Truth Seekers Exit The Age Of Deception!

Self-Govern, Freedom is worth it.

Self-Govern, Freedom is worth it.

We are born in the Age of Deception.
Apparently a minority of families tell the children that they are to govern themselves and not allow any other to rule over them.
However, I know of no one who were given a full deluxe survival kit and told as a child:

  • Welcome little one to this dangerous Age of Deception and Empires.
  • Develop your observation skills for nature and your inner-light to reveal truth, rights and wrongs.
  • Languages are spells that can be cast for mind control; detect the nuances to avoid traps.
  • Beware, governance and society is a dangerous hoax with countless deceivers, and bullies.
  • Be not afraid; here are discipline exercises to defend your emotions, thoughts, and body.
  • Here are exercises, knowledge and foods to assist self healing, growth and increase your abilities.
  • Your life long challenge is to master self; guard yourself from society and culture while simultaneously seeking truth.
  • You are a infinite spiritual being, having a flesh and blood mortal experience.

We Spell words because words are Spells.
The Word Itself is the cornerstone of Reality.

It is not only First, but importantly, That Word ‘determines the position of the entire structure,’ ie everything is oriented around and as a result of The Cornerstone. -Darren Deojee

Could a child be introduced to critical reasoning with research skills and thus replace the gullible, naive uncritical state of thinking?
Such a child would be introduced to the art of self defense.
Such a child would resist indoctrination programs and mind control.
Such a child would know self, look within for guidance, embrace self teaching and freedom.
Such a child would have increased awareness, and detect subtle energies such as auras, spirit entities…

Courage: Face it and stop fearing it.

Face it and stop fearing it.

Want to Exit the Age of Deception?
Each day, more People are critically researching institutions, disasters and catastrophes and concluding the official story/investigation/history is false…

Norway´s Ritual Sacrifice/False Flag with Ole Dammegard

Video posted 07 Aug 2015
“World Beyond Belief (154) is again overjoyed to welcome back our friend, Ole Dammegard.
This month he has just returned from Norway, on the 4th anniversary of the massacre, uncovering more details of this false flag and possible sacrificial ritual that may have been used to encourage Norway not to leave the EU.
Ole goes into remarkable detail about this tragic series of errors resulting in numerous deaths and countless injuries.
He also relates that some of the people that he met on his trip are tired of being used as patsies in these incessant false flag operations. Among them were members of Biker gangs who feel that they also have been used and abused in this way and want this type of nefarious activity to stop.”

Okay, patriotic citizens are waking up and questioning the governments.
But, what about religious believers?

Is the Earth a sphere?
Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist, said the Earth is “pear shape” and yet all NASA’s official Earth images show a perfect sphere!
Can you detect deception?

…”It is very easy to tell what is and is not shot with such lenses based on the distortions. Hint: When the horizon of the earth is going from convex to flat to concave and back – warping all over the place, that’s a really good indication of a fish-eye lens being used. But the fact that people have shot footage of the earth’s horizon from altitudes above 100,000 feet, not using fish-eye lenses, and the resulting images are that of a totally flat horizon, should give us all pause to consider. At the very least, it says to me that NO ONE has seen the alleged curvature of the earth at any altitude below 100,000 feet. So, PLEASE stop claiming you have seen it out the window of your commercial airline flights (which are below 40,000 feet)!”

Flat Earth?? What would be the motive for such a deception?

A few things to remember:
When information make you feel uncomfortable and conflicts with what you believed or accepted as fact, then casting insults to dismiss it is not a conclusive rebuttal and does not refute the disturbing, contrary information.

Deception is all around us…

What Program are you following?
human farms are possible with industrial size birth chambers and mechanical wombs


NASA’s International Embarrassment and Lost Credibility

Science Is Embarrassing Itself and Will Only Get Worse

Puzzles, and ‘Hide and Seek’ were favorites… The World Is Not As You Were Taught

2009 Nobel Peace Laureate Escalates Wars & Nuclear Arms?

Governments’ Criminal Activities Disclosed In Movies

The Crisis In Physics



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
12 comments on “Truth Seekers Exit The Age Of Deception!
  1. RonMamita says:

    The Ghosts From The JFK Assassination…


    Researching our reality, Searching for Truth

    is as exciting as it gets!

    Click here for Harald Kautz-Vella presenting his detailed lecture on the two types of Black Goo, Morgellons, and Artificial Intelligence at the Bases Woodborough conference held on June 20th

    Institutional governance, apparently oppose and ridicule this as “Tin Foil Hat”…

    QUESTION Everything you are told, then think for yourself.


  2. RonMamita says:

    For Those Willing…

    The Art of Discipline

    A Sign and a Symbol

    “One example of a word combined with its external symbol which gives us an indication of occult principalities at work.”


  3. RonMamita says:

    Protest and Sue NASA

    Posted 10 Aug 2015
    “It is not just the moon landing, it is all about Hubble, ISS, Mars rover, and so on. It is all lies! NASA needs to be held accountable!
    Demand answers.
    Money that funds a fabricated space program can be used for health and education of America instead.”

    Join the Evolution, We Are The Change

    Uploaded on Aug 28, 2009

    Buy New Stargods book “Waking from a Dream” at at new order site

    We can use our inner power to bring down the NWO! If you believe this is impossible, then you are a bird that has been manipulated into believing you cannot fly.
    The biggest fear that the NWO has is that we awaken to the power we have within. They have us dependant on their intuitions of government and religion. These are set up so we have faith in things outside of ourselves. Religion teaches us that we are helpless pathetic sinners with no power of our own. Government teaches there is power only in political parties and more government. Look within to find the real power!

    The power within us all is now scientifically proven. With this power within, we can overthrow the NWO and create a world that does not include them, We can, with this power, overthrow corrupt government and bring in a new heart for the country, We are powerful children of God. We are angels that need to learn how to fly!

    Luke 17:20-21
    “Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; “nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

    1 John 4:4
    “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

    Matt 17:20
    “So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”


  4. RonMamita says:

    We See The Decepticons

    Everywhere we look…

    The more fact finding research we conduct the more false histories we uncover, and the more missing truths are revealed like holes in the roof of a large house. We do not know our lineage, the age of the world, and ancient civilizations have been forgotten and lost.

    Institutional stories have replaced the old stories and the institutional stories influences our perception of reality and guide our objective path.
    Civilization is on a track as sure as a train is scheduled to arrive at a destination. Some people use phrases such as “Predictive programming” and cultural engineering to describe the intentional manipulation of public opinion and thoughts.
    …People usually construct simple models with too many generalizations and not enough diverse nuanced distinctions to effectively model true reality.
    Specifically, money and institutions play major roles on engineering the path and development of the collective consciousness that make up civilization, but that does not mean that ignorant teachers, obedient soldiers, employees, investors, citizens and others are aware of a hidden agenda or are intentionally conspiring to empower the new world order. Much of most thoughts are influenced stealthily and the individual is unaware why she or he decided to do a specific action, other than it “fit” a belief and world view – it was a job, it was a contract, it was accepted or it became acceptable. Many give no credit to being indoctrinated into a way of thinking and accepting many theoretical concepts as facts and truths, never realizing that some ideas were planted in their thoughts from skilled psychologists, textbooks, mass entertainment, advertisers and public relations experts paid by powerful Foundations (institutions) to teach and promote flawed science and false stories as reality.

    Interesting how the concept of a ball Earth and galaxies with spinning ball planets changed from being crazy stupid fantasy to being accepted as common fact.
    Interesting how the early 1960’s introduced to the masses the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey, and the TV series Star Trek showing travel beyond Earth and moving ball planets merely a few years before NASA presented to the masses their images of space travel and a moving ball Earth.
    Interesting indeed!

