke up.

    As part of the fraud practiced against the Americans, Canadians, Australians, Japanese, and the populations of most the countries of Western Europe, all bank accounts were converted to the ownership of the banks.

    As you now know, if you didn’t before, all bank accounts belonging to “JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC” are in fact accounts belonging to a Puerto Rican ESTATE Trust owned and operated by agencies of the IMF.

    This is how Christine LaGarde can speak so nonchalantly about seizing American 401k’s and savings and other retirement accounts: the IMF surreptitiously owns those accounts.

    The living Americans who innocently deposited their life savings into those accounts thinking that they were their own private bank accounts have been deceived and defrauded and “presumed” by the perpetrators to “donate” everything in those accounts to “public trusts” operated in their NAMES.

    Remember — I am an officer of the Church, too.

    I have taken the vow and placed the blood seal on the altar.

    This is not a joke.

    This is not a rehearsal.

    Take what you believe to be “your” check book out of your pocket and a strong magnifying glass and look at what appears to be the signature line — what do you see?

    It’s not really a line.

    It’s a row of microprint endlessly repeating “authorizing signature”.

    Why would that verbiage have to be there, and why would it have to be obscured? To keep the victims from knowing the truth — that all their assets in banks have been unlawfully converted.

    You’ve already been told about the Puerto Rican ESTATE Trusts. Now witness the IRS scam.

    The living man, john quincy adams, is exempt by law from ever having to pay taxes, and by definition, “income” is profit accrued by corporations.

    It is literally impossible for any living American to owe income tax, yet millions upon millions of Americans are robbed, defrauded, harassed, and even imprisoned every year over “income” taxes.

    How is this possible?

    The JOHN QUINCY ADAMS ESTATE is a trust, a legal fiction entity, a corporation.

    Every dime that the living man known as john quincy adams unknowingly “donates” to the bank account belonging to the JOHN QUINCY ADAMS ESTATE is 100% profit for a Puerto Rican trust, and it just so happens that there is an excise tax for the privilege of importing revenue to Puerto Rico.

    The monster tax the poor devils for the privilege of giving them their money, and then people like Christine LaGarde sit around drinking champagne and callously discussing exactly how to finesse the seizure of the retirement accounts of millions of innocent American Senior Citizens.

    But there are worse things.

    Other elements among the criminals have taken out million dollar life insurance policies on every American man, woman and child.

    They think they will simply murder a few hundred million of their creditors and collect on the life insurance policies.

    Have you heard of the All Seeing? Cardinal George?

    I am the left hand of anu:hotep and I will be obeyed in this matter, as will Pope Francis.

    There will be no seizure of the American retirement accounts, no false flags, no murder, no mayhem, no scalar weapons deployed.

    There will be no deceptive “offers” in commerce seeking to exchange gold for land or human capital under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.

    There will be an end to this criminality and to the complacency of the Church and of the American Cardinals and Archbishops responsible for the mis-administration of the courts.

    Or there will be Hell on earth, Cardinal George — literally, and it will not come against the innocent Americans. The Left Hand of God will come for those who are responsible and unrepentant.

    The Treaty of Verona is extinguished.

    All Bar Association licenses are extinguished.

    By order of Pope Francis, all attorneys, all clerks, every member of the judicial system operating these frauds and oppressions became 100% individually and commercially liable as of September 1, 2013.

    The banking cartels and governmental services corporations have been given three years to clean up their acts from top to bottom, to come into compliance with the Original Equity contract owed to the Americans, and to stop operating in criminal default.

    I suggest that you get over your idea that it is the voter’s responsibility.

    May God bless you to the same extent that you bless others.

    Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia: Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck

    I look forward to Judge Anna’s reply.


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