GLOBAL Dialogue

An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.

I have held off many months from sharing text of the kind I will share below, because it is a long read, most of the material has been presented by me and others in other formats and related materials or blogs and reports over decades and even longer by others, some of whom have sacrificed their lives to exercise their freedom to share the painful truth in a criminal institutional culture that demands secrecy be maintained. Please support more whistle-blowers to come forward and share information the people need to know to exercise liberty and freedom for all.

I find, however, that this growing diversity of sources repeating the truths about institutional deception that is controlling the global systems of Governance, Finance, Commerce, Treaties and Arms is indeed a positive sign that the global, shift is happening. One caution, however, is that some are still caught in the meme of relinquishing control of their personal lives for security and protection by a powerful institution and trusting their “Leadership”. I remember we asked for honorable volunteers to serve the public, with very limited authority and to maintain a “open door” and “full disclosure” policy. Concentration of power along with top secrecy is a unfortunate development as “public servants” has morphed into “Leaders”.

Where once institutional authority was believed to be honorable and truthful has morphed into dishonorable institutions that are deceitful, secretive, untrustworthy, exceed their authority and not highly favored by the public whom the institutions claim to be serving. In fact “White-Collar Crime”, political bribery (campaign funds), criminal institutions and rogue governments have too much power.
The phrases: “global governance”, “In the public safety” and “for the public good” now rings hollow.
Empty words “Just doing my job” and “just following orders” also doesn’t cut it when it enables and empowers rogues at higher positions of authority (“above your pay-grade”) to commit or command you to commit heinous acts of atrocity with authority and impunity. It dishonors us all. Thus beware of signing “non-disclosure” and “secrecy” contracts for a J-O-B and blindly obeying inhumane orders.

I present here, for your discernment, discussion and further research a body of text that provides information and reasons to share information about a global shift of awareness that a destructive and deceitful cabal has unhealthy policies and plans for global governance.

Want to exercise your freedom?

*             *             *

What The FUQ? – Frequently Unanswered Questions of the “Australian Government” – Documentary

Notice to the world
This Notice was delivered to the Office of Private International Law at the Hague.
Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011
Notice to the world was delivered to the
Office of Private International Law at the Hague
“. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle?” — I Corinthians 14:8 — 07/04/12
Maine Republic Email Alert
“. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth.” — John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
We the people, the flesh and blood inhabitants, of the several nation states on the continent of North America, known as the united states of America, hereby declare and give Notice to the World herewith that; We have assembled in our individual states and given Notice that by the authority of jural assembly in each state, having ratified a sovereign constitution for its own governance, declaring its own civil authority of independence, freedom and every power, jurisdiction and right which
is not expressly delegated to the united states in honourable Congress assembled, by the will of the people.
We have assembled as a majority of the states with the purpose to return our Nation to its original design according to the true belief and intention of the free people under the Articles of Confederation, the original Constitution for the united states of America, the Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance, and the Bill of Rights, whereby we are a nation by the people, for the people and of the people.
These nation states assembled as a majority of the states hereby give Notice we mandate our right of civil authority to reclaim our freedom of governance from all usurpation of our Common Law structure so as to eliminate forevermore the existence of federal, state and local corporate entities in any position impersonating the original sovereign structure of government.
The nation states assembled as a majority of the states give Notice we intend to disavow any national affiliations with IMF, World Banks, United Nations, Federal Reserve and all other such organizations, as well as all alleged encumbrances and claims associated with the corporate United States, which were never created, sanctioned, or authorized according to the will of the people of the united states of America.
This assembly of the majority of nation states of the united states of America, including a quorum of the original thirteen states in Union, as empowered in Article 11 of the Articles of Confederation, do also hereby agree to the admission of, lay claim to, and empower all states not having completed documentation of Notice for inclusion in this Notice document, to be included nonetheless, either as nation states in Union, pending completion of documentation, or as developing Territories, unless specifically and individually declined by them.
Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011
The full text of the Notice can be found on the previous page
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“ad Christi potentium et gloriam”

