The NWO Banks’ Reserve Currency is seen as Monopoly Money

[Cautionary Note: Prepare for massive changes and “states of emergencies” declarations by govts…
The problem, as I see it, is event driven and thus the time is an unknown. Economic crisis in the year 2015, or sooner, or later? Systemic instability is woven throughout this international monetary system.]
Below are a series of reports, Written by Jeff Nielson, supporting the conclusion that a Dollar collapse is looming; also view the video recording with Jeff Nielson at the bottom in the Comments section.


Investment Analysis video by “Brother John”

The One Bank

Written by Jeff Nielson

In 1980, in an infamous episode of “American Justice”; the Hunt Brothers were charged (and convicted) with attempting to “corner the silver market” – i.e. an attempt to monopolize it. At the time prosecution commenced, the Hunt Brothers had only managed to acquire less than 20% of total global inventories.

Nonetheless, given the strict provisions of our anti-trust laws this was a violation. In this one (relatively tiny) market; even a 20% concentration by a single entity is considered unacceptable. But that was when our governments were less-corrupt, and still enforced these laws on at least a semi-regular basis.

Flash ahead to 2013, and readers of my previous commentary were presented with the earth-shattering findings of a trio of Swiss researchers:

In detail, nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of [all transnational corporations] in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 [transnational corporations] in the core, which has almost full control over itself. The top holders within the core can thus be thought of as an economic “super-entity” in the global network of corporations. A relevant additional fact at this point is that ¾ of the core are financial intermediaries. [emphasis mine]

In 1980, it was intolerable for one entity to have even a 20% share of one, small market. In 2013, the same cabal of (Western) governments has allowed a “super-entity” to acquire double that share – not of a single (small) market, or a whole sector, or even an entire economy. Rather, this is a single “super-entity” with 40% control of everything.

Of course when these researchers coined their term “super-entity”, they had no need of inventing new terminology. The word they were searching for was “monopoly”: a single monopoly with 40% control over the entire global economy.

Obviously what is being implied here is not minority control in every single market/sector/economy. Clearly this One Monopoly has a stranglehold over 40% of all markets/sectors/economies – with this obscene level of control spreading rapidly, like a particularly virulent economic cancer.

When the researchers speak of the ¾ of the “core” which are “financial intermediaries”; what this euphemistic language means is that ¾ of this giant monopoly are banks and bank holding-companies. The One Monopoly is one, big bank.

Despite its fraud-bloated size; the entire Western financial sector (all of these rapacious, utterly criminal Big Banks) would form only a small component of this One Bank. Thus while it is not necessarily true that the One Bank has effective control of all these fraud-factories; it is undoubtedly true that it controls the vast majority of them.

A “banking monopoly” with 40% control of all sectors of the global economy will obviously have a much, much higher concentration of control in the Heart of the Beast. The Big Banks of the West are literally “partners in crime” in the truest sense of that expression.

What is the crime being perpetrated by the One Bank? Anyone who reads even the diluted accounts of the Corporate Media will already know that the One Bank is involved in a cornucopia of crime, with the Attorney General of the United States, himself, publicly pledging to cover up all this (literal) organized crime. The One Bank is a crime syndicate.

However, among this litany of financial/economic atrocities, one grandiose scheme stands out above all others: nothing less than the economic enslavement of all humanity. While the “web” of corporate fronts which hides this obscene/illegal monolith may be intentionally convoluted; its strategy couldn’t be simpler.

Persuade/coerce all the Puppet Governments under its influence to intentionally become over-indebted, literally to the brink of bankruptcy…and then blood-suck. Steal a (large) portion of all the labours of all productive members of our society as so-called “interest payments” – forever.

The One Bank is above all else a gigantic parasite, claiming a large piece of all human production while earning none of it.

Understand that in one way or another, all of the massive/unrepayable bond debts of these Deadbeat Debtors are thoroughly tainted with fraud. How did (nearly) all of the West’s governments bury themselves in debt, far past the point of insolvency? They had a lot of help.


After these governments were already all on the threshold of insolvency; the One Bank sent its minions to begin whispering in the ears of all these Puppet Governments. The One Bank had “discovered” a magical way for all these governments to all borrow much, much more – and still remain solvent (claimed the minions).

