Conspiracy Watch: U.S. Plunge Protection Team

1 Crime Lord_missionaccomplished
The Too Big To Fail Corporations have protection insurance.

‘Plunge Protection Team – PPT’

A colloquial name given to the Working Group on Financial Markets. The Plunge Protection Team was created to make financial and economic recommendations to various sectors of the economy in times of economic turbulence. The team consists of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, the Chairman of the SEC and the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
“Plunge Protection Team” was the nickname given to the Working Group by The Washington Post in 1997. The team was initially perceived by some to have been created solely to shore up the markets or even manipulate them. The team was created in response to the 1987 market crash.

Label anyone with “conspiracy theory” and it instantly became taboo, along with media censor and blackout!
But, now that label has lost its effectiveness as most conspiracies have been revealed as facts.
Facing the truth shines light on institutional crime. ~Ron

Recorded on February 5th 2009
While Timothy Geithner leads the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets ( aka the plunge protection team ), he mentions that this economic crisis is an opportunity to change things; and he states that the big change to come will prevent such crisis from ever happening again.

This sounds just like the 1913 propaganda: the creation of the federal reserve would stop future economic crisis”.
However, it succeeded in more centralized power into fewer hands.
History repeats itself.
Tim “tax cheater” Geithner sounds like a scammer!

Max Keiser talks with Stacy Herbert about the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets aka the (PPT) Plunge Protection Team and the Black Monday of October 19th 1987
recorded on April 20th 2010

picture-5_Tyler Durden
Via – …the Plunge Protection Team is nothing but the traders located on the 9th floor of the New York Fed at 33 Liberty street, which transact either unilaterally (because it is within their mandate) when buying (never selling) fixed income securities, or via Citadel when it comes to selling VIX or buying index futures to ramp the market at just the right time and break any bearish momentum. Sadly, with great central planning responsibility comes a great media black out, and no photographers are allowed to see Simon Potter, Kevin Henry, et al in action before their Bloomberg terminals and trading turrets.

From the NY Fed:
In the years following World War I, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York began to realize the power of open market operations when purchasing a large number of government securities in the hope it would prevent a recession, and found that the action had a large-scale effect on the financial system. New York Fed president Benjamin Strong hoped to use these operations to show that the monetary system could support a multiple expansion of deposits and credit.

During the December 19, 1923 meeting of the Federal Reserve Board, President Strong submitted a statement on open market operations that explained how the New York Fed’s open market policy was affecting the economy. “The volume of open-market holdings with which the reserve banks entered the year 1923 put them in possession of an admirable instrument for testing the degree of dependence of the credit structure upon Federal Reserve bank accommodation.” As a consequence of these new actions taken by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Open Market Investment Committee (OMIC) was formed in early 1923 with the hopes of having the Fed’s two methods of extending credit (rediscount and open market operations) “brought into harmony.”

Today, the New York Fed conducts temporary and permanent open market operations to implement monetary policy. Securities purchased through these operations are managed in a portfolio known as the System Open Market Account and are lent on a daily basis through the securities lending program.

…people who control all of the U.S. markets through their use of dangerous and explosive DERIVATIVES. They are risking the assets and retirement funds of all Americans. Because of their manipulations, especially since 2001, U.S. financial markets are now based on the gambling whims of a special fraternity of Federal Government DERIVATIVE dealers.

This group is known among Wall Street as the Plunge Protection Team (PPT). Their “official” role was to prevent another 1987 “Black Monday”. They have the entire U.S. Treasury at their disposal to manipulate the markets through DERIVATIVES (futures options). In other words, they are using the assets behind the U.S. Treasury to rig the prices of commodites (gold, currencies, etc.) and stocks.

This fraternity comprises of Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the heads of the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Association. It works closely with all the U.S. exchanges and Wall Street banks, including the largest DERIVATIVE risk holders Citibank and JP Morgan Chase.

