2016-2017 Alerts: Threat from Authority & Tyranny

Successful psychopaths hide among us as professionals in expensive suits.
I am still stunned by the (€8 Million Euros) Satanic ritual attended by the European governing officials at the Opening Ceremony for the Swiss Gotthard Base Tunnel, along with the connection to CERN and the EU empire. That Tunnel project cost approximately €11 billion Euros and 9 lives lost to construct.
The ritual/opening ceremony appeared to symbolically sacrifice nine miners (in memory to the 9 lives lost in construction?); worship a humanoid-beast with female breast that was identical to the deity Baphomet the Knights Templar were accused of worshiping; disrobe to the flesh, mimic sexual intercourse, give birth, and included other detailed displays of phenomena from the myths about the bottomless pit…
The world’s longest tunnel, or something more?

The worldwide matrix is often seen as a giant puzzle, with many pieces visible but a few important pieces remain in the shadows, “classified” and hidden.
Research reveals secret societies, think-tanks, shadow government, shadow banking, “silent war”, engineered crises, human experiments, mass deception, code of silence, and forbidden knowledge.

I often think back to the conclusion of the 20th century when the balancing act became noticeably more precarious: “Y2K” computer programming panic; year 2000 Dot Com Bubble; GW Bush Supreme court halted/rigging U.S. Presidential selection; 2001 9/11 staged Terror false flag operations; 2008 so-called “Great Recession” sub-prime loan/securitization/financial crisis; Central banks’ emergency policy “Quantitative Easing”…

The worldwide crisis looms, and having foresight and preparatory plans at hand is advisable.
I find it noteworthy that a chorus is heard over the internet that the markets may be halted and staged crises deployed (before the mid-2017 calendar year)…

Predicting that day in advance is an unreliable endeavor and the uncertainty means to remain prepared indefinitely.
The market exchanges will be halted when the (G20, IMF, U.N., and other supranational organizations) globalists decide to halt it, along with declaring bank holiday and war/martial law/state of emergency.
Effectively halting world commerce and claiming emergency powers and authority.
See those discussions here, here, and here.
It is questionable if Brazil can afford to produce the 2016 Olympics.

The scarcity and volatile value of national currencies are causing governments to panic in search of funds and revenue streams as they risk debt defaults. Witness this in Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa, and in other governments, such as Oklahoma:

oklahoma cops unveil new service enabling direct seizure bank accounts credit cards

Oklahoma Cops Unveil New Device Enabling Direct Seizure Of Bank Accounts, Credit Cards

We have covered the disgusting topic of civil asset forfeiture numerous times (most recently here [2]), but the latest move by Oklahoma police is quite simply shocking.

As News9 reports, [3]

You may have heard of civil asset forfeiture.


That’s where police can seize your property and cash without first proving you committed a crime; without a warrant and without arresting you, as long as they suspect that your property is somehow tied to a crime.


Now, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a device that also allows them to seize money in your bank account or on prepaid cards.


It’s called an ERAD, or Electronic Recovery and Access to Data machine, and state police began using 16 of them last month. 


Here’s how it works. If a trooper suspects you may have money tied to some type of crime, the highway patrol can scan any cards you have and seize the money. 

The local police chief explains… “it’s not about taking money…”


ArmstrongEconomics’ Martin Armstrong rages. [4]..

The one state that has gone complete anti-democratic is Oklahoma. It is wise not to travel in that state at all. Oklahoma should be on a no fly zone. Now Oklahoma police can outright just seize everything you have from debit cards to bank accounts on a traffic stop without any criminal charges being filed – just some policeman “thinks” and your life is over. With no money, you cannot hire a lawyer so they can now just rob everything you have on a whim.


The Oklahoma Highway Patrol has introduced a device that also allows them to seize money in your bank account or on prepaid cards, which they call ERAD, or Electronic Recovery and Access to Data machine. State police began using 16 of theses last month and this is a state now where the police have become literally the highway robbers. This makes the traffic cops in Russia pulling you over for speeding and you just pay them and they go away as a far more civilized arrangement. Here, they can rob you of everything.Let’s say a state trooper “suspects” or just “thinks” you may have money tied to some type of crime – any crime. He can now scan any cards you have and seize the money in your wallet. He does not have to charge you with any crime. He just “thinks” you might be connected to anything he can imagine. There is no right to remain silent, for he is not charging you. He is after all your money because they are broke.


