Europe Demands Obama STOP Spying On EU Countries Or ALL Agreements Are NULL & VOID!

The alarming contrast I keep seeing is the silence by government to reign in the warrantless mass surveillance, the absence of public debate and investigations to limit and restrict institutional spying in favor of respecting the People’s right to privacy. ~ Ron

Europe Demands Obama STOP Spying On EU Countries Or ALL Agreements Are NULL & VOID!
2013 07 02 By Elizabeth Leafloor


Allegations that the United States has been bugging EU embassies has set a tone of indignation and distrust between the EU and the US, supposed ’friendly nations’. Trade deals and future negotiations reportedly hang in the balance. French President François Hollande has declared the spying must stop “immediately”.
The US has no plans to end surveillance programs, as reported in June.

The outrage is not phasing President Barack Obama, nor seemingly changing US national security policy.


President Obama remarked about the National Security Agency spying on EU diplomats and foreign nations by suggesting that governments spy on each other all the time and that the outrage expressed by France and Germany is blown out of proportion.

Obama said: “We should stipulate that every intelligence service – not just ours, but every European intelligence service, every Asian intelligence service, wherever there’s an intelligence service – here’s one thing that they’re going to be doing: They’re going to be trying to understand the world better, and what’s going on in world capitals around the world. If that weren’t the case, then there’d be no use for an intelligence service.” Source

Meanwhile, NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden’s asylum claims to several European Union countries have yet to be processed. If the spying issue is as deal-breaking as France and Germany are suggesting it is, there should be no qualms in granting Snowden asylum in a show of protest and disagreement.
Their ultimate decisions will tell how far EU nations wish to push back against US global surveillance.

By Elizabeth Leafloor , Red Ice Creations


Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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