OSCE: 3 mass graves near Donetsk; Russian foreign Ministry called this a war crime

Western Bloc (G7 and European Union) vs Eastern Bloc (Russian federation and others)?

Western Bloc (G7 and European Union) vs Eastern Bloc (Russian federation and others)?

Russian Envoy: OSCE Monitors Visit Mass Grave Near Donetsk, Report Due Wednesday

Sep 24, 2014 – 13:51 GMT

Updated 5:36 p.m. Moscow Time MOSCOW, September 24 (RIA Novosti) – Monitors of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have visited a mass grave near the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk and will deliver a report on the issue later on Wednesday, Russia’s envoy to the organization said. “The mission was there and made some records. The information will be … (continue reading)


26 of September, 14:29
The UN decided to investigate the message of the mass graves under Donetsk

The monitoring mission of the office of the high Commissioner of the United Nations on human rights in Ukraine wants to hold a hearing messages about the mass graves under Donetsk, said a spokesman for the organization Ravina, Shamdasani.
” Yes, we’ve seen these messages (about the mass graves) and, without a doubt, Our team will conduct the litigation of these claims, ” She said, according to ITAR-TASS.” Unclear remains a large number of questions – who is responsible for it, exactly how many phone Our team plans to hold a hearing, ” said Shamdasani. As explained by the representative of the Management, the mandate is limited, However, only the analysis of the human rights aspects, for this reason, in parallel must be conducted by ” an independent, impartial hearing in Accordance with international standards and with the assistance of forensic experts.” we simply don’t have the opportunity to hold such a hearing, ” acknowledged Shamdasani. She did not specify who must deal with clarification of all the circumstances of the incident. First the media said that the Experts completed the examination to determine the causes of death found in a mass grave under the Donetsk civilian population and concluded that they were shot. Remember, on Tuesday, it was announced that the militia found the burial of bodies in the area of forest stock shaft number 22 ” Kommunar ” (lower Pot, 60 km from Donetsk), which until recently was under the control of the security forces. In DND told that a burial was discovered, most likely, is not the only one.

Later in the OSCE said that under the Donetsk found 3 mass graves. The Russian foreign Ministry has called the murder of the civil under the Donetsk war crime. The representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for human rights Konstantin Dolgov said that the killing of civilians under the Donetsk have the opportunity to be involved in Military machardie. However, Commissioner of the national security and defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko said that fighters machardie in the area under the Donetsk was not, there were other units of the security forces.


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6 comments on “OSCE: 3 mass graves near Donetsk; Russian foreign Ministry called this a war crime
  1. RonMamita says:

    Staged Conflicts & Crisis For Hidden Agendas

    The Navy’s top Atlantic Submarine Force commander said Thursday that Russia and China’s ballistic missile submarine development will impact how the U.S deploys its fleet.
    Along with Russia, the U.S. Navy has taken a closer look at China’s submarine fleet warning that its advancement means the Chinese have a global strike capability, Connor said.

    “The world has become multi-polar and we have competition for global influence and power from a rising China — which is also very much on our mind. The Chinese have had ballistic missile submarines in some form for a while. Their pace has accelerated and they have several nuclear ballistic missile submarines and are continuing to build more,” Connor said.


  2. Hopefully this is the start of the truth coming out about what’s really happening in Ukraine.


  3. RonMamita says:

    I doubt truth will find its way to us very easily.
    The White House/IMF/EU interest remain to take control of the Ukraine Resource to complement their revenue stream debt model.
    Ponzi economy need more easy prey to feed upon…

    I am hearing conflicting statements: West wants Ukraine to recapture/secure eastern region while Russia is seeking United Nations’ support for humanitarian and war crimes investigations.
    Either Eastern Ukraine will remain open to Russia and UN inspectors or Kiev will succeed in closing Eastern Ukraine to Russia and UN.

    Meanwhile Putin heads to Australia to deal with the important international monetary system…

    Ukraine does not seem to be resolved nor a peace in place that will hold; very confusing indeed.
    I am even more suspicious now (and I was very suspicious before the Kiev coup) that another armed push to seal Eastern Ukraine off from the UN and Russian inspectors is being planned…
    The People in the region continue to suffer.
    Because the final implementations of the West and Russia brokered deal requires some final touches that perhaps some armed factions may not have learned about yet…
    Caught in the middle of two empires are the People in Ukraine.


    • RonMamita says:


      How To Carve Up The World (by the Corbett Report)

      More specifically about Ukraine:
      See http://rt.com/business/188128-ukraine-eu-association-agreement-parliament/
      SEPTEMBER 16 2014

      Ukraine and the EU parliaments simultaneously ratified the economic and political parts of the Association Agreement that will strengthen ties between Kiev and Brussels. Economic integration is postponed until the end of 2015.

      The document was approved at 1:00pm in Kiev and there was a synchronous signing session in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

      Ukraine’s Rada voted 355 votes in favor out of 381 total, and the European Parliament supported the ratification with 535 ‘yes’ votes and 127 against, with 26 abstaining.

      What is the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU?
      – Establishes a gradual deepening of economic and political ties between Ukraine and the EU
      – A free trade zone will be established on December 31, 2015 to integrate Ukraine into Europe’s $17 trillion economy with 500+ million consumers
      – This means Ukraine will lose preferential treatment and access to Russia’s $2.5 trillion and 146 million consumer market
      – Ukraine will have to meet EU requirements on food safety and product quality
      – Cooperate on several other issues: energy, industry, taxes, tourism, justice system, law, etc.
      – It will make it easier for Ukraine to seek financial assistance from the EU

      “From tomorrow I task the government with approving the implementation of the agreement and immediately implementing it into the force of law,” President Petro Poroshenko said at the ratification in Kiev. Poroshenko said he hopes the agreement will help Ukraine reform its economy and fight corruption, and that someday Ukraine hopes to apply for EU membership.

      Ukraine “has embarked on the European path and nobody will are to shut the door to the EU membership for Ukraine,” the President said, as quoted by ITAR-ITASS.

      Free trade with Europe’s $13 trillion economy will be postponed until January 2016, due to the weak state of Ukraine’s economy which would make it vulnerable to a sudden influx of European goods.

      BUT, WAIT!

      There are revisions to the Association Agreement…
      26 Sep 2014 http://rt.com/business/190908-eu-association-agreement-putin/

      The EU says it is ready to discuss changes to its trade pact with Ukraine if Kiev asks for revisions. The statement came after Vladimir Putin sent a letter to the presidents of the European Commission and Ukraine, calling for changes to the deal.

      Brussels is ready to discuss both the implementation of the Association Agreement and its effects on Russia, José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, told the Wall Street Journal in an interview Thursday.

      [Hmm… smelling fishy!]
      Will the People in Ukraine agree to this, oh wait; I forgot the people don’t matter they must obey.
      The Kiev coup has accomplished its objectives?


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