The “magic” was via all the extremely complex (and entirely illegal) “financial derivatives” which the Puppet Governments had allowed these bankers to bring into existence. Indeed, the most-destructive/most-illegal form of these derivatives (credit-default swaps) had been explicitly banned in the U.S. for nearly a century based on anti-gambling statutes.

The promises of the minions of the One Bank were all lies. There was no “magic” way to permanently reduce interest rates, and thus permanently be able to (viably) finance much more debt.

When these financial fiduciaries (i.e. the minions of the One Bank) made their financial warranties which were unequivocally false, that was fraud. Moreover, the primary tool to perpetrate this fraud was credit-default swaps – i.e. illegal instruments.

All Western bond debts are the product of fraudulent misrepresentation, perpetrated through the use of illegal instruments (credit-default swaps, et al). According to the most basic tenets of the Rule of Law; all of these bond debts are now thoroughly tainted with fraud – and thus null-and-void as a matter of law.

The fact that our corrupt governments have (at best) passively facilitated the rape of their own economies, and “legitimized” all this bond fraud/crime by refusing to enforce their own laws cannot redeem the inherent fraud of these transactions.

When Debt Jubilee arrives and all these bond-debts are wiped clean (as they have been in previous historical episodes of similar, systemic fraud); the basis for eradicating all this debt will not be purely in morality, but also clearly in legality. The crime must end. Humanity must be allowed to remove the Yoke of the One Bank.

While undoubtedly many reader questions still remain about this malevolent “super-entity”, certainly one question rises above all others. Can we put a specific name to this “one bank”? Apparently so: Rothschild.

Many historical sources document the Rothschild clan as being unquestionably the wealthiest “house” on the planet in the 19th century, my own favorite source being the superlative documentary, The Money Masters. This clan has never suffered any significant, publicly-recorded financial set-back. Yet flash ahead to the early 21st century, and on any (so-called) “world’s wealthiest list” you will never see the Rothschild name appear.

Simply having “more money” makes it easier to accumulate (i.e. steal) even more money. Thus our presumption (if anything) is that House Rothschild would have extended the financial gap which separates these Misers from humanity.

The implication here is clear. The “world’s richest” lists compiled in the propaganda of the Corporate Media are simply the “B-list” billionaires. What does it mean to really be one of the “world’s wealthiest”? Being able to have your name removed from that propaganda list.

The Rothschilds, world’s wealthiest bankers of the 19th and 20th centuries, have (apparently) succeeded in creating One Bank, in order to greatly expand/accelerate their looting of all the wealth of humanity in the 21st century. How important is such a corporate front to the malevolent aspirations of House Rothschild?

Here the Swiss researchers are unequivocal:

In particular, the top ranked actors hold a control ten times bigger than what could be expected based on their wealth. [emphasis mine]

The One Bank is nothing less than a gigantic “amplifier” of financial crime – apparently the new crimes of House Rothschild. Such a paradigm leads one to paraphrase a piece of immortal verse from the legendary J.R.R. Tolkein:

One Bank to rule them all,

One Bank to find them,

One Bank to bring them all,

And in the darkness bind them.

We are all “bound” by the fraud-bonds of the One Bank. And until we finally/completely/irrevocably destroy this One Bank; we will remain the financial thralls of these real-life Dark Lords.


U.S. Gasoline Consumption Plummets By Nearly 75%

Written by Jeff Nielson Sunday, 25 May 2014

Regular readers are familiar with my narratives on the U.S. Greater Depression, and (in particular) some of the government’s own charts which depict this economic meltdown most vividly. The collapse in the “civilian participation rate” (the number of people working in the economy) and the “velocity of money” (the heartbeat of the economy) indicate an economy which is not merely in decline, but rather is being sucked downward in a terminal (and accelerating) death-spiral.

However, even that previously published data, and the grim analyses which accompanied it could not prepare me for the horror story contained in data passed along by an alert reader. U.S. “gasoline consumption” – as measured by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) itself – has plummeted by nearly 75%, from its all-time peak in July of 1998. A near-75% collapse in U.S. gasoline consumption has occurred in little more than 15 years.

