GLOBAL LOOK: At Current Protests

1-global-noise-protests-against-public-debt--barcelonaDemocracy Now! Reports: Austerity protests are continuing to sweep across Europe.
In Madrid, Spain, last week, a group of scientists, some wearing black, gathered to hold a moment of silence for the research they say has been killed by budget cuts.
In Portugal, tens of thousands protested Saturday in the cities of Lisbon and Porto against the government’s plans to extend austerity cuts in next year’s budget.
And in Rome, Italy, tens of thousands took to the streets Saturday, a day after transportation, education and healthcare workers launched a 24-hour nationwide strike against continued austerity cuts in Italy’s new budget. A union spokesperson discussed Friday’s strike.

Piero Bernocchi: “We are saying stop the austerity measures that only hurt the weakest — the workers, the pensioners, the unemployed, those who are self-employed. They don’t touch in the slightest way the strong, those that have grown throughout this crisis and caused it.”

Paris students intensify protests over deportations

Latest update: 18/10/2013
High school students took to the streets of Paris in their thousands on Friday during a second consecutive day of protests…
Read More

France Protests U.S. Mass Surveillance

  • France has demanded an immediate explanation from the US following fresh allegations of “totally unacceptable” mass surveillance of French citizens…
  • France has called in the US ambassador to protest against allegations in Le Monde newspaper about large-scale spying on French citizens by the US National Security Agency, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said. Read more


Canadian Fracking Protests

  • Thousands across the world have gathered to rally against the process of shale gas exploration known as ‘Fracking’. According to American Petroleum Institute, shale gas is one of the most rapidly growing forms of natural gas production, and is expected to have a major contribution to the future of North American gas production.
    [Corporations started the intrusive and hazardous project without indigenous Peoples’ permission and failed to seek consultations and agreement with the indigenous natives] MORE
  • Amnesty International is following with concern the police and government response to [fracking] protests by the Elsipogtog Mi’kmaq Nation in New Brunswick.
    Like so many disputes around the lands and resources of Indigenous peoples in Canada, this conflict could have been avoided by a rigorous commitment on the part of government to respect and uphold the rights of Indigenous peoples as set out in Canadian and international law. MORE


Protests continue in Italy

  • Austerity Protesters to Occupy Rome’s Porta Pia Square until 22 October, Persisting Transportation Disruptions Expected
    protesters announced late on Sunday, 20 October, that they would continue to occupy central Rome’s Porta Pia Square until at least Tuesday, 22 October. Scores of tents have been erected in the square, blocking the Via XX Settembre thoroughfare. A delegation is scheduled to meet with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on Tuesday, when demonstrators will stage another protest march.
  • Roman Dismay: Thousands Protest worst recession since WWII
    Published on Oct 20, 2013

    Italy’s economy ministry has been attacked by furious protesters, angered by the government’s cost-cutting drive. Thousands took to the streets, denouncing the ongoing austerity measures for failing to dig the country out of recession. RT’s Egor Piskunov reports. James Walston, Italian politics expert from the American University of Rome, also joins RT studio to discuss this.


Chevron suspends shale gas exploration plan in Romanian village after protest

Energy company Chevron has been forced to suspend its plans to drill an exploration well for shale gas in the village of Pungesti in eastern Romania after the local community blocked the company’s trucks from entering the area. Read More



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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