Few people are aware of Executive Order 12631 signed by Ronald Reagan on March 18, 1988. In a nut shell, this is the “authority” behind the four dictators and the [sic] “laws” and “regulations” that have backed their casino-style DERIVATIVE gambling spree since 2001. Here are some highlights of this Executive Order to ponder:

Executive Order 12631 – Working Group on Financial Markets – Mar. 18, 1988; 53 FR 9421, 3 CFR, 1988 Comp., p. 559.

“By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish a Working Group on Financial Markets, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment. (a) There is hereby established a Working Group on Financial Markets (Working Group). The Working Group shall be composed of:

(1) the Secretary of the Treasury, or his designee; (2) the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or his designee; (3) the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, or his designee; and (4) the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, or her designee.

Section 2. Purposes and Functions. (a) Recognizing the goals of enhancing the integrity, efficiency, orderliness, and competitiveness of our Nation’s financial markets and maintaining investor confidence, the Working Group shall identify and consider:

(2) the actions, including governmental actions under existing laws and regulations (such as policy coordination and contingency planning), that are appropriate to carry out these recommendations.

(b) The Working Group shall consult, as appropriate, with representatives of the various exchanges, clearinghouses, self-regulatory bodies, and with major market participants to determine private sector solutions wherever possible.

Section 3. Administration. (c) To the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of funds therefore, the Department of the Treasury shall provide the Working Group with such administrative and support services as may be necessary for the performance of its functions.”

Get out of the markets before the inflated DERIVATIVE bubble bursts

The pre-911 U.S. markets showed an astounding – yet confounding and puzzling – rise for the 4 months proceeding 911. The U.S. media dubbed it a “patriotic rally”. The European Press called it a “PPT [Plunge Protection Team] rally”. Obviously, the U.S. markets were manipulated and rigged to an inflated value in advance of the 911 disaster. Was this a coordinated measure in anticipation of what was to come? Only The Powers That Be can answer that question directly.

Since 911, there have been at least three major long-term stock market rallies. In all 3 instances, when the markets opened all the indexes began to quickly plunge. In each incidence, by early afternoon the markets were brought back from the brink of collapse to the surprise of everyone, including historical analysts.

An event that should have sent markets spiraling downward was the Enron, et al, unprecedented corporate accounting scandals. Yet despite this, an unprecedented accross-the-board markets rally began on July 24, 2002. Once again, the European Press called it a “PPT rally”.

Outside the U.S., it’s no secret who is behind these secretive “no-name” purchases of high risk DERIVATIVE gambling wagers:

On September 16th, 2001, The Guardian reported “that a secretive committee… dubbed ‘the plunge protection team’… is ready to coordinate intervention by the Federal Reserve on an unprecedented scale. The Fed, supported by the banks, will buy equities from mutual funds and other institutional sellers… ”

On Feb 21, 2002, the Financial Times featured an article about Japan’s Stock Buying Body. The article stated that “…government backed equity markets, as Japan has recently become aware, do not work… Plunge protecting the world’s markets may be a hazardous pursuit.”

In each of these occurances, a large “no-name” buyer in the futures market secretly plunged in and bought up massive quantities of DERIVATIVES through banking groups such as JP Morgan. These were completely reckless gambling bets that the futures index [S&P] would rise even though it was obvious that it was going to fall. Because such a large amount of money was wagered on the S&P’s rise, in each instance, it reversed the market’s free-fall.

At the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on Jan 29-30, 2002, the Federal Reserve System (Greenspan) openly discussed the use of “unconventional methods” to stimulate the economy. Recently, the Financial Times of London quoted an anonymous U.S. Fed official who stated that one of the extraordinary measures “considered” in January 2004 was “buying U.S. equities”.

These gambling interventions by the “Four Financial Dictators” have successfully brought the markets back each time… despite the inflated financial realities that existed. The purchase of these gambling DERIVATIVES at a great loss have transformed each market crisis into a rally. By manipulating the markets in this way, they have further inflated the highly overvalued market indexes.

Perhaps Americans can now understand why the major U.S. banks, such as JP Morgan, are holding TRILLIONS of gambling derivatives on their books as the PPT group of four use them to rig the markets. Sooner or later, these market “fixes” will no longer hold the bubble from bursting.

