What is History: Written Script By Empires


A World Order?

Order by and for whom?
Central planners and policy makers following a script may be a more accurate description than the “history repeating” slogan many people repeat.
Governments Regulate Abuse akin to Crime Lords regulating abusive policies and their protection racket.
German TV network broadcasts long program on gold market manipulation
Remember: “his-story” is “history” and not all of that textbook written story is factual.
Stories guide people’s lives, their objectives, activities and their beliefs, regardless if they are false or true.
Institutional controllers have only a limited set of tools available to maintain control until it fails to work.
The most often used and effective control tools are secrets, deception/false information, food/water, money, taxation, terror and wars…
Are we not seeing these scripts and tools today in institutional controlled media, governance, schools, classroom textbooks, central banks, monetary policy, manipulated market exchanges, agriculture, proliferation of taxation and wars? ~Ron

Feds Warn of Food Price Inflation

USDA warns of sticker shock on U.S. beef as grilling season starts

Detroit not alone, expect more bankrupt cities

Chinese Military Said to Be Massing Near the Vietnam Border

The FED is The Great Deceiver

PhD. Paul Craig Roberts says:
“What I find most amusing about this is they had to claim some real growth in the first quarter; so, they eked out .1%. Now we know they got that by rigging the inflation number they used to deflate the gross domestic product (GDP). The real GDP in the first quarter, properly deflated, was negative and probably also in the fourth quarter. Most likely, this coming quarter, they are not going to be able to hide the fact that it is negative. . . . I am convinced the first quarter was negative, and I don’t see how it could possibly go positive in the second quarter.”

On Fed Head Janet Yellen’s rosy outlook on the economy, Dr. Roberts, who holds a PhD in economics, debates, “I don’t see how she can see that the economy is going to start growing. What is going to make it grow? Why should investors invest money when consumers don’t have any money? There are not retail sales. I think it is just part of the rah, rah talk. Everywhere else in the world is going down the tube. So, what’s going to push the American economy up?–Nothing that I know of.”


Ailing U.S. Economic Symptoms are Spreading… Puerto Rico on the Brink of Default

Financial Terrorism: Rising Price of FOOD & Gas Not Included For Inflation

How Much Inflation Can The People Tolerate, as Central Banks Fight Deflation

The U.S. Created Less Jobs In 2013 Than 2012

World Trend: Sharp Dose of “Smelling Salts”



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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
4 comments on “What is History: Written Script By Empires
  1. RonMamita says:

    Join the discussion

    Barclays Fined 26 Mil. Euros For Gold Manipulation

    George Soros Dumping Bank Stocks & Buying Gold Mining Shares

    Doug Casey: Stock, Bond and Real Estate Markets Will Collapse

    Watch Meltdown America documentary at http://www.caseyresearch.com/meltdown

    Share preparatory ideas and plans with neighbors, friends and family.


    • RonMamita says:

      Research the facts, know what is happening, then make informed decisions

      Gerald discusses Ukraine, the markets, and the world in turmoil.

      Listen For 5 Minutes

      Everything You Need to Know About The “War On Terror”

      Posted Jun 9, 2010

      Author and historian Webster Tarpley exposes the Orwellian lie known as the “War On Terror” before Orwell’s own 1984 provides a glimpse into our own age.


  2. RonMamita says:

    Below is a link to a good read:

    Don’t Be a Slave!

    Dan Steinhart and James Altucher, Managing Editor, The Casey Report

    I hate being a slave.

    One might think: don’t be a jerk. You weren’t in chains in the 1800s. That was real slavery.
    Ok, I hate arguing. Go away.

    But I’ve been a slave. And it was hard work to get out of it. Slavery comes in many forms.

    Let’s take a look at the average person.

    The average person works at a job. Fine, you might say, a job is a lot different from slavery: I can take a water break, for instance. And sometimes go to the bathroom. And when I talk to people the same sex as me, there aren’t even any rules governing what I can say.

    Great. I agree.

    But let’s just take a look at your income and your behavior.

    Sure, you might say, I realize I don’t get all of my income. About 40% goes to taxes.

    And there you would be wrong.

    Your true salary is the value you create for the place you work.
    Some percentage of it goes to your boss. He has to get paid also, you know. Who do you think pays him?

    You do.

    Some percentage of your salary goes to his boss and however big the hierarchy is. I know this, having been a boss, having run a company, and having been an employee.

    I’m also on the board of directors of a company with a billion in revenues that is one of the largest employers in the United States. Do you know what they do? They are an employment agency.

    I see the numbers. The actual numbers of what is happening in the economy. The actual unemployment rate, where people are being fired, rehired, demoted, demoralized, and spit out of the machine when they are no longer of any use.

    So I see what happens in the machine and what we can do about it as people (as I assume all readers of this newsletter are) who want to be free.

    Some percentage of your “salary” goes to the shareholders of the company before you even see it.

    And some percentage goes to the vendors of the company. Like the insurance “benefits” your company gives you that you most likely will never need (if you were likely to need them, then the benefits would be higher, until you no longer need that much. That’s how insurance works).

    And some percentage goes to employees that don’t pull their weight. The 80/20 rule applies where approximately 80% don’t pull their weight, so any money left over from your efforts has to be used to pay them. You pay them.

    And you have no control over that.

    Finally, you have to pay for your cubicle, your office supplies, the computer on your desk, your phone, etc. If you created no extra money to pay for these things, then they wouldn’t exist. So this comes directly out of your salary.

    I call all of the above your “Above the Line” salary. Try to figure out what your Above the Line salary is.

    You can say, “My company gives me the opportunity to make this Above the Line salary.” That’s fine.

    But they take quite a bit. It’s probably four or five times higher than your “Below The Line” salary.

    There are ways to get your “Above the Line” salary so you personally benefit from it. Most companies are very wasteful, and you pay for that waste directly out of your salary.

    Then there’s your Below-the-Line salary.

    40% goes to federal and state taxes. This is already after your services have been taxed at the corporate level; now you’re being taxed another 40% at the personal level.

    Note that only salaried employees pay 40%. Nobody else does.

    The richest Americans pay less than 15% on average on gains in their net worth. That’s because salaried employees are slaves and have the least political power.

    Another 5-8% goes to taxes on everything you consume. Now we are almost at 50%.

    Then, like most Americans, you have a mortgage. Maybe this is another 10-20% of your salary. Your company likes you to own your house because you are less likely to quit (you need the money to pay the mortgage) and you are less likely to move (you’re not mobile).

    Then there are student loans you are paying off. For the first time ever, greater than 50% of the unemployed have college degrees. So it’s pretty scary.

    Read the rest of that report at: http://www.caseyresearch.com/cdd/dont-be-a-slave

    The Working Poor

    Or should it be labeled “slave wages”?

    Original release: 14 May 2014


  3. RonMamita says:

    Remember, It Is Scripted


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