    Richard C. Hoagland Icon For Self Delusion

    Richard, Richard, Richard
    I really did not think you were so deeply deluded, but now it is evident for all to observe.
    Science Fiction Fan, Richard C. Hoagland, inserted his fiction beliefs into his “Science” beliefs to remain a NASA fan.
    I have, in the last 2 weeks, heard several hours of Hoagland’s presentations and combined that with the 09 July 2015 Coast To Coast re-release of audio clips are from six years ago— July 2009, when Richard C. Hoagland contended that NASA is actually the originator of Apollo Moon landing hoax theories, and they co-opted a fake conspiracy to supplant the real conspiracy- that there are ancient artifacts on the moon“.
    My, oh my!
    How much under the Admiration-Spell, permanent fan of NASA Richard C. Hoagland is – Truly Stunning to listen to a 70 year old brain-washed man.

    and below is another Hoagland transmission from Coast To Coast Moon Landing Conspiracy
    Where Richard C. Hoagland tells us that NASA deceived the world by perpetrating the hoax story that the Apollo Moon landings were fake! He explains that NASA did that because NASA wanted to keep their most ultra top secret of advanced technology that travels the entire solar system!
    Unbelievable mental acrobatics to jump through.
    NASA uses mass deception upon the People on Earth, and it is justified.
    Let that soak, NASA officials are LIARS.
    NASA spends/wastes billions to engineer faulty and dangerous rocket technology.
    NASA killed men/astronots with flawed and dangerous rocket technology.
    NASA faked Apollo’s (rocket tech) Moon landings.
    NASA continues to LIE about the above, claiming the Apollo mission did land men on the moon.
    But NASA science believers continue to respect and support NASA…
    NASA science believers choose to believe NASA has advanced technology they have never witnessed, but believe that NASA’s advanced technology has moon bases, and Mars bases able to travel the solar system.
    Unbelievable stuff, yet NASA-believers are so mind-trapped in a spell of false beliefs.

    It may be fine to “suspect” that advanced technology is being kept secret from the public, but that secret tech is not proven to be capable of moon and mars landings.
    There is no verified evidence of moon or mars landings, however there is verified evidence of NASA’s deception!

    I, and many others, really question WHAT is the Earth (not a sphere)?
    Is the Earth a comfortable and pleasing prison farm; a source of energy, revenue, and amusement for hidden masters?
    Can we remove the transforming Decepticons from Earth?

    The MIND CAGE:
    NOTE the repeating themes and statements in their entertaining stories.
    The All Seeing Eye, the clones (genetic engineering), the artificial intelligence, the god(s) as our master(s)…
    “the watchers”… “In a menagerie”… “in a cage” …”it was a creation” …”they can read all our thoughts”… “you can have a million dollars, in return we require you to sign this contract” (and your soul)…
    “you are forbidden to speak about this”… “mind wipe”… “lost memory”…

    See how often deception is used, how often people are killed, how often occult symbols are inserted into their stories, and how often institutional conspiracies plan a new world order…

    Star Trek uses Ancient Occult Symbols and Entities in their Stories:

    And speaking of DECEPTICONS:

    When accused of re-writing ancient myths and religions in the Star Wars movie series George Lucas said, “I’m telling an old myth in a new way“.

    One of the founding architects of NASA & JPL, Jack Parsons, said

    “The present Age is under the influence of of a force, in magical terminology, Horus. It’s manifestations may be noted in the destruction of old institutions and ideas, the discovery and liberation of new energies and a trend towards power governments, war, homosexuality, infantilism, and schizophrenia.”

    “I created you Jack I am your God”
    In the movie “OBLIVION” the ending the A.I. that cloned Jack and implanted his programs was destroyed by one of the “Jack” clones and the guerrilla warrior survivor (Morgan Freeman) who together detonated a nuclear bomb in a suicide attack to free Earth of the A.I. god (pyramid all seeing red-eye near the moon?) that came from Saturn…

    Year after year, movie after movie, song after song, television show after show, corporate sponsored mass entertainment eventually makes this known to be not by accident and coincidence, it is spelled out for those willing to see and hear:

    “Birth of the Antichrist. This time we look at how this performance ties in PERFECTLY with all that we’ve spoken about, including 9/11, the 2012 Olympics, I Pet Goat II and the black cube of Saturn.”
    Here are some of the lyrics to the winning song:

    You were warned
    Once I’m transformed, once I’m reborn

    I rise up to the sky
    You threw me down but I’m gonna fly

    And rise like a phoenix
    Out of the ashes!

    When is occult mysticism for world domination no longer a coincidence?


  5. RonMamita says:

    William Cooper Whistleblower on NWO Governance

    Bill Cooper only appeared on the Alex Jones’ show once, before Bill Cooper discovered that Alex was a fear monger.
    Alex Jones is a liar, he shares some truth and then misleads the audience…

    That is why Bill Cooper refused to do another interview with Alex Jones.
    May Bill Cooper rest in Peace.

    Uploaded on Mar 10, 2011

    1.) Alex Jones has a Jewish wife named Kelly Rebecca Nichols, and he has three(3) children with her.

    2.) Alex Jones and his Jewish wife and children all qualify for Israeli citizenship under Israel’s “Law of Return”.

    3.) Alex Jones has at least twenty(20) Jewish sponsors and advertisers that financially support his radio show and websites.

    4.) Alex Jones’ flagship radio station, KLBJ AM, in Austin, Texas, is owned by Emmis Communications, a media conglomerate based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The founder, chairman, president, and CEO of Emmis Communications is the dual Israeli citizen Zionist Jew Jeffrey H. Smulyan.

    5.) Alex Jones’ radio show is broadcast on Sirius XM Radio. The chairman of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Eddy W. Hartenstein. The CEO of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Mel Karmazin. The President of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew Scott Greenstein. Of the six(6) senior executives of Sirius XM Radio, five(5) are Jews.

    6.) Alex Jones has a Jewish lawyer named Elizabeth M. Schurig who is also the lawyer for Holly Lev Bronfman, the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Thus there are only two degrees of separation between Alex Jones and the Bronfman family, one of the wealthiest and most influential Jewish Zionist families in North America.

    Uploaded on Feb 5, 2011

    This is the real and only interview William Cooper ever gave on the Alex Jones Show. It has been subject to some controversy since Alex Jones after Cooper’s death, [Alex falsely] claimed that [Bill Cooper used foul language] he was cursed at by him.

    Listen to the whole interview here and you will see that no such cursing happened during the whole interview.

    So, please Alex, be honest about these things.

    For more infos about William Cooper, search for torrents online or order material directly at


  6. RonMamita says:

    MajestyTwelve – William Cooper: Hour of the Time Broadcasts 1998

    Published on Aug 21, 2013

    These Broadcasts in this upload are from 1998

    Cooper predicted the messianic rise of Obama to spearhead final institutionalization of the totalitarian one world government and complete end to the bill of rights 1:41:45. Secret documents from 1970-1973 reveal a plan now unfolding before our very eyes. William Cooper 1997: “Many years ago I had access to a set of documents that I eventually realized was the plan for the destruction of the united States of America and the formation of a socialist totalitarian world government. The plan was contained within a set of Top Secret documents with the title “MAJESTYTWELVE”. The term honored the planned placement of ultimate power in a body of wise men who are destined to rule the world as the disciples of a Messiah front man. This Messiah will serve as a buffer between the wise men and the sheople. I discovered these documents between 1970 and 1973 while I was a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet. The plan outlined the formation of a world totalitarian socialist government. It is to be ruled by a behind-the-scenes council of wise men. A so-called benevolent dictator, will be presented as the Messiah.

