For global discussion and increased AWARENESS…

MORE people are waking up to the reality that the global Corporate governance system is a criminal syndicate and has deceived the masses for many years.
Lifting the veil and arresting the officials and officers in institutions that are committing “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” is needed for the common good of
WE the People…

A series of public Tribunals and full disclosure would go far in educating and healing the world, while preventing this from happening again.
Many people in despair may say “bloody unlikely” or some similar defeatist remark.
I say “MAKE IT HAPPEN, I grant authority for complete investigations and full disclosure.”


Detainment of a person suspected of having committed a crime, by a person other than a police officer.

The forcible detaining of an individual suspected of having committed a crime by a person who is not a police or otherwise certified law enforcement officer, such as a private citizen, a private security firm employee or a store employee or cashier, and without the authority of an arrest warrant issue from a court of law.

The authority for physically detaining another person varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but in most cases, involves the surrender of the suspect to the police as soon as possible as well as use of only such reasonable force as is necessary to contain the individual and prevent escape.

Using excessive force may expose the arresting person to a charge of assault or a tort liability claim, although some states were quite liberal in terms of encouraging the use of deadly force in some situations.

In US v Atwell, the Maryland Court referred to the:

“… common law rule whereby a private citizen may effectuate an arrest under two circumstances: there is a felony being committed in his presence, or when a felony has in fact been committed whether or not in his presence and the arrester has reasonable ground (probable cause) to believe the person he arrests has committed it; or a misdemeanor is being committed in the presence or view of the arrester which amounts to a breach of the peace….”

The Institutional criminals need to be arrested for abuse of authority, violating the Public’s Trust, “High crimes and misdemeanors”.
They have violated the public’s trust with deception, fraud, taxes, fees, regulations that infringes on liberty, torture and wars.
Many are calling on the arrests of the global cabal and here is a video that claims the arrests will occur in the near future.
The impulse is to say this is unreliable rubbish and ignore it.
But these arrests need to happen and needs public and grass roots support for it to take place.

Even “If” this, mass-arrests reports, started as a hoax then
WE the people can make it a reality:

Imminent Televised Event: Mass Arrests of 10,000 Global Cabal Members – 2012

“Massive controversy has surrounded some of the revelations put forth by David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford, specifically; and a new video prognosticates that we are about to see the mass arrest of some 10,000 members of the bankster cabal…. Clearly we have no way to confirm this, nor do we believe that we should hold our collective breath, but one thing cannot be disputed: what is suggested in the video above should happen. And it should happen immediately.” – March 23, 2012 by Volubrjotr


If you don’t know anything about a call for mass arrests of government officials, court judges, CEOs, and most officials in the very powerful institutions
then click on the links below and peer into the world that is not effectively discussed in the corporate controlled media, courts and governments.
Tell the institutions: WE the people have a NEED TO KNOW.
May WE the people AMPLIFY awareness and create calm & peace where many will try to instill fear, panic and violence as an excuse to usher in a police-state…
Arresting the cabal that are mis-leading the institutions (Bad people in the Federal Reserve, Government, Courts, Corporations, Think-Tanks, etc.)
Or over 450 by the time you read this:

Obama pledges his faithful service to Her Majesty the Queen…”
Listen intently and hear for yourself his written and carefully prepared remarks that defies any excuse of intoxication.

“Recent American recipients of Honours include former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and film director Steven Spielberg (honorary Knights Commanders of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire), former Presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan (honorary Knights Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath), Generals Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell (honorary Knights Commanders of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath),

Caspar Weinberger (honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire), and New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik and New York Fire Department Commissioner Thomas Von Essen (honorary Commanders of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)”

Knighted by the Queen

The following people are Americans that have been knighted:

Admiral Leighton W Smith Jr.
Retired from the United States Navy, has been appointed by Queen Elizabeth II as an Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Military Division) (KBE). The award, which will be made during an audience with The Queen at Buckingham Palace on 5 March, 1997 is in recognition of Admiral Leighton Smith’s key role, whilst Commander-in Chief of NATO’s Southern Command based in Naples.

Alan Greenspan
Knight Commander of the British Empire – since Queen Elizabeth II knighted him in 2002.

Alfred J. Welsh
Attorney (Louisville, Kentucky). no date. Knight, Order of the Crown of the Kingdom of Belgium. No restriction on use of prenominal “Sir” or on postnominals. Sir Alfred has served as Honorary Consul of Belgium in Louisville since 1983. Source: The Magazine of Sigma Chi, Fall 1994, page 16.

Andre Previn
U.S. music composer and orchestral maestro, appointed Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

Bill Gates
Received an honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II.