Verified Warnings From Former U.S. Presidents About the
“Invisible Government” Running the U.S. With “No
Allegiance To the People”

This article written by Ross Pittman and originally appeared at Conscious Life News
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”- George Santayana
Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued
warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no
responsibility to the people.”
According to a half-dozen of our former presidents, one vice-president, and a myriad of other high profile political leaders, an invisible government that is “incredibly evil in
intent” has been in control of the U.S. government “ever since the days of Andrew Jackson” (since at least 1836).
They “virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties… It operates under cover of a self-created screen
[and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”
As a result, “we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government
by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.”
The sources for the above quotes (and more) are listed below. All of the quotes listed in this article have been verified as authentic and have associated links to the source
materials. included below are statements made by David Rockefeller, Sr, former director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Federal Reserve Chairmanʼs Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke that appear to confirm some of the warnings.
Warnings About the Invisible Government Running the U.S. The warnings listed below, which appear in chronological order, began with our first president – George Washington. The last president to speak out was JFK, who was assassinated. Read what they and other political leaders have said about the invisible government.
George Washington wrote that the Illuminati want to separate the People from their Government “It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious
principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may… actually had a seperation [sic] of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.” – George Washington, 1st President of the United States (1789–1797), from a letter that Washington wrote on October 24, 1798, which can be found in the Library of Congress. For an analysis of Washingtonʼs warning, see the article “Library of Congress: George Washington Warns of Illuminati”

The “Invisible Government” Running the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People [1]

“I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” — Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States (1801–1809) and principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence (1776), in a letter written to John Taylor on May 28, 1816

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various
powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.” – John C. Calhoun, Vice President (1825-1832) and U.S. Senator, from a speech given on May 27, 1836

Note that it appears that Washingtonʼs and Jeffersonʼs concerns regarding bankers and separation of the people from the government was realized by 1836. This fact was confirmed in a letter written by FDR in 1933 (see below) in which he wrote that “a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Jackson was the seventh president of the United
States (1829-1937). Calhoun served as Jacksonʼs vice-president from 1829-1932.
“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”—
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography, 1913
(Appendix B)
“A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men… [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no
longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” –
Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, The New Freedom, 1913

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had menʼs views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, The New Freedom, 1913

“The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, … and control the
majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.” –
New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, New York Times, March 26, 1922

“Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt…Mr. Chairman, when the Federal Reserve act was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here… and that this country was to supply financial power to an international superstate — a superstate controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure.” – Congressman Louis T. McFadden, from a speech delivered to the House of Representatives on June 10, 1932

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” —
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945), in a letter to Colonel Edward M House dated November 21, 1933, as quoted in F.D.R.: His Personal Letters, 1928-1945.

“Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means… We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government… This ruthless power-seeking elite is a
disease of our century… This group…is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.” – The “Invisible Government” Running the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People [2]

Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” — J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine, 1956

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.” — John F Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, from a speech delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 and known as the “Secret Society” speech. Listen to Kennedyʼs speech.

“The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world. Do I mean conspiracy?
Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” – Congressman Larry P. McDonald, November 1975, from the introduction to a book titled The Rockefeller File.

“There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” – Daniel K. Inouye, US Senator from Hawaii, testimony at the Iran Contra Hearings, 1986

The Federal Reserve
“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves…” –
John C. Calhoun

“… owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.” –
Theodore Roosevelt

“… one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Bank.“ –
Louis T. McFadden

See Video: The Federal Reserve is Above the Law
In an interview with Jim Lehrer that was aired on PBSʼ News Hour on September 18, 2007 that you can watch on YouTube, formal Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, essentially, that the Federal Reserve was above the law and that no agency of government can overrule their actions:
Jim Lehrer: “What is the proper relationship, what should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the Fed and a president of the United States?”
Alan Greenspan: “Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the
relationships are donʼt frankly matter.”
The fact that the Fed is above the law was demonstrated by current Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, during his appearance before Congress on March 4, 2009 (as shown in this video). Senator Bernie Sanders asked Bernanke about $2.2 trillion in American tax dollars that was lent out by Federal Reserve.
Bernanke refused to provide an answer:
Senator Sanders: “Will you tell the American people to whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars? … Can you tell us who they are?”
Bernanke: “No”

