South African Elections: Polls are due to close at 2100 local time (1900 GMT)

New Earth Nation in support of UBUNTU

Ubuntu Party Leaders cast their vote!

Louise Clarke and Michael Tellinger cast their vote for the Ubuntu Party at around 9am this morning in this historic election day during which the truth of our economic and financial enslavement has been blown wide open.  Finally the people understand that the division, the separation, the hardship and all our human misery has been imposed on us by the banking system.
Read More:
Even if you did not register for voting this past year, as long as you voted in the past 3 elections you will be able to vote. You should still be registered. Find out if you are registered and where you are registered by clicking on this link.

Even if you are NOT in the province where you are registered – you can still vote for the NATIONAL Assembly – no matter where you will be. Just go to the SECTION 24 DESK or Presiding IEC Official and tell them you want to vote for the national assembly only. This will only apply if you are outside of your registered voting area.

UBUNTU Party will be on the National Ballot Paper only – 4th from the bottom. We are not contesting any of the provinces. You can vote for any other party on the provincial ballot BUT…
VOTE UBUNTU Party on the National Ballot.
The country belongs to its people.
“On 7 May 2014, South Africa hosted its fifth general elections since the fall of apartheid, which is used to elect a new National Assembly and new provincial legislatures.”
[NOTE: Results can be found here: ]


Support of UBUNTU Event: 07 May 2014

Latest book by MICHAEL TELLINGER: Ubuntu Contributionism

Communities of Consciousness Are Emerging



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
2 comments on “South African Elections: Polls are due to close at 2100 local time (1900 GMT)
    • RonMamita says:

      South Africans vote in general election

      About 22,000 voting stations open for general election, which ruling ANC is expected to win despite political scandals.
      Last updated: 07 May 2014 14:36

      Around 29 parties featuring on the national ballot will jostle for the votes of some 25 million South Africans registered to participate in the polls. Wednesday’s elections marks 20 years since South Africa’s first democratic election following almost five decades of apartheid rule.
      “We’re generally seeing a youth that is still quite disillusioned by the current political landscape in South Africa,” Lauren Tracey, from the Institute for Security Studies, told Al Jazeera’s Haru Mutasa.

      “They don’t feel as if their vote is going to make a difference.”

      Arriving just after 6am this morning to vote at the Ohlange High School in the township Inanda, on the outskirts of Durban, where Nelson Mandela himself cast his ballot in 1994, Shandu Thabisile, said she was nervous to vote.

      More at:


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