Thus, we have witnessed the creation and growth of the financial bubble that is on the brink of explosion… and we know who rigs and controls the markets to create this inflated bubble of gambling debt.

Paper Stocks Rise as Metals Loose – PTT Rigging is Obvious

In the same motus opperandi, the PPT group of 4 are currently buying metals futures (DERIVATIVES) in great amounts on the New York and Chicago exchanges. For the past two weeks, they have created a loss in silver and gold indexes by purchasing (at U.S. taxpayer’s expense) large gambling bets (derivatives) against the true value of intrinsic metals.

The result is that they have rigged the value of metals to discourage investors from purchasing gold and silver instead of U.S. Federal Reserve Notes. This is a measure by the PPT to plug a large hole in the bursting dam of the financial bubble, but even Hans Brinker cannot stop this leak.

The bottom line?
Stick with history and prepare for the financial explosion. When the bubble deflates and pops, economic deflation will control our daily lives. The PPT cannot continue to spend what it doesn’t have. The retirement funds they are “borrowing” from are already exhausted. Get yourself some gold and silver… it will buy your bread to survive in the coming future… while paper Federal Reserve Notes will burn in your furnace to heat your homes.

Posted 23 Nov 2011
No doubt, evidence of global market manipulation.


The Directive: Where Financial Markets Are Criminal Syndicate Thrillers

The longest story ever told (psychopaths, bullies, greedy, control freaks…)

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As Predicted: More & Stronger-Armed Tactics Used…

LIBOR Rises From The Crypt As Argentina Face Default

Guess Who Pointed To U.S. State Sponsored Terrorism?

Central Banking Is Financial Terrorism

Organized Crime: Institutionalized Centralization, Globalization, Deception and Criminality



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Posted in Freedom-Expressed
6 comments on “Conspiracy Watch: U.S. Plunge Protection Team
  1. I’m wondering about the role of money laundering (of illicit drug profits) by banks and other companies to keep stock prices up. The multibillion money laundering network Michael Ruppert exposed in crossing the Rubicon has received little attention recently, but if anything it seems even bigger and more lucrative than ever:

    Click to access 1112pp_ferragut.pdf


    • RonMamita says:

      In this global Criminal Ponzi Economy I would be “shocked” to discover anything other than criminality.
      When Catherine Austine Fitts and Mike Rupert first started blowing the whistle on the massive involvement of government in drugs and incarcerating minority communities in the USA, that criminality could only grow (because it was not being stopped) to where it is now, no longer allowed to be aired on msm TV.

      A few years ago I watched a live TV News studio report interview a researcher (maybe a investigator) get censored for introducing the governments’ drug trade into the conversation about a political campaign or perhaps it was about the 9/11 WTC terror event in NY…
      The anchor simply stated we are not allowed to discuss that and the it ended.
      Another anecdotal evidence was the phoney debate in U.S. Congress about making stronger penalties for crack cocaine (a derivative of cocaine) and lesser penalties for pure cocaine. They voted for the stiffer penalties even though the debates revealed that the result would be more minorities in prison while wealthier and mostly “Whites” would be charged with a misdemeanor for the same offense in cocaine…

      My stomach was sick when I saw pictures of the military protecting the opium fields in Afghanistan after 9/11…
      The ancient silk road trade route is thriving again.
      China must be pleased.


    • RonMamita says:

      All future readers should be aware of the outrageous activities of the U.S. Justice Department and money laundering Too Big To Fail Jail banks like HSBC:

      Eric Holder made this rather startling confession in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday (Mar 6, 2013), The Hill reports.
      It could be a key moment in the debate over whether to do something about the size and complexity of our biggest banks, which have only gotten bigger and more systemically important since the financial crisis.

      “I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy,” Holder said, according to The Hill. “And I think that is a function of the fact that some of these institutions have become too large.”

      Holder’s comments don’t come as a total surprise. His underlings had already made similar confessions to The New York Times last year, after they declined to prosecute HSBC for flagrant, years-long violations of money-laundering laws, out of fear that doing so would hurt the global economy. Lanny Breuer, formerly in charge of doling out the Justice Department’s wrist slaps to banks, told Frontline as much in the documentary “The Untouchables,” which aired in January.


