7 comments on “The 5 Eyes Spy, and State Sponsored Terror
  1. RonMamita says:

    NSA Kids Share Your Nude Pics

    Posted 24 Jul 2014
    Young NSA employees consider your private, sexually-explicit pictures as just a benefit of a surveillance job.


  2. I’m not sure if “rogue” is the correct adjective. Since its inception in 1947 by a bunch of Wall Street bankers and lawyers, the National Security State has served the sole purpose of enforcing the will of the billionaires who control the US economy without interference by elected representatives.

    In that sense, there is nothing “rogue” about the NSS. It has always functioned extremely effectively in its original mission.


    • RonMamita says:

      Absolutely, only believers would phrase it that way.
      Unfortunately most “citizens” believe in a “security state” and fear threats that can only be addressed by a secret spy network…
      I know some career people that are chained to that belief, and debating them would be a waste of time.
      Joseph Farrell shares research and documentation of those secret activities and offers, what he calls, “high octane speculation”.

      I would like to read followup research on the court case that alleges unauthorized activities in the spy agencies:

      A former senior Navy official familiar with the investigation described directorate officials as “wanna-be spook-cops.” Speaking on the condition of anonymity because the case is still unfolding, he added, ‘I know it sounds goofy, but it was like they were building their own mini law enforcement and intelligence agency.


  3. RonMamita says:

    Kevin Annett: ITCCS shifts focus to confront rising tyranny, police state emerges in Canada, Vatican funds new Asian “world bank”

    VANCOUVER, BC – In this Exopolitics TV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre today, Kevin Annett, the North American Field Secretary for the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS.ORG) http://www.itccs.org/
    provides an overview of ITCCS becoming more community-based and direct action oriented as people’s need for common law justice and self-government increases.

    Kevin also discusses the rise of police state laws in Canada and elsewhere, the prosecution of the Catholic-Ndrangheta criminal network, and the Vatican Bank’s funding of the Asian financial oligarchies competing with the World Bank for global hegemony.

    Details of the upcoming conventions to establish constitutional Republics in Canada and England are also shared.
    ITCCS Breaking News: October 25, 2014 – Police State Powers coming to Canada
    Reposted from:ITCCS

    Canada: “Track B” secret government, police powers established by Order in Council – “Our equivalent of NDAA” in effect November 1 – ITCCS to respond


    Republic of Kanata


  4. RonMamita says:

    False Flag Weekly News

    Posted 30 Oct 2014


  5. RonMamita says:

    Posted 30 Nov 2014


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