Before getting into an analysis of the repercussions of this data, however, it’s necessary to properly qualify the data. Obviously, even in the most-nightmarish economic Armageddon, a (relatively short-term) 75% collapse in gasoline consumption is simply not possible. Unless we were dealing with a nation whose economy had been suddenly ripped apart by civil war, or some small nation devastated by a massive earthquake or tsunami; it’s simply not possible for any economy to just disintegrate that rapidly, without there being some ultra-powerful exogenous force also at work.

So how can this raw data, produced by the government itself, be explained? To begin with; the government chooses to measure U.S. gasoline consumption in a very odd manner: by measuring the amount of gasoline entering the domestic supply-chain rather than by measuring actual consumption at the other end of the supply-chain – i.e. “at the pump”.

Why does the U.S. government, which (among other things) leads the world in the manufacture of statistics not produce any simple/direct measurement of gasoline consumption? How can the St. Louis Fed produce nearly 100 different charts on gasoline and diesel prices (for any/every price-category which can be imagined by these statistics geeks), but not a single chart on gasoline supply/demand?

There are several reasons for this unbalanced, anomalous, and simply absurd statistical methodology. First of all; the reason why the U.S. government produces a near-infinite number of charts on prices is because prices are what the Gamblers (i.e. bankers) use as the basis for their $100’s of trillions in gambling in the rigged casinos which the bankers call “markets”.

While supply/demand data is of utmost importance in the real world; the banker-gamblers don’t dwell in the real world. As regular readers already know; their derivatives casino, alone, is roughly twenty times as large as the entire global economy. To the bankers; the “real world” is nothing but fodder for their insane gambling.

Why use this data, at all, since it is such an inferior/distorted means of measuring U.S. gasoline consumption? Because the EIA uses exactly the same data to publish its own “estimates” of U.S. gasoline consumption:

Note: Product supplied measures the amount of gasoline that went into the supply chain and is used as a proxy for gasoline consumption. [emphasis mine]

The other half of this ridiculous statistical hodge-podge, where endless quantities of trivial/irrelevant price data are trumpeted, while any/all data which actually measures the (real) economy is suppressed (if not buried entirely) displays a government desperately trying to hide this massive economic collapse.


If you choose to measure the amount of gasoline leaving U.S. refineries and entering domestic inventories and call this “gasoline consumption”; you can hide the actual collapse in gasoline consumption – until those retail inventories are overflowing, and there is simply no more room in the storage tanks.

This is what we see today in the U.S.: a gasoline market which had been deliberately-and-dramatically over-supplied with gasoline at the wholesale end of the supply-chain (the refineries) has now practically ground to a halt. The same nation which previously amazed the world as it accumulated more automobiles and more miles of highways per capita than any nation on Earth (and by a huge margin) now has such an insane glut of gasoline that it’s massive chain of refineries have had to simply turn off the taps – until this pathetically anemic economy manages to burn-off some of that glut.

This conclusion becomes even more visible/obvious when we view the gasoline data just from the start of the mythical “U.S. economic recovery” to the present. At the start of the “U.S. recovery”; U.S. gasoline consumption was at a rate of 52 million gallons per day (already more than 20% below the 1998 all-time peak). In the five years since the start of this pretend-recovery; U.S. gasoline consumption has fallen all the way to 18 million gallons per day.

Since the beginning of “the U.S. economic recovery”; U.S. gasoline consumption has plummeted by nearly 2/3. As the pseudo-recovery began, and supposedly “strengthened”; U.S. refineries were ordered to fill up the inventories of their dealer network, in anticipation of the increased gasoline consumption which would have occurred in any real “recovery”.

But there never was an increase in U.S. gasoline consumption, because there never was a U.S. economic recovery. Rather, the Greater Depression has simply (and relentlessly) continued to pulverize the U.S. economy like a meat-grinder. To hide this devastation (as well as is possible), the government produces a wide array of its pseudo-statistics, that all contain myriad “adjustments” – which make it possible for these liars-with-numbers to distort the statistical picture of the U.S. economy beyond recognition.

