Hawai’i Wave of Awareness & Consciousness

Finding truth amongst the lies

The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii

Click and read the above 1897 petition opposing Annexation ↑

Published on Apr 7, 2015
Big Island Video News interviewed political scientist Dr. David Keanu Sai and attorney Dexter Kaiama about the latest developments on Mauna Kea and the international response.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We have been informed that Dr. Sai was speaking to Big Island Video News in his capacity as a political scientists and not as “ambassador-at-large of the Acting Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom”, as we previously reported.


Message from Ali’i Nui Mo’i, Edmund K. Silva, Jr., of the Kingdom of Hawai’i

Review The Facts and Stories of the Hawai’i State

Attorney General Holder officially notified of U.S. War Crimes, “Pillaging” in Hawaii

Monsanto may have inadvertently provided access to more of their toxic secrets

Hawai’i Is A World Wide Center Of Attention!



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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4 comments on “Hawai’i Wave of Awareness & Consciousness
  1. Alan Scott says:

    I have some sympathy for the Hawaiian cause since the people are cousins of our indigenous Maori New Zealanders.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. RonMamita says:

    The Awareness of the Kingdom of Hawai’i is spreading and the immorality with false claims by the U.S. government are being exposed, along with other institutions such as Monsanto/Dow chem/ etc..
    This Hawaiian dispute is very important as a healing element for the People on Earth…

    There are layers of meaning in the above statement as hidden knowledge and deceptions are revealed that potentially will change all of geopolitics on the world wide stage, as all People realize we are family learning to live together on Earth.
    Imagine Hawai’i the first State to secede from the U.S. and the possibility of others to follow.


  3. RonMamita says:

    Five (5) Ways to Kōkua (assist) the Mauna a Wākea (Mauna Kea) Protectors:

    Thank you kauilapele, for sharing this:

    There are a number of “support tools” I’ve seen up on “the internets” for the Mauna a Wākea (Mauna Kea). Below are five I’ve come up with.

    1. Donate to assist with supplies, etc. at this “Mauna Kea ʻOhana” GoFundMe account. They write, “There are so many things happening behind the scenes right now that will soon require assistance just as much, if not more, than just our warriors.“
    2. Sign this Change.org petition to Governor Ige.
    3. Sign this MoveOn.org petition to Governor Ige.
    4. Contact OHA (Office of Hawaiian Affairs) and let them know your mana’o (heartfelt thoughts) about the TMT. Apparently (I’ve read, somewhere) they are having a meeting tomorrow about this, and their next steps.
    Email: info@oha.org
    Telephone: (808) 594-1835
    5. Convey your Light and Love and Aloha for Hawai’i, its protectors, all of its land and its people and beings, AND for those considered “partners in contrast”, via prayer, meditation, whatever is appropriate for you.

    Twitter: @TMTshutdown, #TMTshutdown
    Facebook: Protect Mauna Kea


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