15 comments on “What was Significant About “Magic 7” in Christine Lagarde’s Global Speech?
  1. RonMamita says:

    Israel To Destroy al-Aqsa Mosque On Temple Mount!

    Published on Jan 26, 2014

    This is huge news… Even bigger if they follow through with their plans!


  2. RonMamita says:

    Prophetic Sign? Pope Francis Releases Peace Dove and Black Crow Attacks Instantly!

    Published on Jan 26, 2014

    Instantly attacked by a crow and a sea gull ! I think this does indeed serve as a harbinger!



  3. RonMamita says:

    Two top American bankers commit suicide in London

    Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old JP Morgan bank executive, died this morning after he threw himself off the top of the bank’s European headquarters
    On Sunday, former Deutsche Bank senior manager, William ‘Bill’ Broeksmit, 58, was found hanging in his home in South Kensington
    Both deaths have been ruled non-suspicious by the Metropolitan Police
    Magee had lived in London for seven years after transferring from the Unites States with JP Morgan
    Broeksmit had been in London many years but still owned an apartment in an exclusive Central Park building in New York
    Both were thought highly of by their bosses and colleagues, sources said

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2547684/TWO-senior-American-bankers-working-London-commit-suicide-just-two-days-one-jumped-500ft-death-JP-Morgan-skyscraper.html


  4. RonMamita says:

    MAGIC 7 & Codes

    I have been merging my intuitions with research…
    what I want to reconcile is the hidden agendas/plans of the globalists/cartels/central planners and the natural forces of creativity/freedom… to save the People on Earth and align with Earth in peace.
    Hearing Christine Lagarde’s speech raises the question of the internal struggles within the globalists’ membership. Part of Christine’s speech was for insiders to know she is following orders, evidently it was an announcement to members she and her bosses are not able to speak to directly. They would know the full meaning she was saying in coded jargon that the year of 2014 is significant for the People on Earth. The public is challenged to decode the message.
    International Monetary Fund

    Another sign that internal struggles are ongoing is the leaks, whistleblowing about the institutional secrets that are threats to personal sovereignty (privacy, liberty, freedom, prosperity, peace) and life. Obviously some factions want wars to escalate and the tyrannical powers of the police-state to strengthen in order to enforce harmful policies and coerce or extinguish dissenters.
    The evidence is abundant that nation states have governments to manage the people as chattel and human capital, the value is the people… The global monetary system is modern slavery and debt bondage.


  5. RonMamita says:

    Why are banks building up their excess reserves?

    We have discussed several times in posts that the Federal Reserve has been intentionally discouraged banks from lending to Main Street – in a heartless management of high-inflation – which has increased unemployment and stalled out the economy whilst avoiding run-a-way hyper-inflation and the dreaded system-destroying-deflation.

    I have done more archival research and found a very revealing 6 part report by Spiegel:

    Excess Reserves of Depository Institutions

    These excess reserves, of course, are deposited at the Fed:

    These excess reserves, of course, are deposited at the Fed

    I connect the Spiegel report to Christine’s “magic 7” to banker’s 7 year accumulation of excess reserves as a hoarding model: “calls for banks to build up reserves in good times so that they can be more flexible in bad times.”
    Since the 2007 financial crisis the bankers have pumped liquidity to the too big to fail institutions for a risk free 7 year reign, next comes the famine years.

    Written, in both the Bible and the Koran, that it was important to provide for seven years of famine during seven good years

    Are you prepared for 7 years of famine?


    • RonMamita says:

      Central bank economist, William White, warned the BIS and Federal Reserve of the approaching financial crisis years before 2007’s sub-prime meltdown, but they ignored his recommendations! White now guesses the central banks are applying the “hoarding model”, and this makes sense to me as the 7 year cycle from 2008 to conclude in 2015 may begin to reveal itself later this year 2014 with disruptions worsening into 2015…
      The IMF will be tasked with implementing the new global monetary system.

      Christine’s cryptic speech lingers in my mind and if it was code for the 7 seven years of economic famine cycle then a lot is about to be unleashed in a pre-planned fashion from the major institutions in the G-20 developed economies.

      Pray for public trials of officials and executives this year of 2014 before the full implementation of their emergency plans (martial law, bank holidays, bank bail-ins, wars and more)…


      • That’s just it, I think people need to come into their power, more than plan for 7 years of famine, but that’s just my thoughts.

        People as yet don’t realize how powerful we are, en masse of course. We need a critical mass of humanity believing that we are in control of the outcome here.