Oklahoma Highway Patrol Lt. John Vincent said. “We’re gonna look for if there’s a difference in your story. If there’s someway that we can prove that you’re falsifying information to us about your business.” So all he has to do is “believe” you lied about anything and he has the right to take everything you have. They justify this claiming it is not about seizing money. Of course not. It is criminal prosecution but there is no crime. Forget innocent until proven guilty. That will not apply. They pretend the money committed the crime – not you.


This is simply nullifying the Constitution. You have absolutely ZERO rights. He can rob you of everything and leave you with no money even for gas. The police have become the criminals. This is precisely how Rome fell. When they could not could not pay the army, they began sacking their own cities. This is exactly what the police are doing now and there is nobody to defend us against this new criminal organization.


Just stay out of Oklahoma at all costs. If other states follow, you better migrate to another country and fast. One not based on common law (English countries). This will destroy the freedom to even travel as broke police are nothing more than highway criminals with guns.

As we detailed yesterday, [2]

As long as the current system of civil asset forfeiture remains intact, new federal guidelines or policy are unlikely to be effective, said Steven L. Kessler, a New York attorney who has defended a number of clients in high-profile forfeiture cases. He believes clear legislative action is needed to keep the government from compromising people’s property rights in the hunt for money.


“When the government says they’re going to do that on their own, they’re going to make the change, everyone is very happy and we move on to the next story,” said Kessler. “Rarely does anything change, because we’re dealing with a guideline — we’re dealing with something that is within the full discretion of the government.”


There are some rumblings in Congress for a legal overhaul.


Last week, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) and a bipartisan group of co-sponsors introduced a bill to rein in civil asset forfeiture. Among the most significant measures, the Deterring Undue Enforcement by Protecting Rights of Citizens from Excessive Searches and Seizures Act of 2016, or the DUE PROCESS Act, would shift the burden of proof from the property owner to the government, and raise the standard needed to validate a forfeiture. If passed, the new law would require the government to provide “clear and convincing” evidence that property was substantially connected to criminal activity — still below the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard for criminal convictions.

This must pass!

And finally, as Liberty Blitzkrieg’s Mike Krieger previously concluded: [5]

“The way you would expect the criminal justice system to work if you were reading your high school civics textbook is that you’d expect the government first to investigate people, then to obtain an indictment if they think something wrong has happened, and then to obtain a conviction and then finally to punish them… But in many cases that has happened exactly backwards.”

This is not what freedom looks like.



Only Today Did I Find This Hot News Topic About CERN:

Alphabet Agencies & State Sponsored Secrets Too Numerous…

Alphabet Agencies & State Sponsored Secrets Too Numerous…

Technocrats Design Civilization In Private and Threaten Individuals Asking The Technocrats To Reveal What They Do

BREXIT: There is Much More to it Than Meets the Eye

Confidential Research and Experiments, part 1

The Naked U.S. Economy Exposed

Brazil Crisis: Something Hides Behind The Scenes

TSA Made Travel A Disgusting and Humiliating Experience

U.S. Treasury Fears The Currency War, Issues Threats…

G20: Gang of Twenty Banksters

21st Century Money Mafia’s Geopolitical Countdown To Fireworks



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
7 comments on “2016-2017 Alerts: Threat from Authority & Tyranny
  1. RonMamita says:

    Strange events:

    Rivers or lakes drying up in hours, literally overnight:




    Governments Can’t Pay The Bills


    “We would not simply be short financial assets every day because we recognize that the markets will initially be quite volatile which means sharp bear market rallies in between dramatic declines in financial assets. We would initially be positioned to benefit from this two-way volatility and as the declines become more severe and investors begin to throw in the towel the fund will be more short oriented.”

    Title: REALIST NEWS – Southern California to have Blackouts 14 days worth
    Video posted 22 Jun 2016

    Title: Social Security: The Current Crisis and the Libertarian Alternative
    Recording posted 22 Jun 2016


  2. RonMamita says:

    U.S. Raise Yellow Alert To DEFCON 3

    Hotspots: Syria/Israel/Turkey region, and Ukraine/Crimea/Poland/Belarus/Russia region


    Some related military strategic events:
    21 June 2016 reports stated thousands of American troops have been taking part in a large-scale military exercise on NATO’s front-line state of Poland, which borders Russia, its close ally Belarus, and war-torn Ukraine. The war-message is unmistakable…

    – DEFCON 3 –
    Superstation95.com reported:
    “TROUBLE: U.S. Sets “DEFCON 3” — US to move forward with plans to attack Syrian President Assad and his forces; Russia Says it will “engage and destroy” anyone who tries!”
    At 9:43 PM Eastern US last night (Sunday, June 19) the Armed Forces of the United States were reportedly ordered to set condition “DEFCON 3.” This is an extraordinary development and signals serious trouble, LIKELY requiring an expedited military response.
    At 2:05 AM EDT June 20, “It’s official, there is some type of Crisis. Numerous, extremely high level officials arriving at Pentagon.”
    At 3:00 AM EDT June 20, – “NATO Movements underway. Still no info about the actual nature of the “Crisis.”
    At 4:23 AM EDT June 20, – We are beginning to receive information from our European sources that several fighter launches have taken place in Europe. Unknown if related to the current situation or for a drill.