Bob Hope and Delores Hope
Actor/Comedian/Humanitarian. January 4, 1998. Knight, Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great. The Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great (Ordo Sancti Gregorii Magni) was founded by Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846). The Order’s original purpose was to honor loyal and meritorious gentlemen of the Papal States. The Order of St. Gregory the Great is open to Roman Catholics, non-Roman Catholic Christians, and even non-Christians. It now has three ranks (Knight Grand Cross, Knight Commander, and Knight) and two divisions, civil and military. Source: AP news release. No restriction on the use of prenominal “Chev.” or on postnominals. On June 11, 1998, Chev. Hope and his wife, Dame Hope, were Invested as Knight Commanders with Star of this Order. Source: AP news release.

Caspar Weinberger
Former U.S. Secretary of Defense, appointed Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.

Charleton Heston
Actor. Monday, March 16, 1997. Commander, Order of Arts and Letters (France). The French Order of Arts and Letters is France’s highest civilian honor for those in the performing arts. Source: AP news release. No restriction on the use of prenominal “Chev.” or on postnominals. Chevalier Heston commented that while he had played knights in the movies, this was the first time he actually was made one.

Colin Powell
U.S. Military General… appointed in 1993 as Knights Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Honorary) by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.

Engelbert Humperdinck
Born Arnold George Dorsey, in Leicester, England.

George Bush, Sr.
The 41st U.S. President, appointed Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.

Jerry Lewis
Comedian, actor, director, producer, humanitarian, appointed as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1966.

John Paul Getty II
U.S. billionaire businessman, appointed Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.

Lynn Sandstedt
University Professor at the University of Northern Colorado, appointed Knight of the Order of Alphonso the Wise by King Juan Carlos, for educational work in Madrid, October 1998.

Muhammed Ali
World heavyweight champion boxer. Thursday, January 15, 1998. Member of Morocco’s Commander of the Arch. By King Hassan II. Ali was in Morocco for the holy month of Islam’s Ramadan.

Norman Schwarzkopf
U.S. Military General… appointed in 1993 as Knights Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Honorary) by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.

Peter Falk
Television and motion picture actor. Chevalier of Arts and Letters, France’s highest arts honor in the French Legion of Honor; on Thursday, February 29, 1996 in Paris. French film star Gerard Depardie, himself a Chevalier, bestowed the honor in a ceremony held by the French Ministry of Culture. Falk is one of many Americans who regularly receive Knighthood in various Orders of Chivalry.

Ricardo Montalban and Mrs. Montalban
Actor. January 4, 1998. Knight, Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great. The Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great (Ordo Sancti Gregorii Magni) was founded by Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846). The Order’s original purpose was to honor loyal and meritorious gentlemen of the Papal States. The Order of St. Gregory the Great is open to Roman Catholics, non-Roman Catholic Christians, and even non-Christians. It now has three ranks (Knight Grand Cross, Knight Commander, and Knight) and two divisions, civil and military. Source: AP news release. No restriction on the use of prenominal “Chev.” or on postnominals.

Ronald Reagan
The 40th U.S. President, appointed Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath by H.M. Queen Elizabeth.

Roy Disney and Mrs. Disney
Disney Studios Executive and brother of Walt Disney. January 4, 1998. Knight, Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great. The Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great (Ordo Sancti Gregorii Magni) was founded by Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846). The Order’s original purpose was to honor loyal and meritorious gentlemen of the Papal States. The Order of St. Gregory the Great is open to Roman Catholics, non-Roman Catholic Christians, and even non-Christians. It now has three ranks (Knight Grand Cross, Knight Commander, and Knight) and two divisions, civil and military. Source: AP news release. No restriction on the use of prenominal “Chev.” or on postnominals.

Rudy Giuliani

Steven Spielberg
“The award of an honorary knighthood recognizes Steven Spielberg’s extraordinary contribution to the entertainment industry and the British film industry over the last 25 years,” the British Embassy said Thursday.

Tom Foley
Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. March 19, 1995. Member, Order of the British Empire. Foly also holds the French Legion of Honor and the German Order of Merit. Source: AP news release. The OBE was given by Sir Robin Renwick, the British Ambassador to the United States with these words: “I am ordered by Her Majesty the Queen to invest you with the Order of Knight of the British Empire.” Without further ceremony, Sir Robin then placed the neck decoration upon Foley. According to the AP news release, Foley cannot use the chivalric prenominal, but can use the OBE postnominal.

Wellington Webb
Mayor of Denver, appointed May 1998 as Chevalier of the French Legion of Honor.

Wesley Clark
U.S. General and NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe made Knight Cokmmander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire March 28, 2000.