    The Constitution for the united States of America and its Bill of Rights will be scrapped. A parliamentary form of government will take its place. All military forces and individuals are to be disarmed except for an internal police force which will carry only the minimum weapons needed to maintain internal order. The only military force will be a world police force under the United Nations in sufficient numbers with state-of-the-art technology so that it can field overwhelming force against any perceived threat to the world supra government – see State Department Publication 7277. The military of the united States of America is currently filling the requirement. The senior officer corps of all of our military forces have betrayed their oaths of allegiance to the Constitution and have joined the conspiracy. They are turncoats who are actively engaged in High Treason.

    The source of this conspiracy will be found in the body known as the Illuminati. It is made up of the highest adepts of the combined total of the so-called fraternal orders and secret societies. They are bound together by blood oaths, a secret religion, and the promise of an elite status within regional government, or the world supra government. Their religion is based upon the Kabbalah, the Luciferian Philosophy, and the worship of the Sun. They are not bound by any oath or allegiance save their own. They are loyal to no government or People save their own. And they are Citizens of no country save their already in place secret world government. In their own words, “If you are not one of us you are nothing.” To garner some sense of “feel” for the concept see the movie They Live. “It is a largely ‘open’ conspiracy, in that much of its membership, structure, methods, and operations, are matters of public record, however scattered and obscure. Its manner of coordination is atypical. Two nuclei – the elite core of the Wall Street clique (orbiting the House of Rockefeller) and the elite core of the European financial clique (orbiting the House of Rothschild) – coordinate this global conspiracy by waging psychological warfare on the rest of the conspirators, telling each no more than is necessary for him to fulfill his designated role, often with explicit recognition neither of his role, nor of the unarticulated rules that govern him. Thus, the overwhelming bulk of the conspirators do not know, but only suspect, that they are part of and in service to ‘a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it’ (quoting Woodrow Wilson).” – Daniel Pouzzner

    You cannot hope to understand the philosophy (Illuminism) of any branch of the “Mystery School” (Illuminati) without many years of study and a complete knowledge of their “symbolic” language. You must understand that like many other organizations they attract those who completely miss the boat… or are just too stupid to “get it”. When an individual joins a branch of the “Brotherhood,” by any name, Freemasonry, Theosophical Society, Anthroposophic Society, Fraternitis Rosae Crucae, Knights Templar, Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of Malta, or any other fraternal order or secret society, no one ever sits down with them and explains the meaning of anything. An actual literal esoteric education would be too dangerous. It could result in a public expose’… something which the Illuminati must avoid at all cost. But to give those who might understand a shortcut…

    Illuminism is COMMUNISM.”

    Full text with links here

    The war has begun:

    There are 33 sections to the United Nations on the inner emblem logo.

    21 14 = 2+1=3 1-4=3 3 and 3 make 33
    U. N. United Nations

    “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)


  7. RonMamita says:



    This is David Bay, Director of Old Paths Ministries.

    And this is the Cutting Edge, a radio program dedicated to warning and informing God’s people. We are committed to the study and exposition of the inerrant, inspired and authoritative Word of God. The views expressed belong to us, and are not necessarily shared by this station.

    Our society is deteriorating, and Bible-believing Christians are ill-prepared to face that deterioration. This radio program is dedicated to preparing God’s people to meet the challenges of the Day, and to encourage obedience to the Word of God in being separated from worldliness and false doctrine.

    The moral bankruptcy of our society is well-documented.

    Few people understand why we have become morally bankrupt. However, when we look at society through the eyes of God, through the Bible, we can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today. This study of America through the eyes of God is what we will always do try to here; stay with us for some eye-opening truths.

    In past weeks, we have studied the links between Secret Societies and the implementation of the New World Order. We will study today how the Vatican may now be thoroughly controlled by these Secret Societies as they move to complete the New World Order Religion, which they feel is an indispensable part of their New World Order.

    We will be discussing this subject from several sources:

    “The Broken Cross”, by Peirs Compton, 1981.
    “The Occultic Conspiracy: Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History”, by Michael Howard, 1989.
    “Behold A Pale Horse”, by Christian author Bill Cooper, 1991.

    Let us look first at “The Broken Cross”.

    Compton is an ex-editor of a Catholic newspaper, “The Universe”. He traces the alleged infiltration of the Roman church by the Illuminati. The author is a traditional and still practicing Catholic, who has written this book as a protest against the Catholic Church abandoning its traditional teachings on Christian doctrine. Compton laments:

    “There is a feeling abroad that our civilization is in deadly peril. It is a recent awareness…For civilization declines when reason is turned upside down, when the mean and based, the ugly and corrupt, are made to appear the norms of social and cultural expressions…when evil, under a variety of masks takes the place of good.”

    “We of this generation…have become the willing, unconscious, or resentful victims of such a convulsion. Hence, the air of futility that clings about us, a feeling that man has lost faith in himself and in existence as a whole…Never before has man been left without guide or compass…divorced from reality…without religion.” (p1-3)

    Compton then lists some of the Catholic Churches’ failings in recent years:

    Decline in belief of absolutes (p.2-3)
    Its readiness to compromise with the evil in this world, rather than holding the line against it. (p.3)
    Preaching of Humanism in the name of Christian charity. (p.3)
    Changing from being the inflexible enemy of Communism to taking part in compromising “dialogue”, thus contributing to the ruin of society.
    Surrendered its creed of One True God in heaven for the false creed that there are many gods in Heaven and Earth. (p.3)

    Compton then asks the critical question — “what has caused the changes in the Church”? After acknowledging that most people naturally reject the idea of a “conspiracy”, the author states, we “see…the working out of an age-long and deliberate scheme to destroy the Church from within. Yet there is more proof of every kind for the existence of such a conspiracy than there is for some of the commonly accepted facts of history…Secret scheming, hidden … from the academic as from the public mind, has been the background or driving force of much world history.” (p. 4)

    At this point, we feel the need to talk about the concept of an inner conspiracy in world events. Indeed, many people scoff at such a concept; yet, we remind our listeners of two facts:

    The Bible states clearly and often that Satan has been conspiring against God from the beginning of world history to attempt to take control of this universe from God’s hands. Both Satan and God work through human agents to control this world. We see this scenario in Daniel 10, where Daniel prays for 21 days for an answer to prayer. When God’s angel comes to him after this period of time, he tells Daniel that God had given His answer to Daniel’s plea on the first day of Daniel’s praying and He had commissioned this particular angel to deliver the answer. However, this angel had been delayed by Satan’s demons, who were battling God’s angels in the supernatural realm. What was the battle over? To see which force would actually control the kings of the earth, as they made daily decisions that would affect the history of man. The Bible teaches conspiracy of Satan and his earthly followers against God and His saints.
    The renowned historian, Edward Gibbons, wrote in his masterful work, “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, that the major reason for the fall of the 1,200-year Roman Empire was an inner, most secret conspiracy within the government itself. All the while that the conspirators were wreaking their damage, they masterfully deceived the citizens of the Empire, through lies and through scoffing at the stupidity of anyone who dared suggest such a thing as a conspiracy. Anyone who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it, so we must wake up and take notice of the reality of the conspiracy in our midst.

    Now let us return to the words of Compton concerning the current Roman Catholic Church:

    “The urge for world domination, whether by force of arms, culture, or religion, is as old as history….” (p.5)

    After tracing some of the attempts to take control of the Papacy by non-Christian elements, Compton then comes to Adam Weishaupt, the Jesuit priest who created the Masters of the Illuminati, about which we have spoken repeatedly. Compton states, “…Adam Weishaupt could view the prospect before him with a military mind. He had thrust and vision. He knew the value of surprise, which is grounded in secrecy…He was single-minded….He would blend mankind into one whole, eliminate tradition…suppress dogma…” Weishaupt “set himself apart from his fellows in the name of universal brotherhood. The ideal state that Weishaupt had in mind was…founded upon the impossible dream of human perfection…On the First day of May, 1776, the secret society that was to profoundly affect much subsequent history came into existence as the Illuminati.