Meanwhile, any/all statistics which measure raw data (and thus cannot be perverted with “adjustments”) are either suppressed (like the civilian participation rate), or not even measured, at all – as is the case with U.S. gasoline consumption. At the retail end; none of the “sales” statistics are adjusted for inflation, not even with the absurdly-fraudulent “CPI” numbers.

By not deflating sales data (at all) the collapse in U.S. gasoline consumption “at the pump” is hidden within all this unreported inflation. As explained in previous commentaries; it is this same, unreported inflation which allows the U.S. to convert its large, negative, GDP readings (which would otherwise reveal the Greater Depression) into “economic growth”. It is this same, unreported inflation which allows the government (and employers) to hide the fact that U.S. wages have collapsed by more than 50%.

But what the liars-with-numbers cannot hide (any longer) is the collapse in U.S. gasoline consumption which has accompanied the continued, downward spiral of the Greater Depression. The storage tanks are now all full. The only way to (temporarily) hide the collapse in U.S. gasoline consumption any further would be to construct even more storage facilities. However, there is no possible economic justification for increasing storage capacity in a market of steadily/relentlessly declining demand.

Indeed, the exact opposite is true. The U.S. economy of the 21st century (a mere hollowed-out husk of what it was only 20 years earlier) will require less and less gasoline storage facilities over time, reflecting a supply network for a steadily shrinking market. As the One Bank completes its plundering of the U.S. economy, and completes its transformation of the U.S. Middle Class into the Working Poor, it is also simply using up more and more of its economic lies.

The Great Inflation Lie will continue to allow the U.S. government (and other Western governments) to crank-out absurd/imaginary positive numbers for GDP. It will continue to allow the U.S. government to crank-out absurd/imaginary numbers for retail sales (and hide the ongoing collapse of the entire U.S. retail sector).

But it can’t hide the fact that U.S. refineries have nearly stopped producing gasoline for the most-motorized society/economy the world has ever seen. It can’t hide the fact that there haven’t been so few people working in the U.S. economy (on a percentage basis) in 35 years.

Readers who are stubbornly faithful to the plethora of pseudo-statistics which the U.S. government uses to hide this collapse may have been skeptical of my original denunciation of the “U.S. economic recovery”. They may have been more skeptical with assertions that this Wonderland Matrix of lies is being used to hide a Greater Depression.

However, there is no further room for skepticism when official, government numbers indicate a near-75% collapse in U.S. gasoline consumption over a mere 15 years, and a 65% collapse in consumption since the start of the (supposed) Recovery. Numbers such as this can only be encapsulated with acronyms like “DOA”.

When we look at the EIA’s “gasoline consumption” numbers, and when we see the St. Louis Fed’s chart of the U.S. velocity of money (heartbeat of the U.S. economy); we don’t see an economy which is dying. We see an economy which is already dead.


U.S. Hyperinflation [Dollar Collapse] Warning, Part I

Written by Jeff Nielson

Hyperinflation (i.e. the U.S. dollar going to zero) is not a “possibility” for the U.S. economy. Rather, it is an absolute certainty. Indeed, as was clearly demonstrated in a previous commentary,
the U.S. dollar is already worthless, based upon three, distinct analyses of the dollar’s fundamentals.

This future destiny of the dollar is also graphically depicted, in one of the Federal Reserve’s own charts:
federal reserve money chart

The mere shape and magnitude of this extreme, exponential function is a classic/obvious representation of a hyperinflation-in-progress. Any exponential function this extreme is a mathematical definition of the phrase “out of control”. Not only can this money-printing never be undone, there is no way to reverse/alter the consequence: hyperinflation.

Read full report:



We actually have the capacity to create a very different reality by enabling our energies to move more freely where they are most needed

Alternatives To Money


REMEMBER: When All Else Fails They Take You To War!

-Gerald Celente

The Truthseeker 6-1-14… “US plans ‘first strike’ on Russia” [and request for Light and Love]


I’m putting this video out for two reasons…

1) to alert those of the Light to what may be attempted as a result of the elections recently held in the EU. Early on in this video, Richard Cottrell, the author of the book “Gladio” talks about possible and likely responses by NATO (aka USA CORP).

2) to suggest that all of us send Light and Love and Peace to this whole situation.