The “Invisible Government” Running the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People [3]

David Rockefeller and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

“We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state…” –
William Jenner

“The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world.” –
Larry P. McDonald
In 1921 the stockholders of the Federal Reserve financed an organization called the “Council on Foreign Relations” (CFR). A full discussion on the CFR is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that the CFR likely plays a prominent role in the invisible government that we have been warned about. The CFR is alleged to be the arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States. Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members. The CFR uses its influence to push their New World
Order agenda on the American people.
David Rockefeller, Sr is the current patriarch of the Rockefeller family. He is the only surviving grandchild of oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil. Rockefeller began a lifelong association with the CFR when he joined as a director in 1949. In Rockefellerʼs 2002 autobiography “Memoirs” he wrote:
“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part
of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If thatʼs the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
James Warburg, son of CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] founder Paul Warburg, delivered blunt testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950:
“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”
Cognitive Dissonance
“The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” —
J. Edgar Hoover

Because of a deep rooted beliefs that the U.S. government is “for the people” and the protector of the free world, many will reject the notion of an evil shadow government. When our beliefs are challenged or when two beliefs are inconsistent, cognitive dissonance is created. Itʼs human nature to try to hold our beliefs in harmony with our world view and avoid disharmony (or dissonance).
For those of you who having difficulty believing the information presented in this article, I fully understand. For the first 57 years of my life, I would not have believed it. Three years ago my world view changed. While on vacation in Mount Shasta, I came across a book titled “Global Conspiracy” that seemed strangely out of place in a metaphysical book store. I had never heard of the author before –
some guy named David Icke. I scanned through the book and frankly didnʼt believe 99% of what I read.
But, I saw one thing that caught my attention in that I knew that I could easily verify Ickeʼs assertion. I did my own research and turned out what Icke had stated was true (at least in that one instance). That led me down a rabbit hole and many, many hundreds of hours of independent research.
Keep an open mind, do your own research, and use discernment. Beware that there is a ton of disinformation on the internet, much of which is intentionally placed to confuse the public. At a CFR meeting on geoengineering (see the article “Millions Spent to Confuse Public About Geoengineering“), M. Granger Morgan stated (itʼs captured on video for you to see and hear for yourself):
“First of all, of course, there is a lot of money getting spent to make sure that a very substantial portion of the public stays totally confused about this. And, I mean, itʼs been really quite pernicious. But thereʼs been literally tens of millions of dollars spent on every little thing that comes along that might, you know, relate to some uncertainty.”

The “Invisible Government” Running the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People [4]

What Can We Do?
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only
thing that ever has.” –
Margaret Mead

In addition to doing your own research, please spread the word (feel free to share this article), and get involved. The Thrive Solutions Hub is an excellent place to join with others who are taking positive action steps expose corruption and to create a world in which we can all thrive. You can watch the full Thrive movie on YouTube here.


The “Invisible Government” Running the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People [5]

Frank O’Collins on WRS talking Writs,Reincarnation and CCR5 Anomaly

Frank O’Collins on WRS talking Writs,Reincarnation and CCR5 Anomaly Part 2


Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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14 comments on “GLOBAL Dialogue
  1. I found something like this elsewhere and really enjoyed. Some more of this please! Thx


  2. ronmamita says:

    Interesting that I’ve received emails from this blog entry but, as yet, no comments posted here to this entry.
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    If you rather remain private then yes emails works to that end, but I may miss your email as I do not see all emails and some are filtered as spam…

    Some readers have offered suggestions for getting more exposure and readers, however I enjoy this format for its allowance to share my creativity and experiences with the world. That is a generous reward that I appreciate.
    Words and thoughts are shared freely and will touch the next generations in a living world of great creativity.

    Thank you for being here!



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