    “The Illuminati had …a plan …they decided on a most ambitious line of conduct. It would form and control public opinion. It would amalgamate religions by dissolving all the differences of belief and ritual that had kept them apart; and it would take over the Papacy and place an agent of its own in the Chair of Peter.” (p. 7-8)

    These Plans were written in 1776.

    Later, a member of the Illuminati, Nubius, writing in 1818, stated that the goal of the Illuminati, is “the complete annihilation of Catholicism, and even ultimately of Christianity. Were Christianity to survive, even upon the ruins of Rome, it would, a little later on, revive and live.” (p. 13). Later, we will examine the same goals as expressed in the New Age book, “The Occult Conspiracy”. Compton continues to quote Nubius’ explanation of the need for the Illuminati to infiltrate the Papacy:

    “The Papacy has been for seventeen hundred years interwoven with the history of Italy. Italy can neither breathe nor move without the leave of the Supreme Pontiff…It is necessary to seek a remedy. Very well, a remedy is at hand. The Pope…will never enter into a secret society. It therefore becomes the duty of the secret societies to make the first advance to the Church and the Pope, with the object of conquering both.” (p.13)

    This is nothing more than a call to the Illuminati to infiltrate the Papacy. Thus, the goal from the beginning (1776) was to plant an avowed Illuminist into the Papacy, while the rank and file of the Catholic Church were to be completely unaware that this had occurred. Nubius then recognized that this process may take many, many years. He foresaw the need to invade and take over convents and seminaries, to win the minds of nuns and especially the priests who rise to become Cardinals. Cardinals elect the Pope. (p. 12-15).

    How was Weishaupt financed in his drive to establish the Masters of the Illuminati? Compton explains:

    “He (Weishaupt) was backed financially,…by a group of bankers under the House of Rothschild. It was under their direction that the long-range and worldwide plans of the Illuminati were drawn up…”

    Compton then confirms the Occultic spiritual nature of this Illuminati plan for a New World Order.

    “The claim to be possessed of an other-world influence may not have been wholly false… having the tests that made a full-blooded Illuminati (the ceremony took place at night, in an underground vault near Frankfurt)…” (p. 8-9). Remember our discussion, last week, of the initiations of the American Skull and Bones society? They also carried out their initiation in an underground tomb, or vault in the middle of the night. Remember, Anton LeVey reveals in his book, Satanic Rituals, that such a ceremony is standard in Satanism.

    Compton records more of the occultic influence of the Masters of the Illuminati. “…Some rites and symbols derived an undeniable significance from what is generally called Black Magic, or from the invocation of a Satanic power whose potency runs like a sinister streak…”

    “By symbols…is a man guided and commanded…The Illuminati made use of … a pyramid, or triangle, which has been long known to initiates as a sign of mystic or solar faith. At the top of that pyramid, or sometimes at its base, was, and in fact, still is, the image of a separate human Eye, which has been variously referred to as the open eye of Lucifer…or the eternal watcher of the world and the human scene.”

    “The pyramid was one of the symbols that represented the unknown and nameless deity in pre-Christian cults. Centuries later, it was resurrected as a symbol of the destruction of the Catholic Church; and when the first phase of that destruction had been brought about…by those who had infiltrated and since occupied some of the highest places in the Church, they reproduced it as a sign of their success.”

    Compton then shocks us all with this following revelation:

    “It (this All-Seeing Eye) overlooked the crowds who gathered for the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress in 1976. It was taken up by the Jesuits who edited the Society’s year book; and it appeared on a series of Vatican stamps issued in 1978.” (p. 10-11). Christian author, Bill Cooper, confirmed this fact verbally to me by telephone when I called his assistant to try to independently confirm this shocking information.

    Compton more specifically identifies the true meaning of this All-Seeing Eye:

    “The Eye, which can be traced back to the Babylonian moon worshippers, or astrologers, came to represent the [Pagan] Egyptian Trinity of Osiris, the sun; Isis, the moon goddess; and their child, Horus…” (p. 11-12).

    In fact, one of the identifying marks of Paganism is their worship of the Trinity as Father, Virgin Mother, and Son. One finds this Pagan Trinity in virtually every organized Pagan religion in the world.

    Compton continues to examine the progress of the Plan of the Illuminati to infiltrate the Catholic Church from within.

    “By mid-1800’s, the State of Italy had been taken over by the Illuminati” (p. 17). But, still, the religious office of the Papacy was outside their control.

    At this point, we should remember that the Papacy and the entire Roman Catholic Church was being fatally weakened by the inclusion of false, Pagan doctrine. It was only a matter of time before the Illuminati would be able to topple the Papacy by successfully implanting one of their own. The Papacy was doomed to fall like a tree which had been rotting for centuries before it suddenly fell under the onslaught of the persistent wind. This goal of infiltrating the Vatican with an Illuminist is also detailed in a book, The Occult Conspiracy, by Michael Howard, in Chapter 7 entitled “Secrets In the Vatican”, pages 141-160.

    This supreme Illuminati goal of infiltrating their own into the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church was not successful until the early 1960’s, when Vatican II was convened. Compton states, “the liberals or progressives, secure in having brought the designs of the secret societies to a successful conclusion, were exultant…The entire world of religion was now permeated by its influence…” (p. 62)

    “In less than a decade the church [had] been transformed from an implacable foe of Communism into an active and quite powerful advocate of coexistence with Moscow and Red China. At the same time, revolutionary changes in its centuries-long teachings have moved Rome closer and closer…to that of humanistic, neo-Paganism, of the National and World Council, and World Council of Churches.” (p. 62-63).

    “When the effects of the Second Vatican Council became apparent, Doctor Rudolf Griurber, Bishop of Regensbury, was led to observe that the main ideas of the French Revolution, ‘which represents an important element in Lucifer’s Plan, were being adopted in many spheres of Catholicism'”. Remember, Compton is a lifelong and still-practicing Catholic. As one reads his book, he is reminded of the attitude of the writer of Lamentations.

    Compton continues:

    “Although conducted largely behind the scenes…the struggle between the Church and the secret societies has been more bitter and prolonged than any international conflict… ” (p. 75)

    Now that the Vatican II had implemented Lucifer’s Plan, as Bishop Griurber had observed, Compton then reveals the next step of the Illuminati Plan:

    “It now remained to round off a truly historic visit with an initiatory rite that would put the seal on this newly admitted realization..”. Thus, “Pope Paul, on October 4, 1965, spoke to United Nations, October 4, 1965), (p.67) a speech “which propagated the social gospel so dear to the heart of revolutionaries, without a single reference to the religious doctrines that they [the revolutionaries] found so pernicious”. (p. 68)

    After the speech, Pope Paul VI went to the Meditation Room of the U.N. “A carefully edited bulletin, that supposedly dealt with the meaning and purpose of the room, was produced by the Lucis Press, which issues printed matter for the United Nations.” The fact that Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Satanic nature of this organization. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey to be the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky. In 1923, Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, undoubtedly because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books, especially all of Bailey’s books, are published by Lucis Trust.

    Now let us return to the story of the visit of Pope Paul VI to the United Nations on October 4, 1965.

    “This [meditation] room was a centre of the Illuminati, given over to the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye that under a system of allegories and veiled secrets…was dedicated to the service of pagan cults, and the obliteration of Christian in favour of humanistic beliefs.” (p.68-69)

    This occultic initiation ritual by Pope Paul VI in the Meditation Room of the United Nations “represented the early stage of a scheme, the fulfillment of which would be…the erection of the Temple of Understanding, on fifty acres of the Potomac in Washington, D.C….The underlying purpose of the Temple was plainly revealed by its…All-Seeing Eye…that represented six world faiths — Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Confucianism, and Christianity…” This abdication means that the Pope no longer considers himself to be the “Vicar upon earth of Jesus Christ”. (p.70-71).