    U.S. and Russian forces are in the air, likely moving to control points. We have no reports of any engagements. Domestic assets are moving into defensive positions.

    *{I do not have details, however we should have our personal emergency plans ready.}

    Video posted 20 Jun 2016


  3. RonMamita says:

    Spiritual & Informational War Is knowledge based

    Much knowledge remains hidden and cryptic.
    Dogma from both science and religions…
    This is not an effort to convert you to a belief or religion; I merely share a few informative videos to reveal the importance of this conflict, with a request for your increased awareness with your ability to question all things on your quest to know the truth:

    “scientists” debate themselves, in the Principle movie:




    Title: “The Principle” Movie Trailers
    Video posted 08 Dec 2013

    Title: The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof.
    Video posted 22 Jun 2016

    Title: Fraud in science DNA changing MONKEY EVOLUTION flat earth
    Video posted 22 Jun 2016

    *The Paris Prime Meridian predates the current Greenwich prime meridian.
    The Paris prime meridian placed the land with the fallen angels at coordinates 33.3N/33.3E revealing yet another link to the 33 degree free masonic secret society…

    Title: Refuting the Sethite Theory and the Concept of Multiple Incursions
    Video posted 30 Jan 2016


  4. RonMamita says:


    Title: The Government of Mars Is Already Being Planned – #NewWorldNextWeek

    Story #1: America’s $40B Aid Package To Israel Is “Largest Ever” To Any Country
    #MorningMonarchy: Susan Rice Promises Israel “Largest Military Aid Package In U.S. History”
    Israel Treating al-Qaida Fighters Wounded In Syria Civil War
    House OKs Ongoing Cluster Bomb Sales to Saudi Arabia, Saying a Ban Would ‘Stigmatize’ the Weapons

    Story #2: The Government of Mars Is Already Being Planned: A Glimpse at Martian Law
    The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress – FLNWO #33

    Story #3: Okinawa Residents Rally To Protest Crimes By U.S. Military Personnel
    Wikipedia: 1995 Okinawa Rape Incident
    Parts Unknown: Okinawa’s Laid-Back Approach To Life

    #GoodNewsNextWeek: Radio Wins When All Else Fails + Confidence Poll & Music Camp

    #NewWorldNextWeek Headlines: Makeup Pros, Actors Sought for VT Drill During DNC
    Officers “May Have” Shot Orlando Club Patrons
    The Orlando Shooting: An Open Source Investigation
    Obama Wouldn’t Budge From Air Force One Until Game 7 Was Over
    Zuckerberg Puts Tape Over Laptop Camera
    Why The FBI Director Puts Tape Over His Webcam
    Secretive $20B Startup Palantir Buying $225M Of Stock Back From Employees – In Exchange For Their Silence
    Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir, Attended Bilderberg
    The CIA-Backed Start-Up “Crystal Ball” That’s Taking Over Palo Alto (Jan. 14, 2016)
    Flashback: Swedish Minister Dies After Stabbing (Sept. 11, 2003)
    Join The @CorbettReport #Brexit Open Thread For All The Latest Referendum News

    Previous Episode: White Collar Robots Are Coming For Your Office Jobs


  5. lozzafun says:

    Reblogged ‘Finding Truth in an Illusory World’ … Thanks much!


  6. RonMamita says:

    Austerity/Asset Confiscation For Puerto Rico, Italy, Greece…

    Colonial Control Board for Puerto Rico, oh, and the board must be paid $2 million per month to tell Puerto Rico what to do.

    Title: Part 1: Puerto Rico Debate: Is Debt Bill Dangerous Colonialism or Vital Protection from Wall St?

    Puerto Rico’s Debt Debacle – 30.06.2016 – Dukascopy Press Review

    Title: Italian Banks – More Of A Worry Than Brexit

    Title: WARNING from Greece Get Your Money Out of the Banks! Bix Weir


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