        I’ve been studying theology on and off for years now and am no further to the truth through those books/ ideologies than I was when I first asked the initial questions.

        My consciousness however tells me that I will be fine and that humanity itself will rise to the occasion via evolution, instantly, to realize who we are. When that is to happen is beyond my knowledge, if it can even be known, but I feel it is soon. We’re in the process right now and I believe that science is starting to record the evidence for what people have been warning about for years.


  6. RonMamita says:

    Yes, inner vision, increased awareness, sharing knowledge/experiences and exercising personal sovereignty are emerging a shift of global consciousness that is manifesting a great change even as the institutions attempt to implement their plans to tighten control and restrict freedom.
    While I have no worries that I will survive hardships and challenges (and if not then that is simply the opportunity to explore the next realm of consciousness) however I think there are likely to be some major disruptions in institutional systems and the possibility that electricity can be interrupted, banks can close (denying access to currencies) grocery store shelves can be emptied with long intervals before restocking; these are possibilities I choose to prepare for as a precaution. Perhaps I will be able to assist others in my community or perhaps I will find it necessary to move… Whatever the circumstances I think the ability to adjust will be enhanced with preparedness for emergencies that I can imagine, even if a unimagined catastrophe occurs.
    I declare world peace
    No scare-mongering intended, simple emergency response practice is a developed skill through practice.
    Hopefully, the mass information sharing globally will manifest court trials to end the violations on personal sovereignty, when more of the obedient order followers will break from their trance and obedience training to realize the choices of freedom or slavery.
    My heart goes out to those unable to see past a paycheck of servitude or patriotic mental construct of oath to protect a legal fiction of governance.


    • No doubt. We really do need a great deal of those that are still asleep, because to shut down a system like this requires big numbers to “opt out”, and start starving the beast.

      I didn’t mean to imply that you were scare-mongering or anything of that sort, only letting you know where I was at. For me it’s more the ability to plan for such a disaster is currently beyond my means. I’m a check to check er’. After my back injury, economics became rather difficult for me in the earning department and thus far, I’ve resisted accepting donations or gifts in any part of my life. Asking for help has never been an easy thing for me. It’s funny this comes up as D’ at Removing the Shackles has been talking about these very issues recently.

      At any rate, I’m glad to read this from you…

      “While I have no worries that I will survive hardships and challenges (and if not then that is simply the opportunity to explore the next realm of consciousness) however I think there are likely to be some major disruptions in institutional systems and the possibility that electricity can be interrupted, banks can close (denying access to currencies) grocery store shelves can be emptied with long intervals before restocking; these are possibilities I choose to prepare for as a precaution. Perhaps I will be able to assist others in my community or perhaps I will find it necessary to move… Whatever the circumstances I think the ability to adjust will be enhanced with preparedness for emergencies that I can imagine, even if a unimagined catastrophe occurs.”

      We need to find a better way to communicate with each other Ron, you may just have the other half of this amulet I’m wearing. I have been waiting for a like-minded person to discuss the things I’m burdened with during this incredible journey.



  7. RonMamita says:

    Obama’s Message to Israel, Time Is Running Out for 7 Year Peace Deal!

    Posted March 03, 2014


    Mar 2, 2014 2:00 By Jeffrey Goldberg
    President Obama:
    …”with each successive year, the window is closing for a peace deal that both the Israelis can accept and the Palestinians can accept — in part because of changes in demographics; in part because of what’s been happening with settlements; in part because Abbas is getting older, and I think nobody would dispute that whatever disagreements you may have with him, he has proven himself to be somebody who has been committed to nonviolence and diplomatic efforts to resolve this issue. We do not know what a successor to Abbas will look like.”

    “Israel has become more isolated internationally. We had to stand up in the Security Council in ways that 20 years ago would have involved far more European support, far more support from other parts of the world when it comes to Israel’s position. And that’s a reflection of a genuine sense on the part of a lot of countries out there that this issue continues to fester, is not getting resolved, and that nobody is willing to take the leap to bring it to closure.”


  8. Although I know not of the occult I do know my numerology and 2014 is an 8 universal year. The discrepancy has to do with the true start of the Gregorian calendar and compensating for a non existent zero year. Mrs. Lagardes please keep your day job.


    • RonMamita says:

      Who ever Christine’s magic 7 speech was coded for, she stated that she obeys her orders.

      Apparently nations have agreed to the currency revaluation and reform policy.
      IMF models examined a policy to keep their currencies within 5% differential of each other.
      Below is a interesting look into her stated monetary reforms:

      Puzzle Pieces: Monetary Reset Plan


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