    • RonMamita says:

      Europe Demands Banks Hand Over Their Lunch Money Following Swiss Franc Libor Rigging

      …And don’t do it again!

      Having confirmed that RBS, UBS, JPMorgan,,and Credit Suisse operated a cartell to manipulate bid-ask spreads of Swiss Franc libor, the European Commission has unleashed unmerciless vengeance on these law-breaking institutions:
      [here comes the weak slap]
      JPMorgan fined EUR 72.2 Million, UBS fined EUR 12.7 Million, Credit Suisse fined EUR 9.17 Million, & RBS Nothing (for whistle-blowing).

      The commission found that these four entities ‘influenced’ interest rate derivatives prices between March 2008 and July 2009 – probably the most volatile and price-sensitive period of American financial history.. and they get fined “an hour’s pay?”

      Nothing ever changes…


  2. RonMamita says:

    Quantitative Easing is Hyper-inflating The Currency Supply

    Neither the USFed nor their Wall Street partners ever refer to QE’s capital destruction effect, because it contradicts their stimulus argument and false message.
    Theirs is pure propaganda in keeping with the urgent directive to save the banks that are too big to fail.
    These are the financial crime centers of America. -PhD. Jim Willie

    The pattern of central bank covering the debt is clear. The lesson is that central banks can apply paper patches to the failed banks, and buy more time, then repeat the process on the next failed bank event. No limit to their bank patches seems to be in force. The banker cabal can continue endlessly since their patches are based on paper solutions, fiat paper money spew, and they control the paper output. They are the masters of the House of Paper.
    The paper mache solutions can continue in a seemingly endless manner, but not in the Gold market.
    The intervention and suppression in the Gold market is finite. It requires Gold bullion, the physical ingot bars, in order to execute the perpetuated interference and alteration to this financial niche market.
    The manipulation is finite, and it is coming to an end.
    When the Shanghai shock comes, all the Paper Gold structures will fall, all the FOREX derivatives will collapse, all the control rooms will go into panic mode.
    Hidden was the biggest and most important to date, done in September 2008. The bailout was of Goldman Sachs, but made to look like a Lehman failure and AIG nationalization.

    Under the USGovt aegis, the venerable GSax was given 100 cents per dollar on derivative payouts, was redeemed in full on mortgage assets, and generally was placed first in line for all window functions. It was the most clever bank bailout in history. The source of the derivative payouts was the usual funny money, where all trails lead to the USFed in its money creation. The good people of the United States talk about the favored 1% Elite, but they really have no idea who the bankers are, what they do, devices they use, controls they exert, or influence they peddle. If only they knew how Goldman and Citibank write Congressional legislation and tap markets for illicit tolls and skims. Their huge penalties and fines for criminal behavior are incorporated into their business models. Crime has a relatively small but growing part in its cost of doing business.

    Royal Bank of Scotland was another giant bailout following a failure, or near failure. The UKGovt took a 81% stake in the failed financial institution, not quite buying lock stock and barrel in its many wrecked business segments. The bailout was worth 46 billion British Pounds, completed in 2008 and 2009. It is all gone, all squandered, good (phony) money after bad. The good people of Britain have complained about horrendous treatment by the bank ever since. The RBS bank remains predatory, but protected by the government.


  3. RonMamita says:

    U.S. Government SECRETLY Preventing a Stock Market Collapse!

    Posted 23 Oct 2014
    U.S. Stocks Surge; Nasdaq Up 2.4%
    All the Markets Need Is $200 Billion a Quarter From the Central Bankers
    the Plunge Protection Team. Or call it the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, the official name given to the group when it was formed by President Ronald Reagan after the market turbulence of 1989.
    Executive Order 12631–Working Group on Financial Markets
    Doomsday Book
    McDonald’s Profit Down 30% On Sales Slump
    Coca-Cola Profit Declines 14%, Future Growth Plan Fails To Impress



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