Central Banks This Week 8 Oct – 14 Oct 2014

Here are some IMPORTANT Events from the fraudulent Money Masters. I found it very revealing from the media releases that Officials acknowledged the lost of the public’s TRUST.
Suspicious observers should ask, Why was the EBOLA Virus a major topic at the meetings?
Hidden agendas and “setting” the agendas are elements of conspiracies…
As always, Follow The Money. ~Ron
2014 annual IMF and World Bank board meeting

Washington DC

Annual IMF & World Bank Board Meeting
IMF/World Bank Board Meeting
By Derrick Scott October 9, 2014 http://jis.gov.jm/dr-phillips-washington-imfworld-bank-board-meeting/

Finance and Planning Minister, Dr Hon. Peter Phillips arrived in Washington DC this afternoon (October 8), to attend the 2014 annual International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank board meeting, which is being held October 8 -13.

While in Washington, Minister Phillips will hold discussions with officials from the IMF, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank, as well as represent Jamaica at a number of other meetings.

On Thursday, October 9, the Minister, along with Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Stephen Vasciannie; Governor of the Bank of Jamaica, Brian Wynter; Director General of the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), Colin Bullock; and Financial Secretary, Devon Rowe, will attend and participate in the Caribbean breakfast and caucus meeting.
On Friday, October 10, Minister Phillips will be among panelists to discuss the topic: ‘Caribbean Economies, Has Recovery Arrived?; and on Saturday, October 11, he will speak on the topic: ‘Private Partnership for Public Service Delivery.  On Sunday, October 12, Dr. Phillips will address the meeting of the Community of Practice of Finance Ministers on Gender Equality.

Other topics to be discussed and debated at the five-day meeting include: ‘Challenges for job rich and exclusive growth’;  ‘Progress towards ending poverty and bestowing shared prosperity’;  ‘The role of public investment’; ‘Resilient approach for achieving food security’; and ‘How to restore trust in a financial system’.
Minister Phillips and his delegation will return to Jamaica on Monday, October 13.


U.S. and UK to test big bank collapse in joint model run

Oct 10 (Reuters) – Regulators from the United States and the United Kingdom will get together in a war room next week to see if they can cope with any possible fall-out when the next big bank topples over, the two countries said on Friday.

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, on Monday will run a joint exercise simulating how they would prop up a large bank with operations in both countries that has landed in trouble.

Also taking part are Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, and the heads of a large number of other regulators, in a meeting hosted by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Bankers Setting Ebola Virus Agenda

Public health expert Philip Alcabes told AirTalk, “In my view, from an epidemiological standpoint, Ebola looks nothing like AIDS.”

In Alcabes’ analysis, Dr. Frieden’s comments were intended to get Americans to pay attention to Africa, in the same way AIDS became a rallying cry in the 1980s.


The Attempt To Deceive All The People On Earth

Authority: Lost Honor and a Nightmare Job

False Flag Alert: NY Hires Fake Ebola Actors To Run Drills

Propaganda bathed with Pretty Words: Jobs, Sustainable, Equitable, and EcoCity

Is A BIG Event Imminent?

G7, NATO, UN, Alienation, Obamanation…



Want Worldwide PEACE and Prosperity. We are the solution we have been searching for... Free People on Earth will solve our crisis and create an era of Creativity. Be Aware; Be Creative; Be Active; Be Free; and then Share it. LOVE & Wholeness AMOR y Paz

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3 comments on “Central Banks This Week 8 Oct – 14 Oct 2014
  1. RonMamita says:

    Published on Oct 10, 2014
    London’s FTSE 100 share index fell 1.4% to 6,339.97, a 12-month low.

    Germany’s Dax fell even more sharply, down 2.4% to 8,788.81, also the lowest level in a year. France’s Cac-40 dropped 1.6% to 4,073.71 points, its lowest level in 2014.

    Poor economic data from Germany this week has stoked fears that the eurozone could be heading for another recession.
    Oil prices also saw sharp falls, with the Brent crude price hitting its lowest level for nearly four years.

    After recording its biggest one-day fall of the year on Thursday, the Dow Jones was down 0.04% at 16,652.61. The broader S&P 500 index was down 0.4% at 1,921.11, while the Nasdaq saw a sharper sell-off, down 1.2% 4,324.71.

    The price of Brent crude oil dropped $1.65 to $88.40 a barrel at one point before recovering some ground to stand at $89.09.
    US oil fell $1.92 a barrel to $83.85, its weakest level since June 2012, although it also regained some ground to stand at $89.39. Both oil benchmarks have lost about 20% since their peak in June.
    Oil prices have been undermined by a combination of increasing supplies and weakening demand.