    The stage is thus set for the formation and announcement of the New World Order Religion. This new religion will be a combining of all world’s religions, which means the death knell to the Separateness of True Christianity. Remember Jesus’ words, “I AM the Way, The Truth, and the Life; no man comes unto the Father but by Me”. (John 14:6) This dramatic assertion means that none of the other religions individually nor the New World Order Religion can provide the way to the Father in Heaven. By infiltrating and taking over the Roman Catholic Papacy, Satan will have won a huge victory, and the stage will be set for the unfolding of the events foretold in the book of Revelation.

    Now consider the next step which Pope Paul VI took, as recorded by Compton: “He also made use of a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent of broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term ‘Mark of the Beast’. Yet not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ.” (p. 72) On page 56 Compton prints a picture of the current Pope, John Paul II, holding this bent or broken cross.

    How shocking that a Roman Catholic Pope could or would utilize a known Satanic object, representing Anti-Christ, and to have the faithful in the crowd bow before it and revere it. We are reminded of the prophecy in Revelation 13:12, that the False Prophet shall cause the peoples of the earth to deify (worship) the Anti-Christ.

    But the worst is Compton’s revelation yet to come.

    Pope Paul then appeared at Yankee Stadium “wearing the Ephod the ancient garment…worn by Caiphas…who called for the crucifixion of Christ.” (Ibid.)

    “Within a few days of Paul’s return to Rome, the Bishop of Cuernavaca, Mendes Arceo, was declaring that ‘Marxism is necessary in order to realize God’s kingdom at the present time’; while Pope Paul let it be known that Rome…was ready to take a new look at secret societies.” (p.72)

    “One summer morning, 1976, young Catholic seminarians were greatly alarmed by a revelation in a journal called the “Borghese…for the paper contained a detailed list of clerics, some holding the most exalted offices, who were said to be members of secret societies. It was staggering news, for…the students were acquainted with…Canon Law 2335, [which] expressly declares that a Catholic who joined any such society became excommunicate…while Canon 2336 was concerned with disciplinary measures to be enforced against any cleric” who might join a secret society.

    Michael Howard New Age author of “The Occult Conspiracy”, speaks of this same list, but goes further to reveal that most of these Catholic officials were members of Freemasonry. (p. 152) Howard stated that some of these high Vatican officials were:

    Pope Paul VI’s private secretary
    Director-General of Vatican Radio
    Arch-Bishop of Florence
    Prelate of Milan
    Assistant Editor of the Vatican paper
    Seven Italian Bishops
    Abbot of the Order of Saint Benedict (p. 152)

    These students were shocked at this revelation because repeated Papal Bulls have been issued against secret societies, beginning with Pope Clement XII (1738) and ending with Pope Pius XI, who died in 1939.

    This article was denied most vociferously by a Catholic writer, in the periodical, L’Aurora, M. Jacques Ploncard, who asserted that no prelate had been affiliated with a secret society since 1830. However, determined investigators, some posing as members of the Government, gained access to the Italian Register of Secret Societies and compiled a list of Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops who were members of secret societies. This list included 125 prelates. Compton then lists of these names on pages 78-84. The stage was now set for full Papal approval of membership in secret societies. On November 27, 1983, Pope John Paul II, the current Pope, issued the Papal Bull which legalized secret society membership for Roman Catholics.

    Now we can understand how it is that Pope John Paul II can so brazenly display the occultic bent or broken cross. Now we can understand how Pope John Paul can eagerly pursue domination of the New World Order, as asserted by Malachi Martin in his book, The Keys Of This Blood. Martin is a retired Jesuit priest, who taught at the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute.

    Finally, after over 200 years, the Masters of the Illuminati Secret Society, the originators of the concept of The New World Order, have achieved one of their major objectives, the infiltrating of their own Illuminist as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. This breakthrough occurred, as we have already stated, in the early 1960’s when Pope Paul VI came into power. This time period also fits in with the general period of spiritual degradation and apostasy which we have noted in earlier programs and in our seminar. Interestingly, Christian author Bill Cooper, in his book, Behold A Pale Horse, states, “In 1952, an alliance was formed bringing…together for the first time in history: The Black Families (European Nobility which have historically practiced occultic spiritualism), The Illuminati, The Vatican, and the Freemason, now working together to bring about the New World Order.” (p. 80)

    Michael Howard adds the final footnote to this entire subject, as he concludes his chapter on the involvement of the Vatican in the drive to the New World Order. Remember, Howard is not criticizing the Vatican; rather, he is a New Age writer who is enthusiastic about this turn of events. Howard states, “At the celebrations in honour of St. Francis of Assisi in 1986, which stressed the unity of all the world’s religions, the Pope participated in a multi-religious prayer for world peace. Traditionalists were horrified to see the Pontif happily share a platform with a Tibetan Lama, a Hindu swami, a Native American medicine man, a Jewish Rabbi, and a Maori high priest…The unity of all the world’s religions and the recognition that they all derived from the same ancient source is the central philosophy of the secret societies.”

    At this point, remember Jesus’ words, “Ye shall know them by their fruits”. The drive to the New World Order has seen its most significant progress occur under the leadership of men who appeared most conservative and traditional on the outside. Do not be deceived.

    Finally, at a seminar in Boston, in August, 1990, the New England director of the Theosophical society boldly and enthusiastically stated that the Plan for the implementation of the Pagan New World Order Religion called for the Roman Catholic Pope to travel to Jerusalem at the right moment in world history to convene a special global religious conference . This conference would be attended by all the world’s religions. At this conference, the Pope would announce that from this moment forward, all the world’s religions would be one. The ultimate goal of the Masters of the Illuminati would finally be fulfilled, lead by the Pope.

    But, why should we be surprised, because Adam Weishaupt was a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest. Thus, we see the Roman Catholic Church present at the beginning of this New World Order conspiracy and at the end.

    The moral bankruptcy of our society is well-documented.

    But, few people understand why we have become morally bankrupt. However, when we look at society through the eyes of God, through the Bible, we can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today. This study of America through the eyes of God is what we will always try to do here; stay with us for some eye- opening truths.

    In the past, we have studied the links between Secret Societies and the implementation of the New World Order. We will study today how the Vatican is now thoroughly controlled by these Secret Societies as they move to complete the New World Order Religion, which they feel is an indispensable part of their New World Order. And New Age writings make it quite clear that this New World Order Religion, as they call it, will be an occultic religion, one that will revive the Old Mysteries Religions of Babylon and Egypt, and one that will totally destroy Christianity. And the Vatican is now leading the charge.

    We will be discussing this subject from several sources:

    “The Broken Cross”, by Peirs Compton, 1981. This author is a Catholic priest who has become totally disheartened by the current state of the Catholic Church.
    “The Occultic Conspiracy: Secret Societies — Their Influence and Power in World History”, by Michael Howard, 1989. Howard is a New Age writer.
    “Behold A Pale Horse”, by “New Age” Christian author Bill Cooper, 1991.

    Let us look first at “The Broken Cross”.

    Compton is an former editor of a Catholic newspaper, “The Universe”. He traces the alleged infiltration of the Roman church by the Illuminati. The author is a traditional and still practicing Catholic, who has written this book as a protest against the Catholic Church abandoning its traditional teachings on Christian doctrine. “There is a feeling abroad that our civilization is in deadly peril. …For civilization declines when reason is turned upside down, when the mean and based, the ugly and corrupt, are made to appear the norms of social and cultural expressions…when evil, under a variety of masks takes the place of good.”