I do NOT see anything like what is discussed in the video actually coming to pass.

Video notes:

Published on Jun 1, 2014

Star Wars tested for Eastern Europe; US space weapons “unofficial declaration of war”; “soft assassinations” planned for last weekend’s EU election winners.

Seek truth from facts with Gladio, NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe author and former European MP Richard Cottrell; Stop NATO news list’s Rick Rozoff; and Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.

Glonass is the Russian equivalent of GPS, which is designed for both military and civilian use [Getty Images]

From BRICS Post June 2, 2014 –

Russia has begun blocking the military functions of the US Global Positioning System (GPS) base stations on its territory, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Sunday.
The move comes as Moscow is seeking to advance talks over the placement of Glonass stations in the United States.

“We have worked out and implemented measures that exclude the use of these stations for military purposes. Now they are under our full control,” Rogozin tweeted.

The Russian Federal Space Agency, Roscosmos, confirmed that the measures would be implemented from Sunday.
Rogozin also said that Moscow has initiated talks with the United States on the deployment of Glonass stations on US territory. The talks are expected to last until August 31, and “new decisions will be made” afterwards.
Rogozin warned earlier this week that Russia would stop the operations of these GPS stations on June 1 and might start dismantling them from September 1 as a response to Washington’s anti-Russia sanctions and its refusal to plant Glonass ground base stations on the US territory.

Glonass is the Russian equivalent of GPS, which is designed for both military and civilian use.



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
3 comments on “The NWO Banks’ Reserve Currency is seen as Monopoly Money
  1. RonMamita says:


    Published on Jun 1, 2014

    Vice President of the United States Joe Biden told military cadets about his New World Order at their graduation ceremony several days ago. The New World Order Biden speaks of is the same Bankster controlled Satanic system that will offer the American people more of the same: Less domestic manufacturing, fewer jobs, a deteriorating economy, no rule of law, less liberty, more draconian laws, unconstitutional executive signing statements, more war and more tyranny at home. This is the fall of America. This is the WAR on the citizens of the United States. This is the painful reality we face. Jeff Nielson of Bullion Bulls Canada joins us to discuss in Part 1 of this one-hour long, two part interview. Part 2 of this gripping discussion will post on Tuesday, June 3rd.

    Jeff Nielson’s Site:


  2. RonMamita says:

    High Profile business people share their opinions below:

    America the leading Edge Down the Toilet

    Gerald Celente – Trends In The News – “Justice Dead In America!” – (5/22/14)
    Lies upon more Lies by the professional Liars in governments…

    Catherine Austin Fitts: China the Big Concern, Not U.S. or Dollar

    Posted 01 Jun 2014
    Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Wall Street investment banker, says, “To me, the number one risk economically is China. If you look at who has real serious domestic problems and political problems–it’s China. The really scary part of the global economy is if we really see China spiral down, then we could see the rest of the world spiral down. That would be my big concern, not the U.S. or the dollar.”

    On gold, Fitts predicts, “It’s weak right now, it hasn’t found its bottom. If we don’t find a bottom soon, we could see a really big drop. . . . Long term, it’s going to be healthy for gold and silver.”
    *Dollar Bet: U.S. Dollar index Greg- “below 80%; Catherine- above 80%


  3. RonMamita says:

    Laurence Kotlikoff- SIPC Running a Ponzi Scheme

    Sep 7, 2014

    Economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff is sounding the alarm for massive and ongoing Wall Street fraud.
    When there is fraud, your brokerage insurance is nearly worthless.
    Dr. Kotlikoff says, “Every day, we are reading about a big bank being fined billions of dollars.
    Recently, Bank of America had a $16 billion fine the bank had to pay for selling fraudulent securities.
    They know they are selling you snake oil and they are getting away with it, and nobody is going to jail.
    I call Wall Street, at this point, Fraud Street, and one of the biggest rackets is the SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) brokerage account insurance–it’s not really insurance.
    A fraud occurs and Wall Street, through SIPC, says we owe you nothing, and they sue you to get paid back.
    That’s what we call an insurance scam. Wall Street, through SIPC, has been running a massive insurance scam…
    In many ways, you could say SIPC is running its own Ponzi scheme.”


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