Classes of Knights

Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
•  Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross (GBE)
•  Knight Commander or Dame Commander (KBE)
•  Commander (CBE)
•  Officer (OBE)
•  Member (MBE)

“The physician President Obama is nominating to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) was recently named an honorary knight commander of the British Empire. The service for which the Queen Elizabeth honored Dr. Donald Berwick, was his role as consultant and advisor to the British National Health Service (NHS) from 1996 to 2003. During this period, Prime Minister Tony Blair reorganized NHS treatment decisions around the creation of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), notorious for denying treatments to Britain’s elderly, very young, and very sick. The NHS system during the decade of NICE has otherwise been devastated by cuts in national health spending.” Knighted by the Queen
Luke 16:13, “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, And love the other; Or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”


Take a HARD LOOK at the global PENSION fund scheme of corporate-governments (a global institutional practice that dominates investments)

“You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The president does.
You and I don’t have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations – the House of Representatives does.
You and I don’t write the tax code, Congress does.
You and I don’t set fiscal policy – Congress does.
You and I don’t control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.”
“One hundred Senators, 435 Congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300+ million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.”!/note.php?note_id=215459228531349
Originally posted from:

Reminder: Still UNFINISHED business…


All is not as it appears, we are digging for facts and the truth


“Known as the British queen’s banker, Coutts was criticised for “significant, widespread and unacceptable” failures, as described by Tracey McDermott, acting director of enforcement and financial crime.”
Major fallouts between major Banks (Federal reserve & Vatican), The global financial system is changing before our eyes.
“Basically, the CFTC is a government agency that appears to do next to nothing.
Another scandal involving JP Morgan has come out in recent days as well.
This one involves their credit card division. If you have a moments, you should really read the recent American Banker expose of credit card debt collection practices at JPMorgan Chase. It exposes some things that will absolutely blow your mind.”

“Taibbi points out that little of what Smith alleged in his column Wednesday is new. It reflects the activities highlighted by U.S. Sen. Carl Levin’s report on the financial crisis, released last year, which found that Goldman gained at the expense of its clients and used abusive practices to do so.”

UKIP Nigel Farage – How dare you tell the Italian and Greek people what to do! Nov 16, 2011


Money influencing policies, the governmental way…
“The scoundrels at Countrywide have been hiding an internal database containing records of mortgage fraud.”
Wells Fargo break in and Steals Homeowner’s Possession

The European crisis is the American crisis too


GOD’s HOLY BANK is mired in the muck of criminality and money laundering:


Vatican Bank Faces Fresh Money-Laundering Scandal As JP Morgan Closes Account – IBTIMESTV


“The U.S. State Department has put the Vatican on a list of countries of concern for money laundering or other financial crimes.
Robert Mickens, correspondent for the Catholic weekly The Tablet, says the Vatican Bank is run with great secrecy.
“You know, like a Swiss bank account, hiding funds,” Mickens says. “It’s suspicion, but many of the regulators think it is well-founded suspicion.”
“Italian authorities are investigating the origin of $33 million in Vatican funds deposited in Italian banks. The Italian media have reported that JP Morgan Chase is closing the Vatican Bank’s account with its Milan branch because it felt the Holy See had failed to provide sufficient data on money transfers.”


“Golden rice is a Trojan horse for pushing through GE-friendly biosafety regulations under the guise of humanitarian aid. Once in place, these regulations open the door for the biotech industry to bring in commercial, patented GE crops; USAID and Monsanto accomplished exactly this in Kenya with their sweet potato project.”



geoengineering, bioengineering, transhumanism, china, monsanto, usa, chemtrails, global warming…

Even Russia and China label GMOs, allowing their citizens the fundamental right to know what they’re eating! Why not the U.S.? Because giant biotech and seed companies like Monsanto have written the rules for our governmental regulatory agencies and paid billions in lobbying, public relations and campaign donations over the past two decades.

There are few growth industries in this country, but one industry is expected to boom: for-profit prisons.
About 1 in every 100 adults in the United States is currently in jail. And according to Corrections Corporation of America, the nation’s largest for-profit prison company, the sky is the limit.
Since 1991, the rate of violent acts has decreased by 20 percent. But the number of people in prison has increased by 50 percent.


Prisoners earning 23 cents an hour in U.S. federal prisons are manufacturing high-tech electronic components for Patriot Advanced Capability 3 missiles, launchers for TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided) anti-tank missiles, and other guided missile systems. A March article by journalist and financial researcher Justin Rohrlich of World in Review is worth a closer look at the full implications of this ominous development. (
The expanding use of prison industries, which pay slave wages, as a way to increase profits for giant military corporations is a frontal attack on the rights of all workers.”


FOR-PROFIT PRISON promises investors a growth sector


Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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