    …Never before has man been left without guide or compass…divorced from reality…without religion.” (p1-3)

    Compton then lists some of the Catholic Churches failings in recent years:

    Decline in belief of absolutes (p.2-3)
    Its readiness to compromise with the evil in this world. (p.3)
    Preaching of Humanism in the name of Christian charity. (p.3)
    Changing from being the inflexible enemy of Communism to taking part in compromising “dialogue”, thus contributing to the ruin of society.
    Surrendering its creed of One True God in heaven for the false creed that there are many gods in Heaven and Earth. (p.3)

    Compton then asks the critical question — “what has caused the changes in the Church”? After acknowledging that most people naturally reject the idea of a “conspiracy”, the author states, we “see…the working out of an age-long and deliberate scheme to destroy the Church from within. Yet there is more proof of every kind for the existence of such a conspiracy than there is for some of the commonly accepted facts of history…Secret scheming, hidden … from the academic…and public mind, has been the …driving force of much of world history.” (p. 4)

    “The urge for world domination, whether by force of arms, culture, or religion, is as old as history….” (p.5)

    After tracing some of the attempts to take control of the Papacy by non-Christian elements, Compton then begins to talk about Adam Weishaupt, the Jesuit priest who created the Masters of the Illuminati. Compton states, “…Adam Weishaupt could view the prospect before him with a military mind. He had thrust and vision. He knew the value of surprise, which is grounded in secrecy…He would blend mankind into one whole…suppress dogma…The ideal state that Weishaupt had in mind was…founded upon the impossible dream of human perfection…On the First day of May, 1776, the secret society that was to profoundly affect much subsequent history came into existence as the Illuminati.”

    “The Illuminati had …a plan …they decided on a most ambitious line of conduct. It would form and control public opinion. It would amalgamate religions by dissolving all the differences of belief and ritual that had kept them apart; and it would take over the Papacy and place an agent of its own in the Chair of Peter.” (p. 7-8)

    In 1818, a member of the Illuminati, Nubius, stated that the goal of the Illuminati, is “the complete annihilation of Catholicism, and even ultimately of Christianity. Were Christianity to survive, even upon the ruins of Rome, it would, a little later on, revive and live.” (p. 13). Later, we will examine the same goals as expressed in Howard’s New Age book “The Occult Conspiracy”. Compton continues to quote Nubius’ explanation of the need for the Illuminati to infiltrate the Papacy:

    “The Pope…will never enter into a secret society. It therefore becomes the duty of the secret societies to make the first advance to the Church and the Pope, with the object of conquering both.” (p.13)

    This is nothing more than a call for the Illuminati to infiltrate the Papacy. The goal from the beginning (1776) was to plant an avowed Illuminist into the Papacy, while the rank and file of the Catholic Church were to be completely unaware that this had occurred. Nubius then recognized that this process may take many, many years. He foresaw the need to invade and take over convents and seminaries, to win the minds of nuns, and especially the priests, who rise to become Cardinals. Cardinals elect the Pope. (p. 12-15).

    How was Weishaupt financed in his drive to establish the Masters of the Illuminati? Compton explains:

    “(Weishaupt) was backed financially,…by a group of bankers under the House of Rothschild. It was under their direction that the long-range and worldwide plans of the Illuminati were drawn up…”

    Compton then confirms the spiritual nature of this Illuminati plan for a New World Order.

    “The claim to be possessed of an other-world influence may not have been wholly false… having the tests that made a full-blooded Illuminati (the ceremony took place at night, in an underground vault near Frankfurt)…” (p. 8-9). Remember our discussion, earlier, of the initiations of the American Skull and Bones society, of which former President George Bush was a lifelong member? They also carried out their initiation in an underground tomb, or vault in the middle of the night.

    Compton then reveals the longevity and the influence of secret societies:

    “The peculiar strength of [secret societies) has always been their secrecy…Sometimes they had an affected occult significance, that …often led them to introduce… absurd, …unpleasant rites of initiation. There was one Illuminati circle that persuaded candidates to enter a bath of water…by pulling them towards the bath by means of a piece of string that was tied to their genitals…It was this perverted sexual obsession that made some of Weishaupt’s disciples undergo self-castration.” (p. 11). Shockingly, Trevor Ravenscroft, in his book, The Spear of Destiny, reported that Eckart’s last official act of the Thule Society was to magically castrate Adolf Hitler. This ritual had the effect of turning Hitler into the sadistic killer of which history is familiar. Bill Cooper, in his book, Behold A Pale Horse, states that Skull and Bones initiates its members by means of ribbon around the genitals. This commonalty again ties together the Masters of the Illuminati, the Thule Society, and Skull and Bones.

    Compton records more of the occultic influence of the Masters of the Illuminati. “…Some rites and symbols derived an undeniable significance from what is generally called Black Magic, or from the invocation of a Satanic power whose potency runs like a sinister streak…”

    “By symbols…is a man guided and commanded…The Illuminati made use of … a pyramid, or triangle, which has been long known to initiates as a sign of mystic or solar faith. At the top of that pyramid, or sometimes at its base, was, and in fact, still is, the image of a separate human Eye, which has been variously referred to as the open eye of Lucifer, the morning star…”

    “The pyramid was one of the symbols that represented the unknown and nameless deity in pre-Christian cults. Centuries later, it was resurrected as a symbol of the destruction of the Catholic Church; and when the first phase of that destruction had been brought about…by those who had infiltrated and since occupied some of the highest places in the Church, they reproduced it as a sign of their success.” And when did this happen? In 1976, precisely 200 years after Weishaupt initiated his plan to infiltrate the Papacy , placing an Illuminist as Pope. Compton continues:

    “[The All-Seeing Eye within a pyramid] overlooked the crowds who gathered for the Philadelphia Eucharist Congress in 1976. It was taken up by the Jesuits who edited the Society’s year book; and it appeared on a series of Vatican stamps issued in 1978.” (p. 10-11). “New Age” Christian author, Bill Cooper, confirmed this fact to me by telephone when I called him to independently confirm this shocking information.

    Compton continues:

    “The Eye, which can be traced back to the Babylonian moon worshippers, or astrologers, came to represent the [Pagan] Egyptian Trinity of Osiris, the sun; Isis, the moon goddess; and their child, Horus…” (p. 11-12).

    The pyramid and the All-Seeing Eye are, indeed, old occultic symbols. The Satanic book, “Magic Symbols”, amply demonstrates this fact on page 140-141. I was determined to corroborate the fact that the Roman Catholic Church had utilized the All-Seeing Eye and the Pyramid in their writings, so I traveled to the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, area to a Catholic Seminary, St. Charles Seminary. In their Ryan Memorial Library, I found a book entitled, “Symbols In The Church”. The authors listed their objective in writing this book, “This book is intended as a usable handbook for ecclesiastical artists and craftsmen of all sorts…who are interested…in the decoration of churches and of liturgical objects…” In other words, this book was an official book of authorized symbols which could be used to create literature or pictorial works which would be acceptable to Roman Catholic leadership. Thus, I was shocked and dismayed to discover the All-Seeing Eye within a pyramid on page 27. This All-Seeing Eye was in the section of symbols representing God the Father; however, this symbol was not the Pagan symbol of God looking down from Heaven upon the affairs of man; rather, it was the Pagan symbol of man perfecting himself properly to attain into Heaven. It was the symbol of the Masters of the Illuminati, in an official Roman Catholic book of church art!!

    This confirmed that Pierre Compton was absolutely correct, the Illuminati had infiltrated the Catholic Church. But, as I studied this book of Catholic symbols, I was further shocked to see that there were many symbols that the Catholics were using which were either directly copied from those found in the Satanic symbols book, “Magic Symbols”, or which had been modified only slightly. Time does not permit us to fully examine all these match-ups now, but we will return with a full study later.