    Libya has recently increased its supply of oil to the open market, and demand from China, the world’s second biggest user of oil, has slipped as its economic growth has slackened off.

    Carsten Fritsch, commodities analyst at Commerzbank told Reuters the oil markets were now in “panic mode”.
    “Panic and capitulation. We are now in uncharted territory,” he said. “The rout will probably continue until [oil cartel] Opec says enough is enough.”
    Eurozone risks

    This week, German economic data has presented a consistently negative picture. Figures released on Thursday showed exports fell 5.8% in August, and this followed weak industrial output figures on Tuesday.

    The International Monetary Fund said it was concerned by the country’s slowdown.

    “We are quite concerned about the slowdown in Germany. We have revised down our forecasts,” said Mahmood Pradhan, the IMF’s European Department Deputy Director.

    “The second quarter negative [GDP] number has been followed by a number of soft indicators that point to a further weakening in Germany and I think this underlines the general point that the euro area recovery looks much weaker than anticipated last spring,” he said.

    Earlier this week, the IMF cut its forecasts for global growth in 2014 and 2015, and on Thursday IMF chief Christine Lagarde crystallised investors’ worries about flagging economic growth by warning the eurozone could return to recession.

    The IMF’s downgrade of prospects for the three biggest eurozone countries’ economies – Italy, France and Germany – prompted the Chancellor, George Osborne, to warn the UK economy was facing a “critical moment”.

    On Thursday, he told the BBC: “The eurozone risks slipping back into crisis. Britain cannot be immune from that. It’s already having an impact on our manufacturing and our exports.”

    The big falls seen on Wall Street on Thursday pushed Asian stocks lower on Friday, with Japan’s Nikkei share index closing down 1.15% at a two-month low of 15,300.55.

    Below are more excuses


  2. RonMamita says:

    “Third and Final Economic Reset 2014”

    Said by Christine Largearde

    Published on Oct 7, 2014

    This is discussing the Third and Final Reset of the global economy reset in 2014 mentioned by Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director.


  3. RonMamita says:

    Quantitative Easing is Hyper-inflating The Currency Supply

    Neither the USFed nor their Wall Street partners ever refer to QE’s capital destruction effect, because it contradicts their stimulus argument and false message.
    Theirs is pure propaganda in keeping with the urgent directive to save the banks that are too big to fail.
    These are the financial crime centers of America. -PhD. Jim Willie


    The pattern of central bank covering the debt is clear. The lesson is that central banks can apply paper patches to the failed banks, and buy more time, then repeat the process on the next failed bank event. No limit to their bank patches seems to be in force. The banker cabal can continue endlessly since their patches are based on paper solutions, fiat paper money spew, and they control the paper output. They are the masters of the House of Paper.
    The paper mache solutions can continue in a seemingly endless manner, but not in the Gold market.
    The intervention and suppression in the Gold market is finite. It requires Gold bullion, the physical ingot bars, in order to execute the perpetuated interference and alteration to this financial niche market.
    The manipulation is finite, and it is coming to an end.
    When the Shanghai shock comes, all the Paper Gold structures will fall, all the FOREX derivatives will collapse, all the control rooms will go into panic mode.
    Hidden was the biggest and most important to date, done in September 2008. The bailout was of Goldman Sachs, but made to look like a Lehman failure and AIG nationalization.

    Under the USGovt aegis, the venerable GSax was given 100 cents per dollar on derivative payouts, was redeemed in full on mortgage assets, and generally was placed first in line for all window functions. It was the most clever bank bailout in history. The source of the derivative payouts was the usual funny money, where all trails lead to the USFed in its money creation. The good people of the United States talk about the favored 1% Elite, but they really have no idea who the bankers are, what they do, devices they use, controls they exert, or influence they peddle. If only they knew how Goldman and Citibank write Congressional legislation and tap markets for illicit tolls and skims. Their huge penalties and fines for criminal behavior are incorporated into their business models. Crime has a relatively small but growing part in its cost of doing business.

    Royal Bank of Scotland was another giant bailout following a failure, or near failure. The UKGovt took a 81% stake in the failed financial institution, not quite buying lock stock and barrel in its many wrecked business segments. The bailout was worth 46 billion British Pounds, completed in 2008 and 2009. It is all gone, all squandered, good (phony) money after bad. The good people of Britain have complained about horrendous treatment by the bank ever since. The RBS bank remains predatory, but protected by the government.


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