    So, from the beginning of the 19th Century, the Illuminati and Freemasonry began to infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church, beginning first by infiltrating the seminaries and colleges, placing priests and nuns who were secretly Illuminists. The ultimate goal was to capture the College of Cardinals and then the Papacy itself. By 1846, enough progress had been made in infiltrating the Catholic Church, thus weakening her from within, that the Illuminati felt it was time to create the Antithesis Force which would battle the Western Force of Thesis, led by the United States. The battle between these two forces would ultimately produce their desired Synthesis System, the New World Order. Compton records how this new Antithesis System was created.

    In 1846, “there was a feeling of change in the air, a change that would extend beyond the boundaries of the Church and transform many facets of existence….Two years later a highly select body of secret initiates who called themselves the League of Twelve Just Men of the Illuminati, financed Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto…” (p.16) This historic fact is also stated by Ralph Epperson in his book, The Unseen Hand, and by Anthony Sutton in his book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. Most people are shocked by this concept for three very simple reasons: First, our history books have carefully taught us that history is just a series of unrelated historical accidents, not as a result of any conspiracy. Secondly, many of us cannot comprehend that human beings could successfully carry out a global plan for domination for an extended period of time. Thirdly, most Americans still naively believe their elected representatives carry out their duties with our best interests at heart.

    Compton continues his expose’ of the infiltration of the Vatican by the Illuminati.

    “By mid-1800’s, the State of Italy had been taken over by the Illuminati” (p. 17). But, still, the religious office of the Papacy was outside their control. At this point, we should remember that the Papacy and the entire Roman Catholic Church was being fatally weakened by the inclusion of false, Pagan doctrine. It was only a matter of time before the Illuminati would be able to topple the Papacy by successfully implanting one of their own. The Papacy was doomed to fall like a tree which had been rotting for centuries before it suddenly fell under the onslaught of the persistent wind. This goal of infiltrating the Vatican with an Illuminist is further detailed in an occultic book, The Occult Conspiracy, by Michael Howard, in Chapter 7 entitled “Secrets In the Vatican”, pages 141-160. Occultic writings are often very instructive because their authors have nothing to hide and because many of the authors are writing under the influence of their “Guiding Spirits”. And, occultists are very open about this conspiracy.

    This supreme Illuminati goal of placing one of their own as Pope was not successful until the early 1960’s, when Vatican II was convened. Compton states, “the liberals or progressives, secure in having brought the designs of the secret societies to a successful conclusion, were exultant…The entire world of religion was now permeated by its influence…” (p. 62)

    “In less than a decade the church [had] been transformed from an implacable foe of Communism into an active and quite powerful advocate of coexistence with Moscow and Red China. At the same time, revolutionary changes in its centuries long teachings have moved Rome closer and closer…to that of humanistic, neo-Paganism, of the National and World Council, and World Council of Churches.” (p. 62-63).

    “When the effects of the Second Vatican Council became apparent, the Bishop of Regensbury was led to observe that the main ideas of the French Revolution, ‘which represents an important element in Lucifer’s Plan, were being adopted in many spheres of Catholicism'”. “Although conducted largely behind the scenes…the struggle between the Church and the secret societies has been more bitter and prolonged than any international conflict…” (p. 75)

    Now that the Vatican II had implemented Lucifer’s Plan, as the Bishop of Regensbury had observed, “it now remained to round off a truly historic visit with an initiatory rite that would put the seal on this newly admitted realization..”. Thus, “Pope Paul, on October 4, 1965, spoke to the United Nations, (p.67) a speech “which propagated the social gospel so dear to the heart of revolutionaries, without a single reference to the religious doctrines that [the revolutionaries] found so pernicious”. (p. 68)

    After the speech, Pope Paul VI went to the Meditation Room of the U.N. “A carefully edited bulletin, that supposedly dealt with the meaning and purpose of the room, was produced by the Lucis Press, which issues printed matter for the United Nations.” The fact that Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Satanic nature of the U.N. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky. In 1923, Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust.

    Now let us return to the story of the visit of Pope Paul VI to the United Nations on October 4, 1965.

    “This [meditation] room was a centre of the Illuminati, given over to the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye, that…was dedicated to the service of pagan cults, and the obliteration of Christian in favour of humanistic beliefs.” (p.68-69)

    This occultic initiation ritual by Pope Paul VI in the Meditation Room of the United Nations “represented the early stage of a scheme, the fulfillment of which would be…the erection of the Temple of Understanding, on fifty acres of the Potomac in Washington, D.C….The underlying purpose of the Temple was plainly revealed by its…All-Seeing Eye…that represented six world faiths — Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Confucianism, and Christianity…” The stage is thus set for the formation and announcement of the New World Order Religion. This new religion will be a combining of all world’s religions, which means the death knell to the Separateness of True Christianity. Jesus’ words, “I AM the Way, The Truth, and the Life; no man comes unto the Father but by Me”, (John 14:6) means that no other religion, even the New World Order Religion, can provide the way to Heaven. Satan will have won a huge victory, and the stage will be set for the unfolding of the events foretold in the book of Revelation.

    Now consider the next step by Pope Paul VI. “He also made use of a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent, broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term ‘Mark of the Beast’. Yet not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ. (p. 72) On page 56 Compton prints a picture of the current Pope, John Paul II, holding this bent or broken cross.

    How shocking that a Roman Catholic Pope could or would utilize a known Satanic object, representing Anti-Christ, and to have the faithful in the crowd bow before it and revere it. We are reminded of the prophecy in Revelation 13:12, that he (the False Prophet) shall cause the peoples of the earth to deify (worship) the Anti-Christ.

    But the worst is revelation yet to come.

    Pope Paul then appeared at Yankee Stadium “wearing the Ephod, the ancient garment…worn by Caiphas…who called for the crucifixion of Christ.” (Ibid.)

    “Within a few days of Paul’s return to Rome, the Bishop of Cuernavaca, Mendes Arceo, was declaring that ‘Marxism is necessary in order to realize God’s kingdom at the present time’; while Pope Paul let it be known that Rome…was ready to take a new look at secret societies.” (p.72)

    One summer morning, 1976, young Catholic seminarians were greatly alarmed by a revelation in a journal called the “Borghese…for the paper contained a detailed list of clerics, some holding the most exalted offices, who were said to be members of secret societies. It was staggering news, for…the students were acquainted with…Canon Law 2335, [which] expressly states that a Catholic who joined any such society became excommunicate…while Canon 2336 was concerned with disciplinary measures to be enforced against any cleric” who might join a secret society. Michael Howard author of “The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies, The Influence And Power In World History”, speaks of this same list, but goes further to reveal that most of these officials were members of Freemasonry. (p. 152) Howard stated that some of these high Vatican officials were:

    Pope Paul VI’s private secretary
    Director-General of Vatican Radio
    Arch-Bishop of Florence
    Prelate of Milan
    Assistant Editor of the Vatican paper
    Seven Italian Bishops
    Abbot of the Order of Saint Benedict (p. 152)

    These students were shocked at this revelation because repeated Papal Bulls have been issued against secret societies.

    This article was denied most vociferously by a writer in L’Aurora, M. Jacques Ploncard, who asserted that no prelate had been affiliated with a secret society since 1830. However, determined investigators, some posing as members of the Government, gained access to the Italian Register of Secret Societies and compiled a list of Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops who were members of secret societies. This list included 125 prelates. Compton then lists of these names on pages 78-84. Compton then states, “The French Register of Secret Societies is more closely guarded than the Italian, so that particulars of recent initiations cannot be quoted. The most sustained list of clerics belonging to French secret societies covers a few decades preceding the French Revolution (1785), and it numbered [then], even at a time when infiltration of the Church by its enemies was on a smaller scale than it soon attained, some 256 members.”

    The stage was now set for full Papal approval of membership in secret societies. On November 27, 1983, Pope John Paul II, the current Pope, issued the Papal Bull which legalized secret society membership for Roman Catholics.

    Now we can understand how it is that Pope John Paul II can so brazenly display the occultic bent or broken cross. Now we can understand how Pope John Paul can eagerly pursue domination of the New World Order, as asserted by Malachi Martin in his book, The Keys Of This Blood. Martin is a retired Jesuit priest, who taught at the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute.

    Finally, after over 200 years, the Masters of the Illuminati Secret Society — originators of the Plan for The New World Order, have achieved one of their major objectives, the infiltrating of their own Illuminists as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. This breakthrough occurred, as we have already stated, in the early 1960’s when Pope Paul VI came into power. This time period also fits in with the general period of spiritual degradation and apostasy which we have noted in earlier programs and in our seminar. Interestingly,”New Age” Christian author Bill Cooper, in his book, Behold A Pale Horse, states, “In 1952, an alliance was formed bringing…together for the first time in history: The Black Families (European Nobility which have historically practiced occultic spiritualism), The Illuminati, The Vatican, and the Freemason, now working together to bring about the New World Order.” (p. 80)

    Today, it is very evident that Pope John Paul II is an Illuminist. We can see this concretely by his utilization of the bent cross. We can see this in his pronouncements of New Age agenda and his many global travels. But, the final confirmation occurred for this ministry in August, 1990, when I attended a 4-hour seminar in Boston, given by the New England Director of the House of Theosophy. The director asserted that, at the right moment in world history, the Pope will travel to Jerusalem to chair an Ecumenical Spiritual conference. The Pope will announce at this meeting that all world’s religions are now one. Thus, he said, the New World Order Religion will be established. The tremendously exciting news was that this man, who is an Illuminati insider, knows that the Plan calls for the Roman Catholic Pope to be the leader of the New World Order Religion.

    This understanding means two important things:

    The Plan to replace the Catholic Pope with an Illuminist has succeeded, after 200 years.
    The Roman Catholic Pope is probably the False Prophet of Revelation.

    Finally, add to these understandings the fact that key leaders of the New World Order Plan have publicly identified the Roman Catholic Pope as the planned leader of the New World Order Religion. This is the Biblical office of the False Prophet, the one who will serve with Anti-Christ to deceive the world, and who will wield the same occultic power as the Anti-Christ.

    The time for final implementation is very close.

    You have been listening to the Cutting Edge, a radio program of Old Paths Ministries.


  8. RonMamita says:

    New World Order On Fast Track

    By Chuck Baldwin

    What Japanese bombers could not do in 1941, politicians and businessmen are doing in 2001: destroying U.S. sovereignty and independence. Their weapons are not sinking ships, but they are sinking American autonomy. Furthermore, a Republican administration has done nothing to circumvent or slow down this Draconian drift toward international government.

    Recently, a U.N. official said, “Within 10 years time you’re going to see the beginning of an embryonic world order.” The official’s name is Edward Widmer, and he is president of the Illinois Division of the United Nations Association of the United States. He made his remarks at a gathering of the Bolingbrook Rotary Club just a few days ago. If you think Widmer is simply a wild canary out on a limb by himself, you are very mistaken.

    Former newsman, Walter Cronkite, wrote in his book, A Reporter’s Life, “A system of world government is mandatory. The proud nations someday will see the light and yield up their precious sovereignty.”

    Cronkite also told BBC newsman, Tim Sebastian, “I think we are realizing that we are going to have to have an international rule of law.” He added, “We need not only an executive to make international law, but we need the military forces to enforce that law.”

    Cronkite went on to say, “American people are going to begin to realize that perhaps they are going to have to yield some sovereignty to an international body to enforce world law.”

    England’s Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is just as direct. In a speech given back in 1999 he said, “Globalization has transformed our economies and our working practices. But globalism is not just economic. It is also a political and security phenomenon.”

    Blair went on to say, “We are all internationalists now, whether we like it or not.” He also said, “On the eve of a new Millennium we are now in a new world. We need new rules for international co-operation and new ways of organizing our international institutions.” He further said, “Today the impulse towards interdependence is immeasurably greater. We are witnessing the beginnings of a new doctrine of international community.”

    Remember it was former president, George H.W. Bush, that spoke of Americans swearing loyalty to a “New World Order.” His son, George W., feels much the same way. Phyllis Schlafly recently reminded us that, back on April 22 of this year, G.W. signed the Declaration of Quebec City in which he gave a “commitment to hemispheric integration and national and collective responsibility for improving the economic well-being and security of our people.”

    Obviously, “our people” means the people of the Western Hemisphere, not the people of the United States. Schlafly continued to say, “Bush pledged that the United States will ‘build a hemispheric family on the basis of a more just and democratic international order.'” If Congress grants President Bush such unconstitutional Fast Track trade authority (which it has), he will no doubt do exactly what he said he would do: build an international order.

    Call it what you want – “New World Order,” “International Order,” “International Community,” “World Law.” It all means the end of U.S. sovereignty and independence. Americans need to be aware that power hungry politicians from both parties along with money hungry executives from multinational corporations pose a much greater threat to our liberties than any foreign terrorist does. If our freedoms are destroyed, it likely will not be by heat-seeking missiles from above but by freezing cold hearts from within.


  9. RonMamita says:

    Criminal Elites, Agents For The NWO

    Excerpts from:


    Another book, Brice Taylor’s Starshine: One Woman’s Valiant Escape from Mind Control, corroborates Cathy O’Brien’s and K. Sullivan’s experiences. Even though it’s a fictionalised account, the book clearly indicates that major crimes have been – and are being – committed by the major players of the world’s power elites.

    Brice Taylor was also a “presidential model”, and in a recent interview she went into intimate details of her many experiences with politicians promoting the New World Order.

    “What it [being a presidential model] means,” she explained, “is that your program is to have sex with presidents; and I did overhear this, that different politicians were encouraged to use CIA escorts for sex, so they wouldn’t be in a vulnerable position if they ever disclosed any national security secrets to anyone on the outside, or for blackmail.”

    And how would she characterise this so-called New World Order?

    “It is an attempt to bring in a One World Government in which elite families have things the way they want. Their belief was that the planet was overpopulated and that something had to be done: psychological and biological warfare. They considered mind control as a tool, their ace in the hole, something really different that would act as an invisible weapon.”


    In her recovery, Brice Taylor also had memories of being used by Henry Kissinger as a mind-controlled courier.

    “If you program someone to have a perfect photographic memory and total recall, then you have the capacity to be able to deal with many different tasks and assignments simultaneously,” she explains. “Henry Kissinger created a ‘mindfile’ inside of my head. I would be sent around to all these leaders to keep their data – on some of their projects or whatever their agenda was – sorted. When they’d meet people, I would be programmed by either Kissinger or Nelson Rockefeller. This was in the mid-1960s.”

    But who’s running the ‘show’?

    “I think there’s this other layer that I call ‘the Council’ in my book,” Taylor explained. “I know that this is a group of men that stand head and shoulders above even Kissinger and the Rockefellers. They have been genetically engineered in a way that they have [she hesitated, searching for the right words] different leadership abilities and that they are actually the ones running the plan.”

    They refer to themselves as “the Council”?

    “Yes. When I was telling other people within the intelligence community about it that were involved in it, they said they call themselves the Council. The CIA has all these mind-control operatives that are working for the Government. Then there’s the Council, which also understands about the mind-control project. But the Council is not CIA controlled. They could take someone like myself and be able to debrief me to find out what my agenda was.”


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